Nebraska Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone Voting-age Population By County from Census 2020

Updated on August 29, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, the voting-age population of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone in Nebraska was 4,314; and represented 0.29% of the total Nebraska voting-age population.

Douglas County had the highest number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone (1,501), followed by Lancaster County (994), and Sarpy County (464). On the other hand, the three counties with low Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone voting-age population were: Thomas County (0), Nance County (0), and Merrick County (0).

When it comes to the percentage of each county's voting-age population that identified as Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone, Wayne County had the highest percentage (0.79%), followed by Garden County (0.66%), and Deuel County (0.49%).

Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone voting-age population. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

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Nebraska Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone Voting-age Population By County from Census 2020
Nebraska Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone Voting-age Population By County from Census 2020
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County Non-Hispanic - Some Other Race Alone Voting-age Pop. % of County Voting-age Population
Adams 41 0.17
Antelope 3 0.06
Arthur 0 0.00
Banner 0 0.00
Blaine 0 0.00
Boone 6 0.15
Box Butte 4 0.05
Boyd 4 0.27
Brown 0 0.00
Buffalo 68 0.18
Burt 7 0.13
Butler 12 0.19
Cass 70 0.35
Cedar 3 0.05
Chase 2 0.07
Cherry 5 0.12
Cheyenne 21 0.29
Clay 9 0.19
Colfax 6 0.08
Cuming 19 0.28
Custer 14 0.17
Dakota 26 0.17
Dawes 17 0.26
Dawson 31 0.18
Deuel 7 0.49
Dixon 3 0.07
Dodge 68 0.24
Douglas 1501 0.34
Dundy 1 0.08
Fillmore 0 0.00
Franklin 4 0.18
Frontier 4 0.20
Furnas 2 0.06
Gage 36 0.21
Garden 10 0.66
Garfield 0 0.00
Gosper 0 0.00
Grant 0 0.00
Greeley 5 0.30
Hall 110 0.24
Hamilton 19 0.27
Harlan 0 0.00
Hayes 0 0.00
Hitchcock 1 0.05
Holt 8 0.10
Hooker 0 0.00
Howard 8 0.16
Jefferson 15 0.27
Johnson 0 0.00
Kearney 7 0.14
Keith 15 0.23
Keya Paha 0 0.00
Kimball 8 0.29
Knox 3 0.05
Lancaster 994 0.40
Lincoln 74 0.28
Logan 0 0.00
Loup 0 0.00
McPherson 1 0.31
Madison 64 0.24
Merrick 0 0.00
Morrill 11 0.31
Nance 0 0.00
Nemaha 13 0.24
Nuckolls 11 0.33
Otoe 22 0.18
Pawnee 2 0.10
Perkins 2 0.09
Phelps 6 0.09
Pierce 8 0.15
Platte 70 0.28
Polk 7 0.17
Red Willow 10 0.12
Richardson 6 0.10
Rock 2 0.20
Saline 22 0.21
Sarpy 464 0.34
Saunders 38 0.23
Scotts Bluff 81 0.30
Seward 42 0.31
Sheridan 10 0.25
Sherman 1 0.04
Sioux 4 0.44
Stanton 11 0.25
Thayer 3 0.08
Thomas 0 0.00
Thurston 16 0.36
Valley 6 0.19
Washington 32 0.20
Wayne 61 0.79
Webster 1 0.04
Wheeler 1 0.16
York 15 0.14