Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with American Ancestry in 2021

Updated on March 8, 2024.

Based on the US Census ACS-5Yrs estimates, in 2021, among all US cities and places, New York city, NY had the highest population with American ancestry (333.23K), followed by Los Angeles city, CA (152.19K), and Houston city, TX (76.87K).

The chart below shows the top 10 cities and places, and the table below shows the ranking of the top 200 cities and places.

You can see similar information for other ancestry groups in the US.

Related Topics: US Census 2021 Topic List.
Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with American Ancestry in 2021
New York city, NY
Los Angeles city, CA
Houston city, TX
Chicago city, IL
Montgomery city, AL
Dallas city, TX
Jacksonville city, FL
Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN
San Antonio city, TX
Phoenix city, AZ
Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with American Ancestry in 2021
Items per page:
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Rank City or Place Population
1 New York city, NY 333230
2 Los Angeles city, CA 152188
3 Houston city, TX 76868
4 Chicago city, IL 56855
5 Montgomery city, AL 54931
6 Dallas city, TX 54332
7 Jacksonville city, FL 53207
8 Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN 46527
9 San Antonio city, TX 45935
10 Phoenix city, AZ 44971
11 Indianapolis city (balance), IN 43531
12 Charlotte city, NC 41244
13 Louisville/Jefferson County metro government (balance), KY 41083
14 Philadelphia city, PA 39375
15 Raleigh city, NC 38749
16 Oklahoma City city, OK 38356
17 Fort Worth city, TX 37944
18 Virginia Beach city, VA 35762
19 Columbus city, OH 35724
20 Port St. Lucie city, FL 34860
21 Mesa city, AZ 32337
22 San Diego city, CA 32162
23 Charleston city, SC 31279
24 Anaheim city, CA 29688
25 Portland city, OR 29314
26 Austin city, TX 27419
27 Lexington-Fayette urban county, KY 26396
28 Detroit city, MI 25616
29 Tampa city, FL 24854
30 Memphis city, TN 24644
31 Cape Coral city, FL 23808
32 Atlanta city, GA 23773
33 Birmingham city, AL 23465
34 Chesapeake city, VA 22208
35 Tulsa city, OK 22181
36 St. Petersburg city, FL 21609
37 Huntsville city, AL 21413
38 San Francisco city, CA 21307
39 Kansas City city, MO 20526
40 Las Vegas city, NV 20438
41 Colorado Springs city, CO 19994
42 McKinney city, TX 19862
43 Plano city, TX 19297
44 Hollywood city, FL 18914
45 Wichita city, KS 18818
46 Albuquerque city, NM 18721
47 Denver city, CO 18709
48 San Jose city, CA 18564
49 Knoxville city, TN 17654
50 Pembroke Pines city, FL 17529
51 Newport News city, VA 16879
52 Orlando city, FL 16823
53 Baltimore city, MD 16614
54 Miramar city, FL 16519
55 Columbus city, GA 16515
56 Seattle city, WA 16496
57 Arlington city, TX 16315
58 Killeen city, TX 16285
59 Chattanooga city, TN 16073
60 Norfolk city, VA 15818
61 Tyler city, TX 15722
62 University CDP (Orange County), FL 15092
63 Orange city, CA 15076
64 Tucson city, AZ 14917
65 Lynchburg city, VA 14728
66 El Paso city, TX 14605
67 Boston city, MA 14582
68 Omaha city, NE 14507
69 Fort Wayne city, IN 14429
70 Shreveport city, LA 13968
71 Fort Lauderdale city, FL 13778
72 St. Louis city, MO 13376
73 Burleson city, TX 13248
74 Bakersfield city, CA 13165
75 Gastonia city, NC 12875
76 Fort Myers city, FL 12871
77 Greensboro city, NC 12869
78 Augusta-Richmond County consolidated government (balance), GA 12815
