North Dakota Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County

Updated on April 24, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, there were 745,682 people (of all racial backgrounds) who identified as Non-Hispanic (not hispanic or latino) in North Dakota, which was 95.71% of the total population of North Dakota.

Cass County had the highest number of of people who identified as non-hispanic (178.34K), followed by Burleigh County (95.37K), and Grand Forks County (69.51K). On the other hand, the three counties with low number of people who identified as non-hispanic were: Slope County (698), Billings County (923), and Sheridan County (1.25K).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state.

Hover over or click on the counties in the chart below to see the number and percentage of each county's population that identified as non-hispanic. You can also see this information in a table at the bottom of the page.

North Dakota Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County
North Dakota Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic Population % of County Population
Adams 2164 98.36
Barnes 10668 98.30
Benson 5875 98.51
Billings 923 97.67
Bottineau 6238 97.79
Bowman 2864 95.69
Burke 2142 97.32
Burleigh 95374 96.87
Cass 178343 96.65
Cavalier 3659 98.79
Dickey 4800 96.02
Divide 2142 97.59
Dunn 3988 97.39
Eddy 2270 96.72
Emmons 3266 98.94
Foster 3331 98.06
Golden Valley 1688 97.24
Grand Forks 69513 95.00
Grant 2275 98.87
Griggs 2282 98.96
Hettinger 2455 98.63
Kidder 2342 97.83
LaMoure 4005 97.85
Logan 1841 98.13
McHenry 5247 98.17
McIntosh 2477 97.91
McKenzie 13172 89.58
McLean 9623 98.49
Mercer 8132 97.39
Morton 31979 96.06
Mountrail 9041 92.17
Nelson 2946 97.71
Oliver 1849 98.51
Pembina 6601 96.45
Pierce 3918 98.20
Ramsey 11331 97.64
Ransom 5574 97.74
Renville 2245 98.38
Richland 15955 96.53
Rolette 12050 98.88
Sargent 3771 97.64
Sheridan 1255 99.21
Sioux 3835 98.38
Slope 698 98.87
Stark 31372 93.24
Steele 1762 98.00
Stutsman 21000 97.25
Towner 2128 98.43
Traill 7700 96.29
Walsh 9247 87.54
Ward 65329 93.44
Wells 3944 99.05
Williams 37053 90.48