Kansas Non-Hispanic - White Alone Voting-age Population By County from Census 2020

Updated on August 29, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, the voting-age population of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone in Kansas was 1,683,982; and represented 75.54% of the total Kansas voting-age population.

Johnson County had the highest number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone (361,450), followed by Sedgwick County (268,219), and Shawnee County (102,176). On the other hand, the three counties with low Non-Hispanic - White Alone voting-age population were: Greeley County (794), Stanton County (835), and Wallace County (1,029).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's voting-age population that identified as Non-Hispanic - White Alone, Republic County had the highest percentage (95.27%), followed by Smith County (95.25%), and Jewell County (95.06%).

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic - White Alone voting-age population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

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Kansas Non-Hispanic - White Alone Voting-age Population By County from Census 2020
Kansas Non-Hispanic - White Alone Voting-age Population By County from Census 2020
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic - White Alone Voting-age Pop. % of County Voting-age Population
Allen 8771 89.60
Anderson 5448 93.43
Atchison 11110 87.14
Barber 3041 92.38
Barton 15810 81.76
Bourbon 9460 88.38
Brown 5992 83.70
Butler 43175 86.23
Chase 1781 87.09
Chautauqua 2262 85.65
Cherokee 12800 86.13
Cheyenne 1787 87.60
Clark 1329 87.61
Clay 5847 93.40
Cloud 6418 91.75
Coffey 5974 93.00
Comanche 1196 92.50
Cowley 20921 79.27
Crawford 25505 84.57
Decatur 2069 94.05
Dickinson 12873 91.30
Doniphan 5182 88.49
Douglas 75015 77.88
Edwards 1783 78.82
Elk 1769 91.99
Ellis 20241 88.19
Ellsworth 4427 85.51
Finney 11583 42.62
Ford 10037 42.40
Franklin 17777 89.21
Geary 14759 56.85
Gove 1885 93.41
Graham 1746 91.51
Grant 2546 49.38
Gray 3432 84.74
Greeley 794 83.05
Greenwood 4329 91.54
Hamilton 1046 58.37
Harper 3692 88.60
Harvey 21608 83.39
Haskell 1887 71.48
Hodgeman 1205 93.05
Jackson 8130 82.60
Jefferson 12886 91.54
Jewell 2193 95.06
Johnson 361450 78.24
Kearny 1847 65.20
Kingman 5371 92.70
Kiowa 1694 89.25
Labette 12463 82.52
Lane 1112 89.90
Leavenworth 48699 78.33
Lincoln 2094 92.61
Linn 6875 92.68
Logan 1885 91.20
Lyon 18244 72.71
McPherson 21009 89.08
Marion 8532 92.37
Marshall 7258 95.01
Meade 2371 79.43
Miami 23367 90.78
Mitchell 4223 94.69
Montgomery 18822 78.22
Morris 3890 91.96
Morton 1528 74.79
Nemaha 7215 95.02
Neosho 10581 88.34
Ness 1918 89.21
Norton 3821 86.84
Osage 11328 93.52
Osborne 2609 94.77
Ottawa 4105 93.06
Pawnee 4176 83.96
Phillips 3659 94.55
Pottawatomie 16026 89.56
Pratt 6124 87.71
Rawlins 1804 90.97
Reno 40253 83.61
Republic 3505 95.27
Rice 5975 82.51
Riley 44152 73.97
Rooks 3611 94.21
Rush 2226 93.88
Russell 4775 92.22
Saline 33489 80.24
Scott 3011 79.19
Sedgwick 268219 68.27
Seward 4931 32.32
Shawnee 102176 74.51
Sheridan 1706 92.77
Sherman 3734 83.31
Smith 2724 95.25
Stafford 2666 85.61
Stanton 835 56.19
Stevens 2326 61.91
Sumner 14989 88.59
Thomas 5361 88.58
Trego 2109 94.79
Wabaunsee 4787 92.13
Wallace 1029 91.55
Washington 3967 93.78
Wichita 1082 68.74
Wilson 5991 90.70
Woodson 2288 93.31
Wyandotte 52444 42.44