Missouri Payroll Employment By County for All Business Establishments in January, 2020
Updated on January 9, 2024.

According to recent data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in January, 2020, Missouri added 2,569,286 number of jobs to all business establishments. Among Missouri counties, Sullivan added the highest number of jobs (40), followed by Howard (24), and Shelby (3).

Interact with the charts below to see for each county, the number of payroll employment, and the number of jobs added in January, 2020. This information can also be found in a table below.

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Related Topics: Missouri BLS Topic List.
See this for other months:
Missouri Payroll Employment By County for All Business Establishments in January, 2020
Missouri Jobs added By County All Business Establishments in January, 2020
Missouri Payroll Employment By County for All Business Establishments in January, 2020
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Number of Employment Jobs Added
Adair 9837 -176
Andrew 2454 -227
Atchison 1664 -48
Audrain 8717 -185
Barry 14422 -186
Barton 3209 -31
Bates 3619 -31
Benton 3374 -87
Bollinger 1822 -16
Boone 92860 -3049
Buchanan 46489 -1071
Butler 17947 -465
Caldwell 1845 -37
Callaway 14378 -424
Camden 15044 -418
Cape Girardeau 41098 -1039
Carroll 2474 -77
Carter 1446 -82
Cass 26795 -713
Cedar 3062 -169
Chariton 1860 -105
Christian 17540 -603
Clark 1406 -20
Clay 104173 -1442
Clinton 3998 -127
Cole 53057 -1051
Cooper 4771 -143
Crawford 6610 -90
Dade 1671 -45
Dallas 2482 -12
Daviess 1553 -75
DeKalb 2797 -82
Dent 3910 -36
Douglas 2321 -84
Dunklin 8682 -268
Franklin 38649 -1316
Gasconade 5182 -212
Gentry 2159 -43
Greene 169078 -3412
Grundy 3002 -83
Harrison 2437 -61
Henry 7127 -206
Hickory 1215 -36
Holt 1187 -56
Howard 2565 24
Howell 15297 -240
Iron 3349 -66
Jackson 373125 -4756
Jasper 56416 -2833
Jefferson 47086 -1295
Johnson 15641 -483
Knox 921 -37
Laclede 13491 -229
Lafayette 8494 -192
Lawrence 8480 -551
Lewis 2502 -109
Lincoln 11727 -230
Linn 3789 -104
Livingston 6164 -196
McDonald 6711 -152
Macon 4969 -103
Madison 3687 -49
Maries 1230 -56
Marion 13063 -679
Mercer 1690 -33
Miller 6991 -217
Mississippi 3483 -92
Moniteau 4195 -121
Monroe 1686 -44
Montgomery 2945 -41
Morgan 4182 -136
New Madrid 7423 -236
Newton 20209 -407
Nodaway 7782 -371
Oregon 2230 -98
Osage 4064 -22
Ozark 1402 -47
Pemiscot 5250 -230
Perry 9390 -120
Pettis 19355 -406
Phelps 18163 -302
Pike 5164 -227
Platte 47624 -1175
Polk 8480 -169
Pulaski 13013 -64
Putnam 894 -32
Ralls 3363 -103
Randolph 9199 -327
Ray 4013 -120
Reynolds 1845 -69
Ripley 2656 -57
St. Charles 151247 -5979
St. Clair 1523 -90
Ste. Genevieve 5509 -163
St. Francois 22907 -550
St. Louis 604636 -13774
Saline 8853 -140
Schuyler 544 -39
Scotland 1144 -35
Scott 15414 -158
Shannon 1409 -26
Shelby 1806 3
Stoddard 10153 -169
Stone 6365 -257
Sullivan 2473 40
Taney 25078 -4084
Texas 5425 -51
Vernon 6743 -95
Warren 7499 -209
Washington 4870 -47
Wayne 2358 -62
Webster 7822 -61
Worth 355 -9
Wright 3943 -65
St. Louis city 226887 -3795