Number of
Private Business Establishments
in Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV MSA for Different Industries
Use the links below to see the number of private business establishments in Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV MSA for the following industries.
You can also see similar list for other types of business establishments: Total Covered, Federal Government, State Government, and Local Government.
- Total, all industries
- Goods-producing
- Natural resources and mining
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Service-providing
- Trade, transportation, and utilities
- Information
- Financial activities
- Professional and business services
- Education and health services
- Leisure and hospitality
- Other services
- Unclassified
- Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
- Crop production
- Oilseed and grain farming
- Vegetable and melon farming
- Fruit and tree nut farming
- Greenhouse and nursery production
- Other crop farming
- Animal production and aquaculture
- Cattle ranching and farming
- Hog and pig farming
- Poultry and egg production
- Sheep and goat farming
- Aquaculture
- Other animal production
- Forestry and logging
- Timber tract operations
- Forest nursery and gathering forest products
- Logging
- Fishing, hunting and trapping
- Fishing
- Hunting and trapping
- Agriculture and forestry support activities
- Support activities for crop production
- Support activities for animal production
- Support activities for forestry
- Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
- Oil and gas extraction
- Mining, except oil and gas
- Coal mining
- Metal ore mining
- Nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying
- Support activities for mining
- Utilities
- Power generation and supply
- Natural gas distribution
- Water, sewage and other systems
- Construction of buildings
- Residential building construction
- Nonresidential building construction
- Heavy and civil engineering construction
- Utility system construction
- Land subdivision
- Highway, street, and bridge construction
- Other heavy construction
- Specialty trade contractors
- Building foundation and exterior contractors
- Building equipment contractors
- Building finishing contractors
- Other specialty trade contractors
- Food manufacturing
- Animal food manufacturing
- Grain and oilseed milling
- Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing
- Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty
- Dairy product manufacturing
- Animal slaughtering and processing
- Seafood product preparation and packaging
- Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing
- Other food manufacturing
- Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
- Beverage manufacturing
- Tobacco manufacturing
- Textile mills
- Fiber, yarn, and thread mills
- Fabric mills
- Textile and fabric finishing mills
- Textile product mills
- Textile furnishings mills
- Other textile product mills
- Apparel manufacturing
- Cut and sew apparel manufacturing
- Accessories and other apparel manufacturing
- Leather and allied product manufacturing
- Footwear manufacturing
- Other leather product manufacturing
- Wood product manufacturing
- Sawmills and wood preservation
- Plywood and engineered wood product mfg.
- Other wood product manufacturing
- Paper manufacturing
- Pulp, paper, and paperboard mills
- Converted paper product manufacturing
- Printing and related support activities
- Petroleum and coal products manufacturing
- Chemical manufacturing
- Basic chemical manufacturing
- Resin, rubber, and artificial fibers mfg.
- Agricultural chemical manufacturing
- Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
- Paint, coating, and adhesive manufacturing
- Soap, cleaning compound, and toiletry mfg.
- Other chemical product and preparation mfg.
- Plastics and rubber products manufacturing
- Plastics product manufacturing
- Rubber product manufacturing
- Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing
- Clay product and refractory manufacturing
- Glass and glass product manufacturing
- Cement and concrete product manufacturing
- Lime and gypsum product manufacturing
- Other nonmetallic mineral products
- Primary metal manufacturing
- Iron and steel mills and ferroalloy mfg.
- Steel product mfg. from purchased steel
- Alumina and aluminum production
- Other nonferrous metal production
- Foundries
- Fabricated metal product manufacturing
- Forging and stamping
- Cutlery and handtool manufacturing
- Architectural and structural metals mfg.
- Boiler, tank, and shipping container mfg.
- Hardware manufacturing
- Spring and wire product manufacturing
- Machine shops and threaded product mfg.
- Coating, engraving, and heat treating metals
- Other fabricated metal product manufacturing
- Machinery manufacturing
- Ag., construction, and mining machinery mfg.
