North Carolina Births By County in 2013

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2013, the number of births for North Carolina was 119,380. Mecklenburg County had the highest number of births (13,852), followed by Wake County (12,299), and Guilford County (6,211) On the other hand, Tyrrell County had the lowest number of births (37), followed by Hyde County (48), and Camden County (79).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state. You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the number of births for each county in North Carolina.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
North Carolina Births By County in 2013
North Carolina Births By County in 2013
Items per page:
0 of 0
County Births
Alamance 1797
Alexander 373
Alleghany 86
Anson 264
Ashe 252
Avery 141
Beaufort 510
Bertie 181
Bladen 356
Brunswick 1087
Buncombe 2650
Burke 861
Cabarrus 2251
Caldwell 757
Camden 79
Carteret 615
Caswell 210
Catawba 1753
Chatham 595
Cherokee 221
Chowan 169
Clay 82
Cleveland 1081
Columbus 633
Craven 1529
Cumberland 5553
Currituck 242
Dare 367
Davidson 1681
Davie 389
Duplin 781
Durham 4250
Edgecombe 629
Forsyth 4587
Franklin 665
Gaston 2463
Gates 90
Graham 91
Granville 544
Greene 206
Guilford 6211
Halifax 557
Harnett 1788
Haywood 550
Henderson 1022
Hertford 253
Hoke 912
Hyde 48
Iredell 1769
Jackson 388
Johnston 2153
Jones 90
Lee 781
Lenoir 641
Lincoln 770
McDowell 445
Macon 359
Madison 209
Martin 244
Mecklenburg 13852
Mitchell 137
Montgomery 329
Moore 990
Nash 1116
New Hanover 2199
Northampton 196
Onslow 4558
Orange 1281
Pamlico 102
Pasquotank 486
Pender 608
Perquimans 138
Person 407
Pitt 2125
Polk 130
Randolph 1621
Richmond 504
Robeson 1936
Rockingham 944
Rowan 1539
Rutherford 690
Sampson 835
Scotland 448
Stanly 627
Stokes 383
Surry 727
Swain 189
Transylvania 234
Tyrrell 37
Union 2338
Vance 560
Wake 12299
Warren 174
Washington 129
Watauga 343
Wayne 1727
Wilkes 686
Wilson 922
Yadkin 405
Yancey 168

Number of Births for Counties in North Carolina

Use the links below to find the number of births for each county in North Carolina.