Louisiana Births By County in 2021

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2021, the number of births for Louisiana was 57,123. East Baton Rouge Parish had the highest number of births (5,554), followed by Jefferson Parish (5,286), and Orleans Parish (4,352) On the other hand, Tensas Parish had the lowest number of births (45), followed by Cameron Parish (82), and East Carroll Parish (86).

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Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Louisiana Births By County in 2021
Louisiana Births By County in 2021
Items per page:
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County Births
Acadia 813
Allen 291
Ascension 1641
Assumption 240
Avoyelles 472
Beauregard 492
Bienville 159
Bossier 1611
Caddo 2902
Calcasieu 2650
Caldwell 124
Cameron 82
Catahoula 87
Claiborne 124
Concordia 227
De Soto 317
East Baton Rouge 5554
East Carroll 86
East Feliciana 177
Evangeline 441
Franklin 235
Grant 264
Iberia 903
Iberville 310
Jackson 161
Jefferson 5286
Jefferson Davis 439
Lafayette 3278
Lafourche 1119
LaSalle 148
Lincoln 534
Livingston 1842
Madison 124
Morehouse 295
Natchitoches 427
Orleans 4352
Ouachita 1944
Plaquemines 236
Pointe Coupee 221
Rapides 1638
Red River 89
Richland 272
Sabine 260
St. Bernard 571
St. Charles 600
St. Helena 105
St. James 237
St. John the Baptist 477
St. Landry 1165
St. Martin 654
St. Mary 600
St. Tammany 2930
Tangipahoa 1927
Tensas 45
Terrebonne 1418
Union 250
Vermilion 705
Vernon 874
Washington 573
Webster 405
West Baton Rouge 385
West Carroll 103
West Feliciana 101
Winn 131