Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with Irish Ancestry in 2021

Updated on March 8, 2024.

Based on the US Census ACS-5Yrs estimates, in 2021, among all US cities and places, New York city, NY had the highest population with Irish ancestry (386.02K), followed by Chicago city, IL (199.47K), and Philadelphia city, PA (158.21K).

The chart below shows the top 10 cities and places, and the table below shows the ranking of the top 200 cities and places.

You can see similar information for other ancestry groups in the US.

Related Topics: US Census 2021 Topic List.
Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with Irish Ancestry in 2021
New York city, NY
Chicago city, IL
Philadelphia city, PA
Los Angeles city, CA
Phoenix city, AZ
San Diego city, CA
Columbus city, OH
Boston city, MA
Houston city, TX
Seattle city, WA
Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with Irish Ancestry in 2021
Items per page:
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Rank City or Place Population
1 New York city, NY 386020
2 Chicago city, IL 199466
3 Philadelphia city, PA 158209
4 Los Angeles city, CA 141120
5 Phoenix city, AZ 118519
6 San Diego city, CA 98961
7 Columbus city, OH 91598
8 Boston city, MA 88138
9 Houston city, TX 80913
10 Seattle city, WA 79562
11 Austin city, TX 78088
12 Louisville/Jefferson County metro government (balance), KY 72771
13 Portland city, OR 72639
14 Indianapolis city (balance), IN 72064
15 Denver city, CO 71622
16 Jacksonville city, FL 71517
17 San Francisco city, CA 65759
18 Omaha city, NE 63204
19 San Antonio city, TX 62223
20 Charlotte city, NC 59342
21 Fort Worth city, TX 55372
22 Dallas city, TX 54298
23 Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN 53155
24 Oklahoma City city, OK 52242
25 Kansas City city, MO 50894
26 Colorado Springs city, CO 50423
27 Virginia Beach city, VA 49165
28 Las Vegas city, NV 46616
29 Minneapolis city, MN 44580
30 Tucson city, AZ 43469
31 Albuquerque city, NM 42489
32 Pittsburgh city, PA 41842
33 Mesa city, AZ 40974
34 San Jose city, CA 40432
35 Wichita city, KS 38002
36 Raleigh city, NC 37260
37 Tulsa city, OK 35932
38 Lexington-Fayette urban county, KY 35337
39 Baltimore city, MD 33625
40 Lincoln city, NE 33156
41 Milwaukee city, WI 32215
42 Cleveland city, OH 31999
43 Madison city, WI 31925
44 Buffalo city, NY 31110
45 St. Paul city, MN 31008
46 Spokane city, WA 30924
47 Henderson city, NV 30629
48 Sacramento city, CA 30607
49 St. Louis city, MO 29503
50 St. Petersburg city, FL 29135
51 Atlanta city, GA 29020
52 Scottsdale city, AZ 28978
53 Cincinnati city, OH 28915
54 Arlington CDP, VA 28730
55 Worcester city, MA 28642
56 Tampa city, FL 28461
57 Boise City city, ID 28051
58 Toledo city, OH 27944
59 Overland Park city, KS 27817
60 Aurora city, CO 27631
61 Reno city, NV 27574
62 Anchorage municipality, AK 27436
63 Des Moines city, IA 25392
64 Gilbert town, AZ 25378
65 Fort Wayne city, IN 24812
66 Memphis city, TN 24597
67 Fresno city, CA 24496
68 Chesapeake city, VA 23626
69 Eugene city, OR 23289
70 Long Beach city, CA 23115
71 Chandler city, AZ 22767
72 Quincy city, MA 22702
73 Naperville city, IL 22552
74 Oakland city, CA 22468
75 Cape Coral city, FL 22265
76 Manchester city, NH 22101
77 New Orleans city, LA 21898
78 Tacoma city, WA 21887
79 Peoria city, AZ 21823
80 Arlington city, TX 21672
81 Fort Collins city, CO 21599
82 Port St. Lucie city, FL 21063
