Massachusetts Births By County in 2015

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2015, the number of births for Massachusetts was 71,930. Middlesex County had the highest number of births (17,507), followed by Suffolk County (9,482), and Essex County (8,550) On the other hand, Nantucket County had the lowest number of births (141), followed by Dukes County (173), and Franklin County (600).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state. You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the number of births for each county in Massachusetts.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Massachusetts Births By County in 2015
Massachusetts Births By County in 2015
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County Births
Barnstable 1483
Berkshire 1078
Bristol 5662
Dukes 173
Essex 8550
Franklin 600
Hampden 5178
Hampshire 1046
Middlesex 17507
Nantucket 141
Norfolk 7337
Plymouth 5243
Suffolk 9482
Worcester 8450

Number of Births for Counties in Massachusetts

Use the links below to find the number of births for each county in Massachusetts.