South Carolina Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County

Updated on April 24, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, there were 4,765,587 people (of all racial backgrounds) who identified as Non-Hispanic (not hispanic or latino) in South Carolina, which was 93.11% of the total population of South Carolina.

Greenville County had the highest number of of people who identified as non-hispanic (467.51K), followed by Richland County (390.05K), and Charleston County (378.96K). On the other hand, the three counties with low number of people who identified as non-hispanic were: Allendale County (7.85K), McCormick County (9.40K), and Bamberg County (13.17K).

You can also see similar information for other states and also for the US by state.

Hover over or click on the counties in the chart below to see the number and percentage of each county's population that identified as non-hispanic. You can also see this information in a table at the bottom of the page.

South Carolina Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County
South Carolina Census 2020 Non-Hispanic Population By County
Items per page:
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County Non-Hispanic Population % of County Population
Abbeville 23872 98.26
Aiken 157282 93.17
Allendale 7845 97.59
Anderson 194144 95.30
Bamberg 13170 98.94
Barnwell 20069 97.47
Beaufort 163706 87.49
Berkeley 209533 91.16
Calhoun 13632 96.55
Charleston 378955 92.83
Cherokee 53439 95.06
Chester 31499 97.54
Chesterfield 41187 95.18
Clarendon 30237 97.09
Colleton 37224 96.43
Darlington 61509 97.78
Dillon 27436 96.97
Dorchester 150679 93.28
Edgefield 24286 94.66
Fairfield 20525 97.98
Florence 132776 96.88
Georgetown 61179 96.49
Greenville 467509 88.96
Greenwood 64602 93.15
Hampton 17895 96.41
Horry 326725 93.08
Jasper 23712 82.36
Kershaw 61937 94.70
Lancaster 89722 93.45
Laurens 63392 93.86
Lee 16236 98.22
Lexington 272194 92.59
McCormick 9403 98.71
Marion 28473 97.57
Marlboro 26092 97.84
Newberry 34414 91.24
Oconee 74223 94.42
Orangeburg 82256 97.67
Pickens 124832 95.00
Richland 390052 93.73
Saluda 15850 84.03
Spartanburg 300265 91.55
Sumter 101254 95.92
Union 26806 98.39
Williamsburg 30407 98.01
York 263152 93.29