United States Population By State in 2013

Updated on January 27, 2024.

Based on the US Census Vintage data estimates, in 2013, the population of the United States was 316,059,947. Among all US states, California had the highest population (38,253,768), followed by Texas (26,479,646), and then New York (19,626,488). Wyoming was the least populated state with a population of 582,620.

Hover over or click on the states in the map below to see the number and percentage of the US population that lives in each states. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

You can also see links at the bottom of the page for the population by county each state.

See this for other years:
US Population By State in 2013
less than 1M
1M - 2M
2M - 5M
5M - 10M
10M - 15M
Over 15M
US Population By State in 2013
Items per page:
0 of 0
State Population % of US Population
Alabama 4831586 1.53
Alaska 737626 0.23
Arizona 6634690 2.10
Arkansas 2960459 0.94
California 38253768 12.10
Colorado 5270774 1.67
Connecticut 3595792 1.14
Delaware 924062 0.29
Florida 19551678 6.19
Georgia 9975592 3.16
Hawaii 1408822 0.45
Idaho 1612053 0.51
Illinois 12895778 4.08
Indiana 6570575 2.08
Iowa 3093935 0.98
Kansas 2894306 0.92
Kentucky 4406906 1.39
Louisiana 4626040 1.46
Maine 1328543 0.42
Maryland 5925197 1.88
Massachusetts 6715158 2.13
Michigan 9914802 3.14
Minnesota 5414722 1.71
Mississippi 2989839 0.95
Missouri 6042989 1.91
Montana 1014158 0.32
Nebraska 1865813 0.59
Nevada 2776956 0.88
New Hampshire 1327272 0.42
New Jersey 8857821 2.80
New Mexico 2092833 0.66
New York 19626488 6.21
North Carolina 9846717 3.12
North Dakota 723149 0.23
Ohio 11579692 3.66
Oklahoma 3853891 1.22
Oregon 3924110 1.24
Pennsylvania 12779538 4.04
Rhode Island 1055560 0.33
South Carolina 4766469 1.51
South Dakota 842751 0.27
Tennessee 6496943 2.06
Texas 26479646 8.38
Utah 2898773 0.92
Vermont 626603 0.20
Virginia 8255861 2.61
Washington 6966252 2.20
West Virginia 1854768 0.59
Wisconsin 5738012 1.82
Wyoming 582620 0.18
District of Columbia 651559 0.21