Household Income Distribution for Louisiana Cities and Places in 2021 (ACS-5Yrs)
Use the following links to see the household income distribution for the following Louisiana cities and places.
- Abbeville city
- Abita Springs town
- Addis town
- Albany town
- Alexandria city
- Ama CDP
- Amelia CDP
- Amite City town
- Anacoco village
- Angie village
- Arabi CDP
- Arcadia town
- Arnaudville town
- Ashland village
- Athens village
- Atlanta village
- Avondale CDP
- Baker city
- Baldwin town
- Ball town
- Banks Springs CDP
- Barataria CDP
- Basile town
- Baskin village
- Bastrop city
- Baton Rouge city
- Bawcomville CDP
- Bayou Blue CDP
- Bayou Cane CDP
- Bayou Corne CDP
- Bayou Country Club CDP
- Bayou Gauche CDP
- Bayou Goula CDP
- Bayou L'Ourse CDP
- Bayou Vista CDP
- Belcher village
- Belle Chasse CDP
- Belle Rose CDP
- Belmont CDP
- Benton town
- Bernice town
- Berwick town
- Bienville village
- Blanchard town
- Bogalusa city
- Bonita village
- Boothville CDP
- Bordelonville CDP
- Bossier City city
- Bourg CDP
- Boutte CDP
- Boyce town
- Branch CDP
- Breaux Bridge city
- Bridge City CDP
- Broussard city
- Brownfields CDP
- Brownsville CDP
- Brusly town
- Bryceland village
- Bunkie city
- Buras CDP
- Cade CDP
- Calhoun CDP
- Calvin village
- Cameron CDP
- Campti town
- Cankton village
- Carencro city
- Carlyss CDP
- Castor village
- Catahoula CDP
- Cecilia CDP
- Center Point CDP
- Centerville CDP
- Central city
- Chackbay CDP
- Chalmette CDP
- Charenton CDP
- Chataignier village
- Chatham town
- Chauvin CDP
- Cheneyville town
- Choctaw CDP
- Choudrant village
- Church Point town
- Claiborne CDP
- Clarence village
- Clarks village
- Clayton town
- Clinton town
- Colfax town
- Collinston village
- Columbia town
- Convent CDP
- Converse village
- Cottonport town
- Cotton Valley town
- Coushatta town
- Covington city
- Creola village
- Crescent CDP
- Crowley city
- Cullen town
- Cut Off CDP
- Darrow CDP
- Delacroix CDP
- Delcambre town
- Delhi town
- Delta village
- Denham Springs city
- DeQuincy city
- DeRidder city
- Des Allemands CDP
- Destrehan CDP
- Deville CDP
- Dixie Inn village
- Dodson village
- Donaldsonville city
- Dorseyville CDP
- Downsville village
- Doyline village
- Dry Prong village
- Dubach town
- Dubberly village
- Dulac CDP
- Duson town
- East Hodge village
- Eastwood CDP
- Echo CDP
- Eden Isle CDP
- Edgard CDP
- Edgefield village
- Egan CDP
- Elizabeth village
- Elmwood CDP
- Elton town
- Empire CDP
- Epps village
- Erath town
- Eros town
- Erwinville CDP
- Estelle CDP
- Estherwood village
- Eunice city
- Evergreen town
- Farmerville town
- Fenton village
- Ferriday town
- Fifth Ward CDP
- Fisher village
- Florien village
- Folsom village
- Fordoche town
- Forest village
- Forest Hill village
- Fort Jesup CDP
- Fort Polk North CDP
- Fort Polk South CDP
- Franklin city
- Franklinton town
- French Settlement village
- Frierson CDP
- Galliano CDP
- Gardere CDP
- Garyville CDP
- Georgetown village
- Gibsland town
- Gilbert village
- Gilliam village
- Gillis CDP
- Glencoe CDP
- Glenmora town
- Gloster CDP
- Golden Meadow town
- Goldonna village
- Gonzales city
- Good Pine CDP
- Grambling city
- Gramercy town
- Grand Cane village
- Grand Coteau town
- Grand Isle town
- Grand Point CDP
- Gray CDP
- Grayson village
- Greensburg town
- Greenwood town
- Gretna city
- Grosse Tete village
- Gueydan town
- Hackberry CDP
- Hahnville CDP
- Hall Summit village
- Hammond city
- Harahan city
- Harrisonburg village
- Harvey CDP
- Haughton town
- Hayes CDP
- Haynesville town
- Heflin village
- Henderson town
- Hessmer village
- Hester CDP
- Hodge village
- Homer town
- Hornbeck town
- Hosston village
- Houma city
- Ida village
- Independence town
- Inniswold CDP
- Iota town
- Iowa town
- Jackson town
- Jamestown village
- Jeanerette city
- Jean Lafitte town
- Jefferson CDP
- Jena town
- Jennings city
- Jonesboro town
- Jonesville town
- Jordan Hill CDP
- Joyce CDP
- Junction City village
- Kaplan city
- Keachi town
- Kenner city
- Kentwood town
- Kilbourne village
- Killian town
- Killona CDP
- Kinder town
- Kraemer CDP
- Krotz Springs town
- Labadieville CDP
- Lacassine CDP
- Lacombe CDP
- Lafayette city
