San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA MSA Payroll Employment for the Private Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing Industry
Updated on August 10, 2022.

According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in December 2021, the number of payroll employment in San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA MSA for was 8,002. The number of jobs added in December 2021 was 70.

Interact with the first chart below to see the number of payroll employment, and with the second chart to see the number of jobs added from January 2015 to December 2021. This information can also be found in the table below.

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San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA MSA Payroll Employment for the Private Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing Industry
San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA MSA Number of Jobs Added to the Private Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing Industry
San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA MSA Payroll Employment for the Private Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing Industry
Items per page:
1 – 10 of 84
Month Number of Payrolls Jobs Added
January 2015 5350
February 2015 5368 18
March 2015 5433 65
April 2015 5378 -55
May 2015 5522 144
June 2015 5526 4
July 2015 5508 -18
August 2015 5474 -34
September 2015 5513 39
October 2015 5595 82
November 2015 5454 -141
December 2015 5503 49
January 2016 5532 29
February 2016 5541 9
March 2016 5536 -5
April 2016 5502 -34
May 2016 5512 10
June 2016 5568 56
July 2016 5643 75
August 2016 5653 10
September 2016 5645 -8
October 2016 5627 -18
November 2016 5624 -3
December 2016 5690 66
January 2017 5447 -243
February 2017 5462 15
March 2017 5464 2
April 2017 5516 52
May 2017 5541 25
June 2017 5571 30
July 2017 5600 29
August 2017 5612 12
September 2017 5585 -27
October 2017 5649 64
November 2017 5678 29
December 2017 5744 66
January 2018 5765 21
February 2018 5768 3
March 2018 5781 13
April 2018 5865 84
May 2018 5958 93
June 2018 6021 63
July 2018 6001 -20
August 2018 6059 58
September 2018 6032 -27
October 2018 6120 88
November 2018 6196 76
December 2018 6250 54
January 2019 7558 1308
February 2019 7607 49
March 2019 7673 66
April 2019 7730 57
May 2019 7865 135
June 2019 7962 97
July 2019 8011 49
August 2019 8093 82
September 2019 8051 -42
October 2019 8012 -39
November 2019 8194 182
December 2019 8391 197
January 2020 8486 95
February 2020 8562 76
March 2020 8593 31
April 2020 8190 -403
May 2020 8200 10
June 2020 8298 98
July 2020 8354 56
August 2020 8483 129
September 2020 8502 19
October 2020 8598 96
November 2020 8632 34
December 2020 8701 69
January 2021 8541 -160
February 2021 8552 11
March 2021 8613 61
April 2021 8146 -467
May 2021 8086 -60
June 2021 8071 -15
July 2021 7980 -91
August 2021 7943 -37
September 2021 7875 -68
October 2021 8025 150
November 2021 8072 47
December 2021 8002 -70