Vermont White Alone Population By County in 2016

Updated on January 29, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2016, the White Alone population in Vermont was 591,124 and represented 94.68% of the total Vermont population (624,366).

Among Vermont counties, Chittenden County had the highest number of people who identified as White Alone (147,042), followed by Rutland County (57,286), and Washington County (56,081). Essex County had the lowest (6,007).

In the map below, we show the number and percentage of each county's White Alone population, as well as the gender percentages when you interact with the map. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

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See this for other years:
Vermont White Alone Population By County in 2016
Vermont White Alone Population By County in 2016
Items per page:
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County White Alone Population % of County Population
Addison 35049 94.8
Bennington 34529 95.98
Caledonia 29088 96.39
Chittenden 147042 90.86
Essex 6007 96.5
Franklin 46709 95.33
Grand Isle 6561 94.8
Lamoille 24404 96.23
Orange 28012 96.89
Orleans 25828 96.56
Rutland 57286 96.86
Washington 56081 95.97
Windham 41182 95.22
Windsor 53346 96.28