South Carolina Population By County in 2019

Updated on January 27, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2019, the population of South Carolina was 5,157,702. Among all South Carolina counties, Greenville had the highest population (524,748), followed by Richland (417,027), and Charleston (412,615). Allendale was the least populated county (8,627).

Hover over or click on the counties in the map below to see the populations. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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South Carolina Population By County in 2019
South Carolina Population By County in 2019
Items per page:
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County Population % of State Population
Abbeville 24584 0.48
Aiken 171300 3.32
Allendale 8627 0.17
Anderson 202424 3.93
Bamberg 14108 0.27
Barnwell 20924 0.41
Beaufort 192638 3.74
Berkeley 228952 4.44
Calhoun 14513 0.28
Charleston 412615 8.00
Cherokee 57331 1.11
Chester 32186 0.62
Chesterfield 45631 0.89
Clarendon 33803 0.66
Colleton 37705 0.73
Darlington 66656 1.29
Dillon 30352 0.59
Dorchester 163517 3.17
Edgefield 27349 0.53
Fairfield 22322 0.43
Florence 138128 2.68
Georgetown 63025 1.22
Greenville 524748 10.17
Greenwood 70963 1.38
Hampton 19316 0.38
Horry 354418 6.87
Jasper 30294 0.59
Kershaw 66748 1.29
Lancaster 98280 1.91
Laurens 67448 1.31
Lee 16856 0.33
Lexington 299421 5.81
McCormick 9462 0.18
Marion 30565 0.59
Marlboro 26157 0.51
Newberry 38408 0.75
Oconee 79450 1.54
Orangeburg 86231 1.67
Pickens 126974 2.46
Richland 417027 8.09
Saluda 20381 0.40
Spartanburg 320254 6.21
Sumter 106635 2.07
Union 27221 0.53
Williamsburg 30256 0.59
York 281499 5.46