- Industrial machinery manufacturing
- Commercial and service industry machinery
- Hvac and commercial refrigeration equipment
- Metalworking machinery manufacturing
- Turbine and power transmission equipment mfg.
- Other general purpose machinery manufacturing
- Computer and electronic product manufacturing
- Computer and peripheral equipment mfg.
- Communications equipment manufacturing
- Audio and video equipment manufacturing
- Semiconductor and electronic component mfg.
- Electronic instrument manufacturing
- Magnetic media manufacturing and reproducing
- Electrical equipment and appliance mfg.
- Electric lighting equipment manufacturing
- Household appliance manufacturing
- Electrical equipment manufacturing
- Other electrical equipment and component mfg.
- Transportation equipment manufacturing
- Motor vehicle manufacturing
- Motor vehicle body and trailer manufacturing
- Motor vehicle parts manufacturing
- Aerospace product and parts manufacturing
- Railroad rolling stock manufacturing
- Ship and boat building
- Other transportation equipment manufacturing
- Furniture and related product manufacturing
- Household and institutional furniture mfg.
- Office furniture and fixtures manufacturing
- Other furniture related product manufacturing
- Miscellaneous manufacturing
- Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing
- Other miscellaneous manufacturing
- Wholesale trade
- Merchant wholesalers, durable goods
- Motor vehicle and parts merchant wholesalers
- Furniture and furnishing merchant wholesalers
- Lumber and const. supply merchant wholesalers
- Commercial equip. merchant wholesalers
- Metal and mineral merchant wholesalers
- Appliance and electric goods merchant whls.
- Hardware and plumbing merchant wholesalers
- Machinery and supply merchant wholesalers
- Misc. durable goods merchant wholesalers
- Merchant wholesalers, nondurable goods
- Paper and paper product merchant wholesalers
- Druggists' goods merchant wholesalers
- Apparel and piece goods merchant wholesalers
- Grocery and related product wholesalers
- Farm product raw material merch. whls.
- Chemical merchant wholesalers
- Petroleum merchant wholesalers
- Alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers
- Misc. nondurable goods merchant wholesalers
- Electronic markets and agents and brokers
- Motor vehicle and parts dealers
- Automobile dealers
- Other motor vehicle dealers
- Auto parts, accessories, and tire stores
- Furniture and home furnishings stores
- Furniture stores
- Home furnishings stores
- Electronics and appliance stores
- Building material and garden supply stores
- Building material and supplies dealers
- Lawn and garden equipment and supplies stores
- Food and beverage stores
- Grocery stores
- Specialty food stores
- Beer, wine, and liquor stores
- Health and personal care stores
- Gasoline stations
- Clothing and clothing accessories stores
- Clothing stores
- Shoe stores
- Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores
- Sports, hobby, music instrument, book stores
- Sporting goods and musical instrument stores
- Book stores and news dealers
- General merchandise stores
- Department stores
- General merchandise stores, including warehouse clubs and supercenters
- Miscellaneous store retailers
- Florists
- Office supplies, stationery, and gift stores
- Used merchandise stores
- Other miscellaneous store retailers
- Nonstore retailers
- Electronic shopping and mail-order houses
- Vending machine operators
- Direct selling establishments
- Air transportation
- Scheduled air transportation
- Nonscheduled air transportation
- Rail transportation
- Water transportation
- Sea, coastal, and great lakes transportation
- Inland water transportation
- Truck transportation
- General freight trucking
- Specialized freight trucking
- Transit and ground passenger transportation
- Urban transit systems
- Interurban and rural bus transportation
- Taxi and limousine service
- School and employee bus transportation
- Charter bus industry
- Other ground passenger transportation
- Pipeline transportation
- Pipeline transportation of crude oil
- Pipeline transportation of natural gas
- Other pipeline transportation
- Scenic and sightseeing transportation
- Scenic and sightseeing transportation, land
- Scenic and sightseeing transportation, water
- Scenic and sightseeing transportation, other
- Support activities for transportation
- Support activities for air transportation
- Support activities for rail transportation
- Support activities for water transportation
- Support activities for road transportation
- Freight transportation arrangement
- Other support activities for transportation
- Postal service
- Couriers and messengers
- Couriers and express delivery services
- Local messengers and local delivery
- Warehousing and storage
