Tennessee Births By County in 2021

Updated on January 23, 2024.

According to the US Census Bureau estimates, in 2021, the number of births for Tennessee was 79,271. Shelby County had the highest number of births (12,384), followed by Davidson County (9,719), and Knox County (5,173) On the other hand, Pickett County had the lowest number of births (37), followed by Lake County (54), and Van Buren County (58).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state. You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the number of births for each county in Tennessee.

Hover over or click on the chart to see this information for each county. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

See this for other years:
Tennessee Births By County in 2021
Tennessee Births By County in 2021
Items per page:
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County Births
Anderson 776
Bedford 686
Benton 149
Bledsoe 127
Blount 1281
Bradley 1154
Campbell 438
Cannon 169
Carroll 293
Carter 443
Cheatham 446
Chester 171
Claiborne 300
Clay 70
Cocke 357
Coffee 701
Crockett 169
Cumberland 492
Davidson 9719
Decatur 106
DeKalb 245
Dickson 612
Dyer 472
Fayette 410
Fentress 189
Franklin 432
Gibson 552
Giles 293
Grainger 236
Greene 630
Grundy 166
Hamblen 728
Hamilton 4337
Hancock 62
Hardeman 266
Hardin 245
Hawkins 493
Haywood 177
Henderson 303
Henry 295
Hickman 262
Houston 77
Humphreys 204
Jackson 91
Jefferson 518
Johnson 149
Knox 5173
Lake 54
Lauderdale 302
Lawrence 581
Lewis 127
Lincoln 359
Loudon 523
McMinn 587
McNairy 293
Macon 301
Madison 1178
Marion 295
Marshall 408
Maury 1295
Meigs 118
Monroe 496
Montgomery 3545
Moore 60
Morgan 182
Obion 318
Overton 243
Perry 100
Pickett 37
Polk 158
Putnam 861
Rhea 367
Roane 484
Robertson 855
Rutherford 4135
Scott 252
Sequatchie 167
Sevier 1035
Shelby 12384
Smith 217
Stewart 141
Sullivan 1429
Sumner 2167
Tipton 643
Trousdale 120
Unicoi 137
Union 194
Van Buren 58
Warren 479
Washington 1215
Wayne 144
Weakley 320
White 293
Williamson 2304
Wilson 1646

Number of Births for Counties in Tennessee

Use the links below to find the number of births for each county in Tennessee.