Missouri Births By County in 2015

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2015, the number of births for Missouri was 75,159. St. Louis County had the highest number of births (11,843), followed by Jackson County (9,401), and St. Louis city (4,575) On the other hand, Worth County had the lowest number of births (27), followed by Holt County (45), and Knox County (50).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state. You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the number of births for each county in Missouri.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Missouri Births By County in 2015
Missouri Births By County in 2015
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Births
Adair 276
Andrew 204
Atchison 51
Audrain 349
Barry 401
Barton 135
Bates 186
Benton 171
Bollinger 134
Boone 2041
Buchanan 1164
Butler 530
Caldwell 93
Callaway 516
Camden 416
Cape Girardeau 909
Carroll 94
Carter 78
Cass 1156
Cedar 176
Chariton 74
Christian 1071
Clark 86
Clay 3110
Clinton 235
Cole 957
Cooper 195
Crawford 298
Dade 76
Dallas 200
Daviess 124
DeKalb 106
Dent 196
Douglas 164
Dunklin 429
Franklin 1228
Gasconade 152
Gentry 106
Greene 3601
Grundy 153
Harrison 115
Henry 244
Hickory 75
Holt 45
Howard 118
Howell 481
Iron 98
Jackson 9401
Jasper 1615
Jefferson 2523
Johnson 721
Knox 50
Laclede 475
Lafayette 398
Lawrence 483
Lewis 107
Lincoln 746
Linn 156
Livingston 171
McDonald 317
Macon 189
Madison 140
Maries 84
Marion 378
Mercer 51
Miller 305
Mississippi 137
Moniteau 206
Monroe 94
Montgomery 130
Morgan 263
New Madrid 229
Newton 728
Nodaway 222
Oregon 142
Osage 158
Ozark 85
Pemiscot 271
Perry 213
Pettis 597
Phelps 510
Pike 215
Platte 1165
Polk 359
Pulaski 807
Putnam 66
Ralls 90
Randolph 267
Ray 271
Reynolds 52
Ripley 186
St. Charles 4475
St. Clair 94
Ste. Genevieve 193
St. Francois 717
St. Louis 11843
Saline 271
Schuyler 64
Scotland 62
Scott 505
Shannon 89
Shelby 76
Stoddard 367
Stone 231
Sullivan 85
Taney 660
Texas 290
Vernon 262
Warren 420
Washington 296
Wayne 146
Webster 568
Worth 27
Wright 253
St. Louis city 4575

Number of Births for Counties in Missouri

Use the links below to find the number of births for each county in Missouri.