Arkansas Births By County in 2013

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2013, the number of births for Arkansas was 37,986. Arkansas had the highest number of births (37,986), followed by Pulaski County (5,633), and Washington County (3,235) On the other hand, Calhoun County had the lowest number of births (50), followed by Lafayette County (59), and Newton County (73).

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Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Arkansas Births By County in 2013
Arkansas Births By County in 2013
Items per page:
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County Births
Arkansas 37986
Ashley 269
Baxter 343
Benton 3234
Boone 485
Bradley 151
Calhoun 50
Carroll 309
Chicot 129
Clark 221
Clay 145
Cleburne 264
Cleveland 87
Columbia 285
Conway 270
Craighead 1423
Crawford 768
Crittenden 794
Cross 234
Dallas 78
Desha 154
Drew 223
Faulkner 1517
Franklin 184
Fulton 117
Garland 1112
Grant 217
Greene 571
Hempstead 315
Hot Spring 358
Howard 186
Independence 474
Izard 124
Jackson 207
Jefferson 947
Johnson 362
Lafayette 59
Lawrence 185
Lee 98
Lincoln 107
Little River 141
Logan 260
Lonoke 954
Madison 193
Marion 141
Miller 607
Mississippi 599
Monroe 86
Montgomery 87
Nevada 136
Newton 73
Ouachita 299
Perry 99
Phillips 298
Pike 109
Poinsett 295
Polk 244
Pope 729
Prairie 89
Pulaski 5633
Randolph 198
St. Francis 328
Saline 1413
Scott 109
Searcy 81
Sebastian 1629
Sevier 282
Sharp 168
Stone 123
Union 486
Van Buren 147
Washington 3235
White 1036
Woodruff 84
Yell 297