Ranking of Missouri Counties By the Median Household Income of the Black or African American Alone Racial Group in 2021 (ACS-5Yrs)
Based on the US Census ACS-5Yrs estimates, in 2021, the Median Household Income for the Black or African American Alone racial group in Missouri was $40,346. Among all Missouri counties, the Black or African American Alone racial group had the highest median household income in Andrew County ($101,667), followed by St. Charles County ($75,689), and Randolph County ($75,090). On the other hand, the Black or African American Alone racial group had the lowest median household income in the following 3 counties: Stoddard County ($17,500), Butler County ($17,740), and Buchanan County ($21,217).
The chart below shows the top 10 Missouri counties where the Black or African American Alone racial group had high median household income, and the table below shows the ranking of all Missouri counties.
You can see similar ranking for other racial and ethnicity groups in Missouri.
You can also see similar ranking of counties for other states as well as for the whole United States.
Rank | County | Median HH Income ($) |
1 | Andrew County | 101667 |
2 | St. Charles County | 75689 |
3 | Randolph County | 75090 |
4 | Warren County | 69817 |
5 | Clinton County | 68214 |
6 | Platte County | 65686 |
7 | Henry County | 58750 |
8 | Lafayette County | 57212 |
9 | Pulaski County | 53903 |
10 | Adair County | 53892 |
11 | Lewis County | 53304 |
12 | Cass County | 53030 |
13 | Taney County | 50094 |
14 | Jefferson County | 48536 |
15 | Clay County | 48186 |
16 | Cooper County | 47500 |
17 | St. Louis County | 46315 |
18 | Cole County | 45347 |
19 | Johnson County | 43092 |
20 | Macon County | 41500 |
21 | Ste. Genevieve County | 41321 |
22 | Howard County | 41250 |
23 | Saline County | 40000 |
24 | Boone County | 39044 |
25 | Jackson County | 38842 |
26 | Newton County | 38590 |
27 | Jasper County | 36507 |
28 | Bates County | 36167 |
29 | Greene County | 35422 |
30 | Camden County | 34583 |
31 | Pettis County | 33651 |
32 | Ray County | 32819 |
33 | Monroe County | 32500 |
34 | Pike County | 32422 |
35 | McDonald County | 31985 |
36 | Audrain County | 31940 |
37 | St. Louis city | 30947 |
38 | New Madrid County | 29773 |
39 | Cape Girardeau County | 29588 |
40 | Dunklin County | 28452 |
41 | Marion County | 27820 |
42 | Chariton County | 26875 |
43 | Franklin County | 26471 |
44 | St. Francois County | 25100 |
45 | Scott County | 23639 |
46 | Mississippi County | 22500 |
47 | Pemiscot County | 22043 |
48 | Buchanan County | 21217 |
49 | Butler County | 17740 |
50 | Stoddard County | 17500 |