- Publishing industries, except internet
- Newspaper, book, and directory publishers
- Software publishers
- Motion picture and sound recording industries
- Motion picture and video industries
- Sound recording industries
- Broadcasting, except internet
- Radio and television broadcasting
- Cable and other subscription programming
- Telecommunications
- Wired and wireless telecommunications carriers
- Satellite telecommunications
- Other telecommunications
- Data processing, hosting and related services
- Other information services
- Finance and insurance
- Monetary authorities - central bank
- Credit intermediation and related activities
- Depository credit intermediation
- Nondepository credit intermediation
- Activities related to credit intermediation
- Securities, commodity contracts, investments
- Securities and commodity contracts brokerage
- Securities and commodity exchanges
- Other financial investment activities
- Insurance carriers and related activities
- Insurance carriers
- Insurance agencies and brokerages
- Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles
- Insurance and employee benefit funds
- Other investment pools and funds
- Real estate and rental and leasing
- Real estate
- Lessors of real estate
- Offices of real estate agents and brokers
- Activities related to real estate
- Rental and leasing services
- Automotive equipment rental and leasing
- Consumer goods rental
- General rental centers
- Machinery and equipment rental and leasing
- Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets
- Professional and technical services
- Legal services
- Accounting and bookkeeping services
- Architectural and engineering services
- Specialized design services
- Computer systems design and related services
- Management and technical consulting services
- Scientific research and development services
- Advertising, pr, and related services
- Other professional and technical services
- Management of companies and enterprises
- Administrative and waste services
- Administrative and support services
- Office administrative services
- Facilities support services
- Employment services
- Business support services
- Travel arrangement and reservation services
- Investigation and security services
- Services to buildings and dwellings
- Other support services
- Waste management and remediation services
- Waste collection
- Waste treatment and disposal
- Remediation and other waste services
- Educational services
- Elementary and secondary schools
- Junior colleges
- Colleges and universities
- Business, computer and management training
- Technical and trade schools
- Other schools and instruction
- Educational support services
- Health care and social assistance
- Ambulatory health care services
- Offices of physicians
- Offices of dentists
- Offices of other health practitioners
- Outpatient care centers
- Medical and diagnostic laboratories
- Home health care services
- Other ambulatory health care services
- Hospitals
- General medical and surgical hospitals
- Psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals
- Other hospitals
- Nursing and residential care facilities
- Nursing care facilities, skilled nursing
- Residential mental health facilities
- Continuing care, assisted living facilities
- Other residential care facilities
- Social assistance
- Individual and family services
- Emergency and other relief services
- Vocational rehabilitation services
- Child day care services
- Arts, entertainment, and recreation
- Performing arts and spectator sports
- Performing arts companies
- Spectator sports
- Promoters of performing arts and sports
- Agents and managers for public figures
- Independent artists, writers, and performers
- Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks
- Amusements, gambling, and recreation
- Amusement parks and arcades
- Gambling industries
- Other amusement and recreation industries
- Accommodation and food services
- Accommodation
- Traveler accommodation
- Rv parks and recreational camps
- Rooming and boarding houses
- Food services and drinking places
- Special food services
- Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
- Restaurants and other eating places
- Other services, except public administration
- Repair and maintenance
- Automotive repair and maintenance
- Electronic equipment repair and maintenance
- Commercial machinery repair and maintenance
- Household goods repair and maintenance
- Personal and laundry services
- Personal care services
- Death care services
- Drycleaning and laundry services
- Other personal services
- Membership associations and organizations
- Religious organizations
- Grantmaking and giving services
- Social advocacy organizations
- Civic and social organizations
- Professional and similar organizations
- Private households