Oregon American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in 2013

Updated on January 29, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2013, the American Indian and Alaska Native Alone population in Oregon was 69,718 and represented 1.78% of the total Oregon population (3,924,110).

Among Oregon counties, Multnomah County had the highest number of people who identified as American Indian and Alaska Native Alone (11,256), followed by Marion County (8,127), and Washington County (6,280). Wheeler County had the lowest (24).

In the map below, we show the number and percentage of each county's American Indian and Alaska Native Alone population, as well as the gender percentages when you interact with the map. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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See this for other years:
Oregon American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in 2013
Oregon American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Population By County in 2013
Items per page:
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County American Indian & Alaska Native Pop. % of County Population
Baker 213 1.33
Benton 778 0.9
Clackamas 4143 1.07
Clatsop 491 1.32
Columbia 707 1.44
Coos 1789 2.87
Crook 298 1.44
Curry 490 2.2
Deschutes 1893 1.15
Douglas 2076 1.95
Gilliam 25 1.29
Grant 108 1.49
Harney 277 3.87
Hood River 249 1.1
Jackson 3164 1.53
Jefferson 4195 19.18
Josephine 1267 1.52
Klamath 3076 4.68
Lake 175 2.24
Lane 5096 1.43
Lincoln 1835 3.96
Linn 1830 1.55
Malheur 591 1.93
Marion 8127 2.53
Morrow 201 1.8
Multnomah 11256 1.47
Polk 1967 2.57
Sherman 41 2.37
Tillamook 376 1.48
Umatilla 3238 4.21
Union 317 1.24
Wallowa 54 0.8
Wasco 1129 4.46
Washington 6280 1.13
Wheeler 24 1.74
Yamhill 1942 1.94