United States Median Weekly Earnings By Race and Ethnicity of Full-Time Workers in Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Aged 16yrs+
Updated on January 20, 2023.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2022, the median weekly earnings (without seasonal adjustment) of full-time working Blacks aged 16 years and over in the United States who work in life, physical, and social science occupations, was $1,210; that of Whites in the same age group and occupation group was $1,452, and that of Asians in the same age group and occupation group was $1,843. Also, the median weekly earnings of Hispanics or Latinos, of all racial backgrounds, in the same age group and occupation group was $1,488.

In more simple terms, the median weekly earnings of Black workers who work in life, physical, and social science occupations was 83.3% of that of their White colleagues, and 65.7% of that of their Asian colleagues who also work in life, physical, and social science occupations. In the same vein, the median weekly earnings of White workers who work in life, physical, and social science occupations was 78.8% of that of their Asian colleagues in life, physical, and social science occupations.

A closer look at the median weekly earnings of full-time U.S. workers who work in life, physical, and social science occupations in 2022 by race, hispanic or latino ethnicity, and gender, also reveals the following rankings:

  1. Asian Men: $1,914
  2. Asian Women: $1,739
  3. Hispanic or Latino Women: $1,513
  4. White Men: $1,504
  5. White Women: $1,414
  6. Hispanic or Latino Men: $1,401
  7. Black Women: $1,256
  8. Black Men: $1,186

The charts and tables below shows the historical median weekly earnings by race and hispanic or latino ethnicity as well as by gender (without seasonal adjustment), for full-time U.S. workers who work in life, physical, and social science occupations from 2015 to 2022.

You may also be interested in similar data for several other occupation groups here.

Note: The data for Hispanics or Latinos refers to hispanics or latinos of all racial backgrounds.

U.S. Median Weekly Earnings By Race and Ethnicity of Full-Time Workers in Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Aged 16yrs+ ($)
Hispanic or Latino
U.S. Median Weekly Earnings By Race, Ethnicity, and Gender of Full-Time Workers in Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Aged 16yrs+ ($)
Black Men
Black Women
White Men
White Women
Asian Men
Asian Women
Hispanic or Latino Men
Hispanic or Latino Women
U.S. Median Weekly Earnings By Race and Ethnicity of Full-Time Workers Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Aged 16yrs+ ($)
Items per page:
0 of 0
Year Black ($) White ($) Asian ($) Hispanic ($)
2015 1149 1211 1327 1057
2016 1024 1226 1352 1010
2017 1035 1283 1449 1161
2018 1062 1296 1328 1043
2019 1236 1311 1546 1142
2020 1188 1334 1426 1338
2021 1142 1407 1852 1118
2022 1210 1452 1843 1488
U.S. Men Median Weekly Earnings By Race and Ethnicity of Full-Time Workers in Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Aged 16yrs+ ($)
Items per page:
0 of 0
Year Black Men ($) White Men($) Asian Men ($) Hispanic Men ($)
2015 1151 1366 1757 1072
2016 1276 1279 1542 1032
2017 1405 1337 1488 1168
2018 1223 1366 1372 1337
2019 1152 1437 1627 1181
2020 1008 1455 1644 1404
2021 1165 1491 2295 1089
2022 1186 1504 1914 1401
U.S. Women Median Weekly Earnings By Race and Ethnicity of Full-Time Workers in Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Aged 16yrs+ ($)
Items per page:
0 of 0
Year Black Women ($) White Women($) Asian Women ($) Hispanic Women ($)
2015 1148 1053 1089 1046
2016 933 1146 1135 995
2017 899 1205 1403 1134
2018 965 1172 1193 861
2019 1271 1220 1365 1083
2020 1574 1190 1263 1230
2021 1069 1343 1463 1146
2022 1256 1414 1739 1513

U.S. Median Weekly Earnings By Race and Ethnicity for Other Occupation Groups

See also the median weekly earnings by race and ethnicity for the following occupation groups in the United States, or use similar links here. You can also see the median weekly earnings by gender of many occupation groups, as well as many specific occupations.