Nebraska Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County

Updated on March 23, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, there were 1,484,687 people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone in Nebraska, which was 75.69% of the total Nebraska population.

Douglas County had the highest number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone (381,427), followed by Lancaster County (251,962), and Sarpy County (147,064). On the other hand, the three counties with the least number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone were: McPherson County (378), Blaine County (397), and Arthur County (400).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's population that identify as Non-Hispanic - White Alone, Garfield County had the highest percentage (96.64%), followed by Rock County (96.59%), and Pawnee County (96.15%).

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic - White Alone population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

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Nebraska Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County
Nebraska Census 2020 Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population By County
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic - White Alone Population % of County Population
Adams 25779 82.61
Antelope 5899 93.71
Arthur 400 92.17
Banner 600 89.02
Blaine 397 92.11
Boone 5057 94.01
Box Butte 8681 80.07
Boyd 1723 95.19
Brown 2629 90.56
Buffalo 42108 84.08
Burt 6197 92.19
Butler 7626 91.12
Cass 24261 91.21
Cedar 8010 95.59
Chase 3209 82.43
Cherry 4772 87.48
Cheyenne 8239 87.02
Clay 5372 88.01
Colfax 5018 47.42
Cuming 7638 84.74
Custer 9804 92.97
Dakota 9347 43.31
Dawes 6943 84.68
Dawson 13529 56.11
Deuel 1686 91.73
Dixon 4643 82.82
Dodge 29501 79.37
Douglas 381427 65.25
Dundy 1491 90.15
Fillmore 5181 93.34
Franklin 2741 94.88
Frontier 2337 92.78
Furnas 4235 91.35
Gage 20053 92.39
Garden 1722 91.89
Garfield 1752 96.64
Gosper 1746 92.24
Grant 576 94.27
Greeley 2098 95.89
Hall 39420 62.68
Hamilton 8796 93.29
Harlan 2907 94.60
Hayes 760 88.79
Hitchcock 2462 94.11
Holt 9325 92.08
Hooker 663 93.25
Howard 6154 95.04
Jefferson 6558 90.58
Johnson 4101 77.52
Kearney 6064 90.67
Keith 7232 86.77
Keya Paha 734 95.45
Kimball 3026 88.12
Knox 6967 83.03
Lancaster 251962 78.10
Lincoln 29643 85.49
Logan 665 92.88
Loup 565 93.08
McPherson 378 94.74
Madison 27823 78.19
Merrick 6941 90.52
Morrill 3722 81.71
Nance 3202 94.73
Nemaha 6538 92.42
Nuckolls 3835 93.65
Otoe 13867 87.15
Pawnee 2446 96.15
Perkins 2620 91.67
Phelps 8140 90.77
Pierce 6950 94.98
Platte 25583 74.60
Polk 4751 91.12
Red Willow 9536 89.11
Richardson 7096 90.15
Rock 1219 96.59
Saline 9363 65.51
Sarpy 147064 77.16
Saunders 20703 92.93
Scotts Bluff 25711 71.25
Seward 16382 93.03
Sheridan 4095 79.87
Sherman 2774 93.75
Sioux 1055 92.95
Stanton 5215 89.27
Thayer 4769 94.74
Thomas 623 93.12
Thurston 2444 36.08
Valley 3818 94.06
Washington 19359 92.78
Wayne 7828 80.73
Webster 3111 91.64
Wheeler 736 95.09
York 12559 88.91