South Carolina Census 2020 Hispanic or Latino Population By County

Updated on March 3, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, there were 352,838 people (of all racial backgrounds) who identified as hispanic or latino in South Carolina, which was 6.89% of the total population of South Carolina.

Greenville County had the highest number of of people who identified as hispanic or latino (58,025), followed by Charleston County (29,280), and Spartanburg County (27,732). On the other hand, the three counties with low number of people who identified as hispanic or latino were: McCormick County (123), Bamberg County (141), and Allendale County (194).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's population that identified as hispanic or latino. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

South Carolina Census 2020 Hispanic or Latino Population By County
South Carolina Census 2020 Hispanic or Latino Population By County
Items per page:
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County Hispanic or Latino Population % of County Population
Abbeville 423 1.74
Aiken 11526 6.83
Allendale 194 2.41
Anderson 9574 4.70
Bamberg 141 1.06
Barnwell 520 2.53
Beaufort 23411 12.51
Berkeley 20328 8.84
Calhoun 487 3.45
Charleston 29280 7.17
Cherokee 2777 4.94
Chester 795 2.46
Chesterfield 2086 4.82
Clarendon 907 2.91
Colleton 1380 3.58
Darlington 1396 2.22
Dillon 856 3.03
Dorchester 10861 6.72
Edgefield 1371 5.34
Fairfield 423 2.02
Florence 4283 3.13
Georgetown 2225 3.51
Greenville 58025 11.04
Greenwood 4749 6.85
Hampton 666 3.59
Horry 24304 6.92
Jasper 5079 17.64
Kershaw 3466 5.30
Lancaster 6294 6.56
Laurens 4147 6.14
Lee 295 1.79
Lexington 21797 7.41
McCormick 123 1.29
Marion 710 2.43
Marlboro 575 2.16
Newberry 3305 8.76
Oconee 4384 5.58
Orangeburg 1967 2.34
Pickens 6572 5.00
Richland 26095 6.27
Saluda 3012 15.97
Spartanburg 27732 8.46
Sumter 4302 4.08
Union 438 1.61
Williamsburg 619 2.00
York 18938 6.71