South Carolina Population By County in 2022

Updated on January 29, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2022, the population of South Carolina was 5,282,634. Among all South Carolina counties, Greenville[object Promise] had the highest population (547,950), followed by Richland[object Promise] (421,566), and Charleston[object Promise] (419,279). Allendale[object Promise] was the least populated county (7,579).

Hover over or click on the counties in the map below to see the populations. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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South Carolina Population By County in 2022
South Carolina Population By County in 2022
Items per page:
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County Population % of State Population
Abbeville 24356 0.46
Aiken 174150 3.30
Allendale 7579 0.14
Anderson 209581 3.97
Bamberg 12908 0.24
Barnwell 20414 0.39
Beaufort 196371 3.72
Berkeley 245117 4.64
Calhoun 14179 0.27
Charleston 419279 7.94
Cherokee 56121 1.06
Chester 31931 0.60
Chesterfield 43683 0.83
Clarendon 30913 0.59
Colleton 38599 0.73
Darlington 62398 1.18
Dillon 27738 0.53
Dorchester 166133 3.15
Edgefield 26932 0.51
Fairfield 20455 0.39
Florence 136721 2.59
Georgetown 64722 1.23
Greenville 547950 10.37
Greenwood 69267 1.31
Hampton 18113 0.34
Horry 383101 7.25
Jasper 32039 0.61
Kershaw 67751 1.28
Lancaster 104577 1.98
Laurens 67965 1.29
Lee 16153 0.31
Lexington 304797 5.77
McCormick 9764 0.19
Marion 28450 0.54
Marlboro 26039 0.49
Newberry 38247 0.72
Oconee 80180 1.52
Orangeburg 83094 1.57
Pickens 133462 2.53
Richland 421566 7.98
Saluda 18938 0.36
Spartanburg 345831 6.55
Sumter 104012 1.97
Union 26752 0.51
Williamsburg 30058 0.57
York 294248 5.57