Maine Births By County in 2011

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2011, the number of births for Maine was 12,628. Cumberland County had the highest number of births (2,715), followed by York County (1,815), and Penobscot County (1,445) On the other hand, Piscataquis County had the lowest number of births (142), followed by Franklin County (239), and Washington County (294).

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Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Maine Births By County in 2011
Maine Births By County in 2011
Items per page:
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County Births
Androscoggin 1340
Aroostook 655
Cumberland 2715
Franklin 239
Hancock 453
Kennebec 1193
Knox 332
Lincoln 296
Oxford 516
Penobscot 1445
Piscataquis 142
Sagadahoc 326
Somerset 493
Waldo 374
Washington 294
York 1815