Missouri Payroll Employment By County for All Business Establishments in April, 2020
Updated on January 9, 2024.

According to recent data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in April, 2020, Missouri added -304,975 number of jobs to all business establishments. Among Missouri counties, St. Clair added the highest number of jobs (45), followed by Mississippi (3), and Douglas (-6).

Interact with the charts below to see for each county, the number of payroll employment, and the number of jobs added in April, 2020. This information can also be found in a table below.

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Related Topics: Missouri BLS Topic List.
See this for other months:
Missouri Payroll Employment By County for All Business Establishments in April, 2020
Missouri Jobs added By County All Business Establishments in April, 2020
Missouri Payroll Employment By County for All Business Establishments in April, 2020
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Number of Employment Jobs Added
Adair 8937 -940
Andrew 2369 -161
Atchison 1651 -64
Audrain 7526 -1033
Barry 13638 -882
Barton 2925 -265
Bates 3455 -134
Benton 3306 -146
Bollinger 1627 -195
Boone 83452 -11026
Buchanan 43048 -3268
Butler 16767 -1478
Caldwell 1824 -72
Callaway 13555 -1071
Camden 13355 -2264
Cape Girardeau 36735 -4608
Carroll 2221 -132
Carter 1387 -77
Cass 23833 -3060
Cedar 2945 -148
Chariton 1740 -177
Christian 16020 -1654
Clark 1300 -113
Clay 91522 -13357
Clinton 3809 -259
Cole 48828 -4210
Cooper 4486 -294
Crawford 6029 -506
Dade 1641 -50
Dallas 2325 -168
Daviess 1567 -23
DeKalb 2769 -16
Dent 3803 -142
Douglas 2310 -6
Dunklin 8406 -248
Franklin 34453 -4131
Gasconade 4609 -503
Gentry 2091 -36
Greene 151674 -18137
Grundy 2868 -172
Harrison 2390 -63
Henry 6617 -498
Hickory 1144 -133
Holt 1224 -10
Howard 2405 -184
Howell 13927 -1310
Iron 3255 -164
Jackson 329233 -42229
Jasper 51950 -4626
Jefferson 42128 -5723
Johnson 14824 -1023
Knox 886 -13
Laclede 12108 -1575
Lafayette 7974 -554
Lawrence 7939 -585
Lewis 2311 -215
Lincoln 11198 -484
Linn 3472 -353
Livingston 5793 -431
McDonald 6792 -38
Macon 4581 -345
Madison 3264 -403
Maries 1199 -52
Marion 12009 -1136
Mercer 1674 -6
Miller 6132 -995
Mississippi 3412 3
Moniteau 4090 -148
Monroe 1640 -42
Montgomery 2765 -170
Morgan 3970 -345
New Madrid 7135 -230
Newton 18442 -2187
Nodaway 7171 -540
Oregon 2094 -143
Osage 3928 -138
Ozark 1395 -88
Pemiscot 4986 -263
Perry 7398 -1892
Pettis 17134 -2219
Phelps 16904 -1481
Pike 5127 -240
Platte 38616 -9252
Polk 8159 -408
Pulaski 12295 -921
Putnam 843 -60
Ralls 3299 -89
Randolph 8743 -653
Ray 3769 -277
Reynolds 1812 -50
Ripley 2528 -147
St. Charles 128697 -24810
St. Clair 1510 45
Ste. Genevieve 5189 -395
St. Francois 20818 -2040
St. Louis 529487 -72115
Saline 8238 -604
Schuyler 539 -22
Scotland 1085 -67
Scott 14475 -803
Shannon 1217 -220
Shelby 1746 -90
Stoddard 9216 -1024
Stone 5914 -545
Sullivan 2400 -91
Taney 18468 -8916
Texas 5154 -280
Vernon 6400 -301
Warren 7028 -483
Washington 4451 -470
Wayne 2298 -87
Webster 6847 -980
Worth 351 -23
Wright 3767 -154
St. Louis city 203502 -21789