Louisiana Births By County in 2017

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2017, the number of births for Louisiana was 61,865. East Baton Rouge Parish had the highest number of births (5,965), followed by Jefferson Parish (5,816), and Orleans Parish (4,690) On the other hand, Tensas Parish had the lowest number of births (57), followed by Cameron Parish (77), and Red River Parish (99).

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Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Louisiana Births By County in 2017
Louisiana Births By County in 2017
Items per page:
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County Births
Acadia 865
Allen 311
Ascension 1743
Assumption 259
Avoyelles 542
Beauregard 482
Bienville 151
Bossier 1700
Caddo 3308
Calcasieu 3011
Caldwell 140
Cameron 77
Catahoula 129
Claiborne 150
Concordia 267
De Soto 338
East Baton Rouge 5965
East Carroll 119
East Feliciana 220
Evangeline 473
Franklin 275
Grant 229
Iberia 1055
Iberville 388
Jackson 174
Jefferson 5816
Jefferson Davis 425
Lafayette 3369
Lafourche 1207
LaSalle 190
Lincoln 573
Livingston 1777
Madison 142
Morehouse 353
Natchitoches 539
Orleans 4690
Ouachita 2181
Plaquemines 286
Pointe Coupee 245
Rapides 1846
Red River 99
Richland 244
Sabine 292
St. Bernard 628
St. Charles 625
St. Helena 117
St. James 255
St. John the Baptist 555
St. Landry 1218
St. Martin 717
St. Mary 710
St. Tammany 3002
Tangipahoa 1935
Tensas 57
Terrebonne 1585
Union 277
Vermilion 737
Vernon 900
Washington 657
Webster 494
West Baton Rouge 370
West Carroll 102
West Feliciana 113
Winn 166