Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with Other Groups Ancestry in 2021

Updated on March 8, 2024.

Based on the US Census ACS-5Yrs estimates, in 2021, among all US cities and places, New York city, NY had the highest population with Other Groups ancestry (4.39M), followed by Los Angeles city, CA (2.39M), and Chicago city, IL (1.53M).

The chart below shows the top 10 cities and places, and the table below shows the ranking of the top 200 cities and places.

You can see similar information for other ancestry groups in the US.

Related Topics: US Census 2021 Topic List.
Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with Other Groups Ancestry in 2021
New York city, NY
Los Angeles city, CA
Chicago city, IL
Houston city, TX
San Antonio city, TX
Dallas city, TX
Phoenix city, AZ
Philadelphia city, PA
San Diego city, CA
San Jose city, CA
Ranking of US Cities and Places By Population with Other Groups Ancestry in 2021
Items per page:
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Rank City or Place Population
1 New York city, NY 4389316
2 Los Angeles city, CA 2388994
3 Chicago city, IL 1525552
4 Houston city, TX 1494255
5 San Antonio city, TX 965267
6 Dallas city, TX 814661
7 Phoenix city, AZ 782828
8 Philadelphia city, PA 777824
9 San Diego city, CA 695201
10 San Jose city, CA 646274
11 El Paso city, TX 519707
12 Fort Worth city, TX 484056
13 Detroit city, MI 470105
14 San Francisco city, CA 454442
15 Charlotte city, NC 424456
16 Austin city, TX 417879
17 Memphis city, TN 410395
18 Jacksonville city, FL 371961
19 Fresno city, CA 349302
20 Miami city, FL 332395
21 Columbus city, OH 329956
22 Milwaukee city, WI 329527
23 Baltimore city, MD 328535
24 Indianapolis city (balance), IN 327422
25 Las Vegas city, NV 322306
26 Albuquerque city, NM 307998
27 Sacramento city, CA 306084
28 Long Beach city, CA 292615
29 Oklahoma City city, OK 291755
30 Denver city, CO 275175
31 Tucson city, AZ 267850
32 Boston city, MA 260345
33 Urban Honolulu CDP, HI 258205
34 Bakersfield city, CA 252591
35 Atlanta city, GA 248389
36 Seattle city, WA 247448
37 Oakland city, CA 247301
38 Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN 246667
39 Laredo city, TX 221034
40 Stockton city, CA 218978
41 New Orleans city, LA 215858
42 Corpus Christi city, TX 211927
43 Cleveland city, OH 210352
44 Riverside city, CA 204329
45 Arlington city, TX 201387
46 Portland city, OR 201061
47 Chula Vista city, CA 197147
48 Kansas City city, MO 195104
49 Newark city, NJ 194789
50 Hialeah city, FL 191149
51 Raleigh city, NC 190182
52 Louisville/Jefferson County metro government (balance), KY 189752
53 Anaheim city, CA 189433
54 Santa Ana city, CA 188699
55 Mesa city, AZ 187879
56 Tulsa city, OK 179019
57 Tampa city, FL 178722
58 Irving city, TX 178372
59 Jersey City city, NJ 176233
60 Aurora city, CO 167436
61 North Las Vegas city, NV 166747
62 Fremont city, CA 164587
63 San Bernardino city, CA 164238
64 Brownsville city, TX 161642
65 Irvine city, CA 161476
66 Moreno Valley city, CA 155151
67 Fontana city, CA 154837
68 Virginia Beach city, VA 154712
69 Oxnard city, CA 154674
70 Garland city, TX 149465
71 Wichita city, KS 146826
72 Colorado Springs city, CO 144706
73 Durham city, NC 142742
74 Omaha city, NE 138558
75 Orlando city, FL 137744
76 Greensboro city, NC 136410
77 St. Louis city, MO 135022
78 Sunrise Manor CDP, NV 129032
79 Ontario city, CA 127345
80 Plano city, TX 127315
81 Cincinnati city, OH 127248
82 Grand Prairie city, TX 127181