79 Lubbock city, TX 12450
80 Burbank city, CA 12390
81 Lehigh Acres CDP, FL 12249
82 Chandler city, AZ 12144
83 Toledo city, OH 12113
84 Oxnard city, CA 12081
85 Aurora city, CO 11987
86 Winston-Salem city, NC 11909
87 Scottsdale city, AZ 11865
88 Gilbert town, AZ 11790
89 Mount Pleasant town, SC 11778
90 Miami city, FL 11762
91 Macon-Bibb County, GA 11578
92 Fort Pierce city, FL 11435
93 Portsmouth city, VA 11216
94 Texarkana city, TX 11120
95 Baton Rouge city, LA 11086
96 Henderson city, NV 10975
97 Cincinnati city, OH 10928
98 Griffin city, GA 10926
99 Yonkers city, NY 10854
100 Reno city, NV 10818
101 Amarillo city, TX 10760
102 Newark city, NJ 10690
103 Springfield city, MO 10688
104 Goldsboro city, NC 10607
105 Little Rock city, AR 10595
106 Auburn city, AL 10470
107 Anchorage municipality, AK 10432
108 Kingsport city, TN 10382
109 Palm Bay city, FL 10375
110 Spokane city, WA 10329
111 Monsey CDP, NY 10297
112 Durham city, NC 10286
113 Richmond city, VA 10196
114 Boise City city, ID 10080
115 Lakewood CDP, NJ 10061
116 Lakeland city, FL 9955
117 Warner Robins city, GA 9953
118 Clarksville city, TN 9912
119 Miami Gardens city, FL 9898
120 Palm Coast city, FL 9890
121 Murfreesboro city, TN 9792
122 Johnson City city, TN 9729
123 Hialeah city, FL 9603
124 Mobile city, AL 9588
125 Lincoln city, NE 9561
126 Concord city, NC 9527
127 Riverside city, CA 9493
128 Sacramento city, CA 9276
129 Santa Ana city, CA 9232
130 Melbourne city, FL 9224
131 Dothan city, AL 9138
132 Fayetteville city, NC 9018
133 Pittsburgh city, PA 9008
134 Irving city, TX 8905
135 Columbia city, TN 8901
136 Long Beach city, CA 8875
137 Garden Grove city, CA 8861
138 North Port city, FL 8763
139 Garland city, TX 8729
140 Alafaya CDP, FL 8712
141 North Charleston city, SC 8660
142 New Orleans city, LA 8627
143 Tacoma city, WA 8602
144 Santa Clarita city, CA 8586
145 Port Charlotte CDP, FL 8566
146 Brandon CDP, FL 8562
147 Winter Haven city, FL 8525
148 Cleburne city, TX 8365
149 Cleveland city, OH 8295
150 Minneapolis city, MN 8112
151 Hampton city, VA 8088
152 Sarasota city, FL 8018
153 Sioux Falls city, SD 7997
154 Vancouver city, WA 7890
155 Cary town, NC 7884
156 Akron city, OH 7866
157 Jonesboro city, AR 7843
158 Clearwater city, FL 7822
159 Corpus Christi city, TX 7805
160 Hoover city, AL 7797
161 Nicholasville city, KY 7794
162 Germantown city, TN 7780
163 Frisco city, TX 7772
164 Largo city, FL 7761
165 Fresno city, CA 7759
166 Rock Hill city, SC 7748
167 Greenwood city, IN 7746
168 Milwaukee city, WI 7721
169 Mesquite city, TX 7712
170 Longview city, TX 7670
171 Arlington CDP, VA 7646
172 Oakland city, CA 7627
173 Warren city, OH 7596
174 Peoria city, AZ 7595
175 Columbia city, SC 7532
176 Owensboro city, KY 7520
177 Worcester city, MA 7442
178 Sunrise city, FL 7416
179 Stamford city, CT 7397
180 Apopka city, FL 7381
181 Sanford city, FL 7367
182 Rochester city, NY 7345
183 Moore city, OK 7326
184 Spring Hill CDP, FL 7316
185 Overland Park city, KS 7310
186 Decatur city, AL 7302
187 Lafayette city, LA 7244
188 Albertville city, AL 7220
189 Kiryas Joel village, NY 7179
190 Roanoke city, VA 7153
191 Lawton city, OK 7075
192 Taylor city, MI 7054
193 Glendale city, AZ 6890
194 Tallahassee city, FL 6869
195 Evansville city, IN 6852
196 Carrollton city, GA 6802
197 Collierville town, TN 6751
198 Jersey City city, NJ 6741
199 Kendall CDP, FL 6729
200 Des Moines city, IA 6702