South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2021

Updated on January 30, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2021, the White Alone population in South Carolina was 3,567,939 and represented 68.70% of the total South Carolina population (5,193,266).

Among South Carolina counties, Greenville County had the highest number of people who identified as White Alone (406,907), followed by Horry County (303,569), and Charleston County (292,711). Allendale County had the lowest (1,944).

In the map below, we show the number and percentage of each county's White Alone population, as well as the gender percentages when you interact with the map. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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See this for other years:
South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2021
South Carolina White Alone Population By County in 2021
Items per page:
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County White Alone Population % of County Population
Abbeville 17260 71.15
Aiken 120736 70.5
Allendale 1944 24.7
Anderson 165990 80.25
Bamberg 5025 38.32
Barnwell 10866 52.8
Beaufort 151308 78.8
Berkeley 162479 68.59
Calhoun 8134 57.55
Charleston 292711 70.63
Cherokee 42655 76.14
Chester 19474 60.67
Chesterfield 27466 63.38
Clarendon 15827 51.14
Colleton 23203 60.38
Darlington 34888 55.64
Dillon 13126 46.91
Dorchester 111065 67.93
Edgefield 16641 63.31
Fairfield 8490 41.02
Florence 71872 52.68
Georgetown 43887 68.58
Greenville 406907 76.13
Greenwood 44477 64.32
Hampton 8171 44.81
Horry 303569 82.94
Jasper 17874 58.69
Kershaw 47450 71.76
Lancaster 75318 74.93
Laurens 48818 71.99
Lee 5704 35.07
Lexington 235724 78.45
McCormick 5390 55.1
Marion 11562 40.09
Marlboro 10848 41.3
Newberry 25313 66.69
Oconee 70763 89.21
Orangeburg 28876 34.88
Pickens 117079 88.64
Richland 186028 44.6
Saluda 13267 70.49
Spartanburg 247490 73.79
Sumter 50179 47.86
Union 17662 65.43
Williamsburg 10315 33.95
York 214108 74.02