83 Huntington Beach city, CA 21000
84 Warwick city, RI 20787
85 Sioux Falls city, SD 20623
86 Weymouth Town city, MA 20104
87 Akron city, OH 19986
88 Yonkers city, NY 19522
89 Toms River CDP, NJ 19308
90 Plano city, TX 19067
91 Knoxville city, TN 18959
92 Huntsville city, AL 18751
93 Lakewood city, CO 18684
94 Norfolk city, VA 18607
95 Cedar Rapids city, IA 18391
96 Scranton city, PA 18328
97 Vancouver city, WA 18322
98 Glendale city, AZ 18321
99 Durham city, NC 18037
100 Nashua city, NH 17786
101 Alexandria city, VA 17784
102 Santa Rosa city, CA 17650
103 Syracuse city, NY 17645
104 Olathe city, KS 17269
105 Bakersfield city, CA 17159
106 Orlando city, FL 17148
107 Lubbock city, TX 16831
108 Lowell city, MA 16819
109 El Paso city, TX 16585
110 Springfield city, MO 16465
111 Greensboro city, NC 16364
112 Salem city, OR 16253
113 Metairie CDP, LA 16187
114 Rochester city, NY 16049
115 Spring Valley CDP, NV 15977
116 Fort Lauderdale city, FL 15894
117 Winston-Salem city, NC 15893
118 Arvada city, CO 15869
119 Surprise city, AZ 15841
120 Richmond city, VA 15828
121 Grand Rapids city, MI 15825
122 Centennial city, CO 15600
123 Charleston city, SC 15575
124 Davenport city, IA 15542
125 Cary town, NC 15538
126 Joliet city, IL 15483
127 Irvine city, CA 15391
128 Santa Clarita city, CA 15376
129 Tempe city, AZ 15299
130 Riverside city, CA 15282
131 Chattanooga city, TN 15246
132 Modesto city, CA 15217
133 Independence city, MO 15191
134 Providence city, RI 15014
135 Tallahassee city, FL 14964
136 Columbia city, MO 14947
137 Haverhill city, MA 14850
138 Frisco city, TX 14816
139 Spring Hill CDP, FL 14737
140 Roseville city, CA 14717
141 O'Fallon city, MO 14630
142 Levittown CDP, PA 14532
143 Albany city, NY 14487
144 The Villages CDP, FL 14262
145 Highlands Ranch CDP, CO 14225
146 Corpus Christi city, TX 14212
147 Clarksville city, TN 14078
148 Lee's Summit city, MO 14062
149 Amarillo city, TX 13967
150 Westminster city, CO 13961
151 Billings city, MT 13944
152 Carlsbad city, CA 13872
153 Dayton city, OH 13797
154 Enterprise CDP, NV 13792
155 Clearwater city, FL 13741
156 Stamford city, CT 13739
157 Norman city, OK 13732
158 Fayetteville city, NC 13718
159 Salt Lake City city, UT 13683
160 Rockford city, IL 13612
161 Livonia city, MI 13596
162 Portland city, ME 13586
163 Oceanside city, CA 13430
164 McKinney city, TX 13339
165 Mobile city, AL 13259
166 Bend city, OR 13234
167 Cranston city, RI 13216
168 Jersey City city, NJ 13148
169 Thousand Oaks city, CA 13136
170 Evansville city, IN 13082
171 Springfield city, IL 13046
172 Aurora city, IL 13030
173 Murfreesboro city, TN 12962
174 Ann Arbor city, MI 12818
175 Gainesville city, FL 12806
176 Somerville city, MA 12720
177 Braintree Town city, MA 12627
178 Spokane Valley city, WA 12594
179 Little Rock city, AR 12582
180 Dubuque city, IA 12459
181 Thornton city, CO 12451
182 Peoria city, IL 12439
183 Garland city, TX 12426
184 Parma city, OH 12364
185 Carmel city, IN 12341
186 Bloomington city, IL 12258
187 Taunton city, MA 12225
188 Lawrence city, KS 12221
189 Springfield city, MA 12216
190 Rochester city, MN 12213
191 Mount Pleasant town, SC 12151
192 Boulder city, CO 12111
193 Lynn city, MA 12110
194 Cambridge city, MA 12045
195 Missoula city, MT 11989
196 Newport News city, VA 11985
197 Elk Grove city, CA 11983
198 Fishers city, IN 11963
199 Longmont city, CO 11926
200 Palm Bay city, FL 11914