- Lafitte CDP
- Lafourche Crossing CDP
- Lake Arthur town
- Lake Charles city
- Lake Providence town
- Lakeshore CDP
- Lakeview CDP
- Laplace CDP
- Larose CDP
- Lawtell CDP
- Lecompte town
- Leesville city
- Lemannville CDP
- Leonville town
- Lewisburg CDP
- Lillie village
- Lisbon village
- Livingston town
- Livonia town
- Lockport town
- Lockport Heights CDP
- Logansport town
- Longstreet village
- Longville CDP
- Loreauville village
- Lucky village
- Luling CDP
- Lutcher town
- Lydia CDP
- McNary village
- Madisonville town
- Mamou town
- Mandeville city
- Mangham town
- Mansfield city
- Mansura town
- Many town
- Maringouin town
- Marion town
- Marksville city
- Marrero CDP
- Marthaville CDP
- Martin village
- Mathews CDP
- Maurice village
- Melville town
- Meraux CDP
- Mermentau village
- Mer Rouge village
- Merrydale CDP
- Merryville town
- Metairie CDP
- Midland CDP
- Midway CDP
- Milton CDP
- Minden city
- Minorca CDP
- Monroe city
- Montegut CDP
- Monterey CDP
- Montgomery town
- Monticello CDP
- Montpelier village
- Montz CDP
- Moonshine CDP
- Mooringsport town
- Moreauville village
- Morgan City city
- Morganza village
- Morrow CDP
- Morse village
- Moss Bluff CDP
- Mound village
- Mount Lebanon town
- Napoleonville village
- Natalbany CDP
- Natchez village
- Natchitoches city
- Newellton town
- New Iberia city
- New Llano town
- New Orleans city
- New Orleans Station CDP
- New Roads city
- New Sarpy CDP
- Noble village
- Norco CDP
- North Hodge village
- North Vacherie CDP
- Norwood village
- Oakdale city
- Oak Grove town
- Oak Hills Place CDP
- Oak Ridge village
- Oberlin town
- Oil City town
- Old Jefferson CDP
- Olla town
- Opelousas city
- Oretta CDP
- Ossun CDP
- Paincourtville CDP
- Palmetto village
- Paradis CDP
- Parks village
- Patterson city
- Paulina CDP
- Pearl River town
- Perry CDP
- Pierre Part CDP
- Pine Prairie village
- Pineville city
- Pioneer village
- Pitkin CDP
- Plain Dealing town
- Plaquemine city
- Plaucheville village
- Pleasant Hill village
- Pleasure Bend CDP
- Pointe a la Hache CDP
- Point Place CDP
- Pollock town
- Ponchatoula city
- Port Allen city
- Port Barre town
- Port Sulphur CDP
- Port Vincent village
- Powhatan village
- Poydras CDP
- Prairieville CDP
- Presquille CDP
- Prien CDP
- Prospect CDP
- Provencal village
- Quitman village
- Raceland CDP
- Rayne city
- Rayville town
- Red Chute CDP
- Reddell CDP
- Reeves village
- Reserve CDP
- Richmond village
- Richwood town
- Ridgecrest town
- Ringgold town
- Rio CDP
- River Ridge CDP
- Roanoke CDP
- Robeline village
- Rock Hill CDP
- Rodessa village
- Romeville CDP
- Rosedale village
- Roseland town
- Rosepine town
- Ruston city
- St. Francisville town
- St. Gabriel city
- St. James CDP
- St. Joseph town
- St. Martinville city
- St. Maurice CDP
- St. Rose CDP
- Saline village
- Sarepta town
- Schriever CDP
- Scott city
- Shenandoah CDP
- Shongaloo village
- Shreveport city
- Sibley town
- Sicily Island village
- Sikes village
- Simmesport town
- Simpson village
- Simsboro village
- Singer CDP
- Siracusaville CDP
- Slaughter town
- Slidell city
- Sorrel CDP
- Sorrento town
- South Mansfield village
- South Vacherie CDP
- Spearsville village
- Spokane CDP
- Springfield town
- Springhill city
- Stanley village
- Starks CDP
- Start CDP
- Sterlington town
- Stonewall town
- Sugartown CDP
- Sulphur city
- Sun village
- Sunset town
- Supreme CDP
- Swartz CDP
- Taft CDP
- Tallulah city
- Tangipahoa village
- Terrytown CDP
- Thibodaux city
- Tickfaw village
- Timberlane CDP
- Triumph CDP
- Trout CDP
- Tullos town
- Turkey Creek village
- Union CDP
- Urania town
- Varnado village
- Venice CDP
- Ventress CDP
- Vidalia town
- Vienna town
- Vienna Bend CDP
- Village St. George CDP
- Ville Platte city
- Vinton town
- Violet CDP
- Vivian town
- Waggaman CDP
- Walker town
- Wallace CDP
- Wallace Ridge CDP
- Washington town
- Waterproof town
- Watson CDP
- Welcome CDP
- Welsh town
- Westlake city
- Westminster CDP
- West Monroe city
- Westwego city
- White Castle town
- Wilson village
- Winnfield city
- Winnsboro city
- Wisner town
- Woodmere CDP
- Woodworth town
- Youngsville city
- Zachary city
- Zwolle town