North Carolina Births By County in 2022

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2022, the number of births for North Carolina was 122,179. Mecklenburg County had the highest number of births (15,313), followed by Wake County (13,251), and Guilford County (6,038) On the other hand, Tyrrell County had the lowest number of births (33), followed by Hyde County (37), and Graham County (85).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state. You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the number of births for each county in North Carolina.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
North Carolina Births By County in 2022
North Carolina Births By County in 2022
Items per page:
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County Births
Alamance 1940
Alexander 368
Alleghany 105
Anson 278
Ashe 226
Avery 138
Beaufort 453
Bertie 174
Bladen 352
Brunswick 1089
Buncombe 2455
Burke 865
Cabarrus 2689
Caldwell 748
Camden 92
Carteret 497
Caswell 183
Catawba 1684
Chatham 663
Cherokee 251
Chowan 145
Clay 88
Cleveland 1155
Columbus 608
Craven 1316
Cumberland 5342
Currituck 322
Dare 326
Davidson 1791
Davie 408
Duplin 740
Durham 4262
Edgecombe 616
Forsyth 4497
Franklin 802
Gaston 2698
Gates 96
Graham 85
Granville 631
Greene 205
Guilford 6038
Halifax 552
Harnett 1925
Haywood 536
Henderson 1029
Hertford 192
Hoke 928
Hyde 37
Iredell 1974
Jackson 325
Johnston 2710
Jones 87
Lee 798
Lenoir 683
Lincoln 911
McDowell 400
Macon 326
Madison 189
Martin 228
Mecklenburg 15313
Mitchell 140
Montgomery 265
Moore 1255
Nash 1071
New Hanover 2179
Northampton 168
Onslow 3908
Orange 1185
Pamlico 89
Pasquotank 478
Pender 651
Perquimans 113
Person 450
Pitt 2109
Polk 136
Randolph 1574
Richmond 584
Robeson 1847
Rockingham 918
Rowan 1650
Rutherford 653
Sampson 818
Scotland 401
Stanly 694
Stokes 410
Surry 760
Swain 169
Transylvania 252
Tyrrell 33
Union 2451
Vance 563
Wake 13251
Warren 175
Washington 120
Watauga 316
Wayne 1625
Wilkes 693
Wilson 912
Yadkin 366
Yancey 183

Number of Births for Counties in North Carolina

Use the links below to find the number of births for each county in North Carolina.