South Dakota White Alone Population By County in 2017

Updated on January 29, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2017, the White Alone population in South Dakota was 739,668 and represented 84.66% of the total South Dakota population (873,732).

Among South Dakota counties, Minnehaha County had the highest number of people who identified as White Alone (163,916), followed by Pennington County (92,218), and Lincoln County (53,662). Buffalo County had the lowest (316).

In the map below, we show the number and percentage of each county's White Alone population, as well as the gender percentages when you interact with the map. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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South Dakota White Alone Population By County in 2017
South Dakota White Alone Population By County in 2017
Items per page:
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County White Alone Population % of County Population
Aurora 2610 94.6
Beadle 15715 85.42
Bennett 1174 34.06
Bon Homme 6190 89
Brookings 32291 92.6
Brown 34811 88.51
Brule 4515 85.19
Buffalo 316 15.69
Butte 9529 94.09
Campbell 1340 97.6
Charles Mix 6007 63.89
Clark 3546 96.44
Clay 12567 89.29
Codington 26589 94.22
Corson 1254 29.95
Custer 8106 92.67
Davison 18498 92.99
Day 4835 87.94
Deuel 4180 97.16
Dewey 1203 20.55
Douglas 2790 95.75
Edmunds 3794 96.91
Fall River 5851 87.35
Faulk 2277 97.98
Grant 6921 96.41
Gregory 3733 88.73
Haakon 1795 93.54
Hamlin 5887 97.6
Hand 3205 97.92
Hanson 3330 97.63
Harding 1172 94.29
Hughes 14856 83.95
Hutchinson 7066 96.18
Hyde 1140 87.76
Jackson 1327 40.49
Jerauld 1973 97.67
Jones 848 92.38
Kingsbury 4743 96.36
Lake 12193 95.15
Lawrence 23962 93.11
Lincoln 53662 94.59
Lyman 2188 56.55
McCook 5369 96.76
McPherson 2342 97.46
Marshall 4301 87.81
Meade 25413 90.74
Mellette 807 39.06
Miner 2122 96.46
Minnehaha 163916 86.37
Moody 5156 79.53
Oglala Lakota 714 4.96
Pennington 92218 83.32
Perkins 2822 95.27
Potter 2093 94.45
Roberts 5937 57.82
Sanborn 2382 97.74
Spink 6214 95.37
Stanley 2673 89.49
Sully 1321 94.36
Todd 854 8.27
Tripp 4470 82.05
Turner 8058 97.2
Union 14508 94.76
Walworth 4408 80.44
Yankton 20905 92.13
Ziebach 676 24.61