83 Augusta-Richmond County consolidated government (balance), GA 125373
84 Salinas city, CA 122722
85 Palmdale city, CA 122306
86 Birmingham city, AL 121750
87 Baton Rouge city, LA 121264
88 Buffalo city, NY 120712
89 Winston-Salem city, NC 120295
90 Anchorage municipality, AK 119548
91 Modesto city, CA 119358
92 Pomona city, CA 119263
93 Jackson city, MS 118161
94 McAllen city, TX 117654
95 Paterson city, NJ 116375
96 Glendale city, AZ 115128
97 Lancaster city, CA 114984
98 Fayetteville city, NC 114910
99 Hayward city, CA 114160
100 Chandler city, AZ 113132
101 Norfolk city, VA 111974
102 Spring Valley CDP, NV 111344
103 Henderson city, NV 110843
104 Columbus city, GA 109737
105 Minneapolis city, MN 109283
106 Santa Clarita city, CA 108541
107 St. Paul city, MN 107557
108 Enterprise CDP, NV 105680
109 Paradise CDP, NV 104747
110 Reno city, NV 103697
111 East Los Angeles CDP, CA 102031
112 Pasadena city, TX 101949
113 Richmond city, VA 101143
114 Yonkers city, NY 100243
115 Rochester city, NY 99299
116 Providence city, RI 99134
117 Lexington-Fayette urban county, KY 98534
118 Lubbock city, TX 97494
119 Rancho Cucamonga city, CA 97066
120 Corona city, CA 96097
121 Toledo city, OH 95846
122 Elk Grove city, CA 95451
123 Shreveport city, LA 95355
124 Sunnyvale city, CA 95038
125 Mesquite city, TX 94412
126 Garden Grove city, CA 94202
127 El Monte city, CA 92897
128 Mobile city, AL 92363
129 Elizabeth city, NJ 91653
130 Aurora city, IL 91102
131 Newport News city, VA 90689
132 Amarillo city, TX 89884
133 Little Rock city, AR 89699
134 Chesapeake city, VA 89380
135 Springfield city, MA 88666
136 Pembroke Pines city, FL 87934
137 Montgomery city, AL 87844
138 Arlington CDP, VA 87791
139 Visalia city, CA 86765
140 Oceanside city, CA 86184
141 Escondido city, CA 85891
142 Torrance city, CA 85613
143 Victorville city, CA 84929
144 Edinburg city, TX 84769
145 Killeen city, TX 84564
146 West Covina city, CA 84542
147 Huntsville city, AL 84467
148 Downey city, CA 83966
149 Pasadena city, CA 83440
150 Kansas City city, KS 83400
151 Santa Maria city, CA 82900
152 Fullerton city, CA 82546
153 Compton city, CA 82491
154 Richmond city, CA 82057
155 Rialto city, CA 81712
156 Bridgeport city, CT 81307
157 Inglewood city, CA 81113
158 Fort Wayne city, IN 81022
159 Pittsburgh city, PA 81017
160 Vallejo city, CA 80276
161 Frisco city, TX 80078
162 Savannah city, GA 79906
163 Norwalk city, CA 79777
164 South Fulton city, GA 79493
165 Beaumont city, TX 79167
166 Tacoma city, WA 78226
167 South Gate city, CA 78001
168 Daly City city, CA 77292
169 New Haven city, CT 76789
170 Hartford city, CT 75315
171 St. Petersburg city, FL 75140
172 Odessa city, TX 74852
173 Santa Clara city, CA 74478
174 Santa Rosa city, CA 74268
175 Gilbert town, AZ 73942
176 Allentown city, PA 73783
177 Carson city, CA 73576
178 McKinney city, TX 73573
179 Waco city, TX 73425
180 Jurupa Valley city, CA 73140
181 Midland city, TX 72945
182 Carrollton city, TX 72737
183 Bellevue city, WA 72596
184 Macon-Bibb County, GA 72008
185 Tempe city, AZ 71399
186 Salt Lake City city, UT 71323
187 Hollywood city, FL 71312
188 Glendale city, CA 70967
189 Mission city, TX 70533
190 Akron city, OH 69605
191 Fort Lauderdale city, FL 69457
192 Hampton city, VA 69096
193 Cicero town, IL 68419
194 West Valley City city, UT 68388
195 Chattanooga city, TN 68366
196 Lawrence city, MA 68078
197 Tallahassee city, FL 67911
198 Pharr city, TX 67528
199 Alhambra city, CA 67090
200 Miami Gardens city, FL 67089