Number of Malaria Deaths By Region, 2017

Updated on January 5, 2020.
Hover/Click on the bars to see the actual values.
Data Source: World Health Organization (WHO).

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that there were 435,000 deaths due to Malaria in 2017. It further estimated that 403,000 of these deaths occurred in Africa, which is approximately 93%. It is not much of a surprise that Africa took the lion share of the brunt of this killer disease since approximately 92% of the estimated 219 million malaria cases in 2017 occurred in Africa.

Europe recorded no malaria related deaths, which also shouldn't come as a surprise, since they recorded 0 malaria cases in 2017. The remaining regions had the following share of malaria deaths: South-East Asia - 19,700, Eastern Mediterranean - 8,300, Western Pacific - 3,620, and Americas - 630.