South Carolina Births By County in 2011

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2011, the number of births for South Carolina was 57,479. Greenville County had the highest number of births (6,103), followed by Richland County (4,826), and Charleston County (4,787) On the other hand, McCormick County had the lowest number of births (57), followed by Allendale County (134), and Calhoun County (146).

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Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
South Carolina Births By County in 2011
South Carolina Births By County in 2011
Items per page:
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County Births
Abbeville 230
Aiken 1926
Allendale 134
Anderson 2233
Bamberg 172
Barnwell 293
Beaufort 2076
Berkeley 2489
Calhoun 146
Charleston 4787
Cherokee 690
Chester 380
Chesterfield 519
Clarendon 365
Colleton 470
Darlington 799
Dillon 444
Dorchester 1758
Edgefield 153
Fairfield 232
Florence 1817
Georgetown 586
Greenville 6103
Greenwood 924
Hampton 240
Horry 3102
Jasper 325
Kershaw 725
Lancaster 927
Laurens 811
Lee 164
Lexington 3298
McCormick 57
Marion 408
Marlboro 284
Newberry 435
Oconee 800
Orangeburg 1196
Pickens 1210
Richland 4826
Saluda 240
Spartanburg 3683
Sumter 1516
Union 308
Williamsburg 355
York 2843