Tennessee Births By County in 2013

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2013, the number of births for Tennessee was 80,252. Shelby County had the highest number of births (13,772), followed by Davidson County (9,893), and Knox County (5,201) On the other hand, Pickett County had the lowest number of births (26), followed by Moore County (52), and Lake County (59).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state. You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the number of births for each county in Tennessee.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Tennessee Births By County in 2013
Tennessee Births By County in 2013
Items per page:
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County Births
Anderson 824
Bedford 639
Benton 173
Bledsoe 101
Blount 1274
Bradley 1180
Campbell 428
Cannon 136
Carroll 324
Carter 506
Cheatham 413
Chester 205
Claiborne 287
Clay 99
Cocke 404
Coffee 654
Crockett 182
Cumberland 579
Davidson 9893
Decatur 119
DeKalb 229
Dickson 641
Dyer 479
Fayette 422
Fentress 191
Franklin 411
Gibson 619
Giles 315
Grainger 213
Greene 617
Grundy 147
Hamblen 803
Hamilton 4213
Hancock 74
Hardeman 264
Hardin 267
Hawkins 568
Haywood 237
Henderson 307
Henry 370
Hickman 258
Houston 76
Humphreys 215
Jackson 104
Jefferson 519
Johnson 138
Knox 5201
Lake 59
Lauderdale 307
Lawrence 550
Lewis 141
Lincoln 347
Loudon 534
McMinn 546
McNairy 283
Macon 312
Madison 1277
Marion 279
Marshall 354
Maury 1061
Meigs 143
Monroe 499
Montgomery 3406
Moore 52
Morgan 215
Obion 347
Overton 212
Perry 103
Pickett 26
Polk 148
Putnam 865
Rhea 393
Roane 488
Robertson 871
Rutherford 3655
Scott 280
Sequatchie 134
Sevier 1038
Shelby 13772
Smith 231
Stewart 125
Sullivan 1630
Sumner 1956
Tipton 740
Trousdale 83
Unicoi 167
Union 228
Van Buren 63
Warren 499
Washington 1370
Wayne 149
Weakley 340
White 293
Williamson 2018
Wilson 1345

Number of Births for Counties in Tennessee

Use the links below to find the number of births for each county in Tennessee.