Minnesota Births By County in 2012

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2012, the number of births for Minnesota was 68,046. Hennepin County had the highest number of births (16,029), followed by Ramsey County (7,523), and Dakota County (5,220) On the other hand, Traverse County had the lowest number of births (32), followed by Lake of the Woods County (35), and Kittson County (48).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state. You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the number of births for each county in Minnesota.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Minnesota Births By County in 2012
Minnesota Births By County in 2012
Items per page:
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County Births
Aitkin 139
Anoka 4065
Becker 427
Beltrami 707
Benton 565
Big Stone 60
Blue Earth 763
Brown 290
Carlton 385
Carver 1097
Cass 363
Chippewa 153
Chisago 572
Clay 791
Clearwater 94
Cook 50
Cottonwood 160
Crow Wing 728
Dakota 5220
Dodge 263
Douglas 401
Faribault 136
Fillmore 243
Freeborn 328
Goodhue 553
Grant 56
Hennepin 16029
Houston 200
Hubbard 208
Isanti 447
Itasca 467
Jackson 104
Kanabec 114
Kandiyohi 541
Kittson 48
Koochiching 104
Lac qui Parle 66
Lake 117
Lake of the Woods 35
Le Sueur 314
Lincoln 67
Lyon 343
McLeod 393
Mahnomen 99
Marshall 112
Martin 216
Meeker 286
Mille Lacs 338
Morrison 369
Mower 527
Murray 91
Nicollet 382
Nobles 353
Norman 65
Olmsted 2092
Otter Tail 622
Pennington 183
Pine 290
Pipestone 114
Polk 408
Pope 130
Ramsey 7523
Red Lake 60
Redwood 181
Renville 197
Rice 698
Rock 107
Roseau 172
St. Louis 2046
Scott 1953
Sherburne 1135
Sibley 179
Stearns 1865
Steele 443
Stevens 129
Swift 111
Todd 335
Traverse 32
Wabasha 219
Wadena 178
Waseca 220
Washington 2718
Watonwan 153
Wilkin 70
Winona 471
Wright 1831
Yellow Medicine 137

Number of Births for Counties in Minnesota

Use the links below to find the number of births for each county in Minnesota.