Number of Malaria Cases By Region, 2017

Updated on January 4, 2020.
Hover/Click on the bars to see the actual values.
Data Source: World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the World Health Organization estimates, there were 219 million cases of malaria globally in 2017. An overwhelming majority, 200.5 million (92%) of these cases occured in Africa. The second dominant region for malaria cases was East-Asia - 11.3 million cases. Interestingly, Europe had 0 cases of Malaria. The remaining regions had the following number of malaria cases in 2017: Eastern Mediterranean - 4.4 million, Western Pacific - 1.9 million, and Americas - 976,000.

Some of the challenges that complicate malaria control include poverty, poor sanitation, weak health systems, and presence of counterfeit and sub-standard antimalarial drugs.