Missouri Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County

Updated on March 23, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, there were 4,663,907 people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone in Missouri, which was 75.78% of the total Missouri population.

St. Louis County had the highest number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone (624,703), followed by Jackson County (419,542), and St. Charles County (335,879). On the other hand, the three counties with the least number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone were: Worth County (1,887), Mercer County (3,291), and Knox County (3,573).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identify as Non-Hispanic - White Alone, Scotland County had the highest percentage (96.20%), followed by Schuyler County (95.83%), and Worth County (95.64%).

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic - White Alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

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Missouri Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County
Missouri Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population % of County Population
Adair 21590 85.29
Andrew 16756 92.40
Atchison 4983 93.93
Audrain 21450 85.93
Barry 28058 81.25
Barton 10367 89.09
Bates 14799 92.25
Benton 17934 92.47
Bollinger 9862 93.33
Boone 137771 75.04
Buchanan 68391 80.66
Butler 35745 84.85
Caldwell 8172 92.71
Callaway 38453 86.84
Camden 38714 90.57
Cape Girardeau 67393 82.48
Carroll 7906 93.07
Carter 4794 92.16
Cass 89406 82.92
Cedar 12899 90.92
Chariton 6925 93.48
Christian 78890 88.80
Clark 6337 95.52
Clay 193282 76.30
Clinton 19264 90.94
Cole 61474 79.55
Cooper 14730 86.13
Crawford 20980 91.00
Dade 6995 92.42
Dallas 15696 91.95
Daviess 7924 94.00
DeKalb 9653 87.52
Dent 13203 91.55
Douglas 10602 91.57
Dunklin 21629 76.47
Franklin 95680 91.40
Gasconade 13705 92.64
Gentry 5851 94.95
Greene 246368 82.42
Grundy 9121 93.00
Harrison 7618 93.39
Henry 19800 90.22
Hickory 7648 92.38
Holt 3992 94.53
Howard 8826 86.95
Howell 35972 90.50
Iron 8602 90.20
Jackson 419542 58.50
Jasper 96388 78.52
Jefferson 203287 89.66
Johnson 44415 82.23
Knox 3573 95.43
Laclede 32482 90.13
Lafayette 29256 88.70
Lawrence 32401 85.26
Lewis 9315 92.85
Lincoln 53051 89.05
Linn 11027 92.87
Livingston 13368 91.83
McDonald 16667 71.52
Macon 13778 90.59
Madison 11555 91.52
Maries 7796 92.46
Marion 24930 87.40
Mercer 3291 93.02
Miller 22908 92.66
Mississippi 8814 70.08
Moniteau 13688 88.46
Monroe 7902 91.18
Montgomery 10444 92.25
Morgan 19298 91.87
New Madrid 12610 76.73
Newton 47551 81.08
Nodaway 19290 90.82
Oregon 7990 92.53
Osage 12688 95.59
Ozark 8000 93.53
Pemiscot 10176 64.98
Perry 17657 93.15
Pettis 34751 80.85
Phelps 37941 85.00
Pike 15383 87.47
Platte 81426 76.30
Polk 28682 91.00
Pulaski 35865 66.47
Putnam 4446 94.98
Ralls 9713 93.80
Randolph 21271 86.06
Ray 20893 90.22
Reynolds 5669 93.00
Ripley 9885 92.57
St. Charles 335879 82.88
St. Clair 8567 92.28
Ste. Genevieve 17127 92.68
St. Francois 59474 88.87
St. Louis 624703 62.21
Saline 17473 74.89
Schuyler 3864 95.83
Scotland 4537 96.20
Scott 30595 80.39
Shannon 6451 91.75
Shelby 5749 94.20
Stoddard 26610 92.81
Stone 28296 91.05
Sullivan 4507 75.13
Taney 46468 82.88
Texas 21992 89.81
Vernon 17966 91.17
Warren 31103 87.54
Washington 21378 90.92
Wayne 10093 91.97
Webster 35893 91.83
Worth 1887 95.64
Wright 16654 91.57
St. Louis city 129368 42.90