South Carolina 2020 Census Population Density By County Map

Updated on October 16, 2023.

The population density of South Carolina from the 2020 Census was 170.25, based on data from the US Census Bureau.

Greenville County had the highest population density (668.68), followed by Richland County (549.53), and then Charleston County (444.71). On the other hand, the 3 counties with the lowest population density were: Allendale County (19.7), McCormick County (26.55), and Fairfield County (30.52).

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Hover over or click on the counties to see the population density for each county. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

South Carolina 2020 Census Population Density By County
South Carolina 2020 Census Population Density By County
Items per page:
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County Population Density
Abbeville 49.46
Aiken 157.66
Allendale 19.70
Anderson 285.38
Bamberg 33.84
Barnwell 37.55
Beaufort 324.83
Berkeley 208.28
Calhoun 37.04
Charleston 444.71
Cherokee 143.06
Chester 55.62
Chesterfield 54.16
Clarendon 51.29
Colleton 36.54
Darlington 112.21
Dillon 69.85
Dorchester 284.10
Edgefield 51.24
Fairfield 30.52
Florence 171.22
Georgetown 77.93
Greenville 668.68
Greenwood 152.22
Hampton 33.15
Horry 309.74
Jasper 43.95
Kershaw 90.01
Lancaster 174.87
Laurens 94.74
Lee 40.30
Lexington 420.59
McCormick 26.55
Marion 59.63
Marlboro 55.57
Newberry 59.84
Oconee 125.46
Orangeburg 76.13
Pickens 264.43
Richland 549.53
Saluda 41.66
Spartanburg 405.75
Sumter 158.71
Union 53.05
Williamsburg 33.21
York 414.21