North Dakota American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in 2015

Updated on January 29, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2015, the American Indian and Alaska Native Alone population in North Dakota was 41,374 and represented 5.48% of the total North Dakota population (755,537).

Among North Dakota counties, Rolette County had the highest number of people who identified as American Indian and Alaska Native Alone (11,437), followed by Burleigh County (4,054), and Benson County (3,763). Billings County had the lowest (5).

In the map below, we show the number and percentage of each county's American Indian and Alaska Native Alone population, as well as the gender percentages when you interact with the map. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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See this for other years:
North Dakota American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in 2015
North Dakota American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in 2015
Items per page:
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County American Indian & Alaska Native Pop. % of County Population
Adams 18 0.75
Barnes 156 1.42
Benson 3763 55.16
Billings 5 0.53
Bottineau 188 2.79
Bowman 72 2.2
Burke 36 1.54
Burleigh 4054 4.35
Cass 2347 1.37
Cavalier 56 1.46
Dickey 50 0.99
Divide 17 0.69
Dunn 453 9.9
Eddy 89 3.86
Emmons 32 0.94
Foster 34 1.02
Golden Valley 22 1.17
Grand Forks 1945 2.76
Grant 40 1.67
Griggs 17 0.74
Hettinger 76 2.86
Kidder 19 0.78
LaMoure 20 0.48
Logan 12 0.62
McHenry 63 1.05
McIntosh 14 0.52
McKenzie 1491 11.63
McLean 667 6.9
Mercer 215 2.45
Morton 1148 3.79
Mountrail 2780 26.96
Nelson 52 1.78
Oliver 47 2.52
Pembina 150 2.13
Pierce 195 4.57
Ramsey 1137 9.74
Ransom 44 0.81
Renville 14 0.55
Richland 464 2.85
Rolette 11437 77.77
Sargent 45 1.16
Sheridan 21 1.6
Sioux 3638 82.97
Slope 19 2.43
Stark 459 1.44
Steele 23 1.2
Stutsman 371 1.76
Towner 85 3.78
Traill 88 1.1
Walsh 219 2.02
Ward 1695 2.37
Wells 25 0.61
Williams 1247 3.53