Oregon White Alone Population By County in Census 2020

Updated on February 11, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, in April 2020, there were 3,169,096 people in Oregon who identified their race as White Alone, which is 74.79% of the total population of Oregon. Multnomah County had the highest number of people who identify as White Alone (556,202), followed by Washington County (385,455), and Clackamas County (334,855). On the other hand, the three counties with the least number of people who identify as White Alone were: Wheeler County (1,271), Sherman County (1,643), and Gilliam County (1,770).

In terms of the percentage of each county's total population, Wallowa County had the highest percentage, with 90.29% of its population identifying their race as White Alone, followed by Grant County (90.18%), and Baker County (89.61%).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the number and percentage of each county's population that identify as White Alone. The data can also be filtered, sorted, and explored further in a table below.

Oregon White Alone Population By County in Census 2020
Oregon White Alone Population By County in Census 2020
Items per page:
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County White Alone Population % of County Population
Baker County 14936 89.61
Benton County 74612 78.39
Clackamas County 334855 79.46
Clatsop County 34525 84.06
Columbia County 45243 86.03
Coos County 54930 84.60
Crook County 21349 86.30
Curry County 19925 84.98
Deschutes County 169137 85.31
Douglas County 96048 86.37
Gilliam County 1770 88.72
Grant County 6523 90.18
Harney County 6566 87.61
Hood River County 16381 68.32
Jackson County 178193 79.81
Jefferson County 15992 65.27
Josephine County 75344 85.53
Klamath County 54494 78.51
Lake County 6691 82.00
Lane County 309194 80.74
Lincoln County 40624 80.61
Linn County 107700 83.74
Malheur County 21619 68.48
Marion County 233321 67.45
Morrow County 7472 61.32
Multnomah County 556202 68.21
Polk County 68274 78.09
Sherman County 1643 87.86
Tillamook County 22620 82.59
Umatilla County 53461 66.76
Union County 22565 86.14
Wallowa County 6673 90.29
Wasco County 19821 74.32
Washington County 385455 64.20
Wheeler County 1271 87.60
Yamhill County 83667 77.67