Ranking of Oregon Cities and Places By Non-Hispanic Population from Census 2020

Updated on August 18, 2023.

According to the data from the United States 2020 decennial Census, in April 2020, among all the cities and places in Oregon, Portland city had the highest number of people who identified as Non-Hispanic (not hispanic or latino) (580.17K), followed by Eugene city (157.93K), and Salem city (134.23K).

The chart below shows the top 10, and the table below shows the ranking of all Oregon cities and places based on the number of people who identified as non-hispanic.

You can see similar ranking information for other states and also for the different racial groups and the different ethnicities in Oregon.

Ranking of Oregon Cities and Place By Non-Hispanic Population from Census 2020
Ranking of Oregon Cities and Places By Non-Hispanic Population from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank City or Place Non-Hispanic Population
1 Portland city 580167
2 Eugene city 157925
3 Salem city 134233
4 Gresham city 90204
5 Bend city 90078
6 Hillsboro city 80829
7 Beaverton city 79817
8 Medford city 71138
9 Corvallis city 53861
10 Springfield city 52913
11 Albany city 48523
12 Tigard city 47097
13 Aloha CDP 40809
14 Lake Oswego city 38586
15 Grants Pass city 35277
16 Oregon City city 34127
17 Keizer city 30732
18 Bethany CDP 29127
19 Redmond city 28629
20 McMinnville city 26124
21 West Linn city 25800
22 Wilsonville city 23057
23 Tualatin city 22763
24 Happy Valley city 22165
25 Roseburg city 21894
26 Newberg city 21396
27 Ashland city 19744
28 Milwaukie city 19310
29 Forest Grove city 19072
30 Klamath Falls city 18759
31 Sherwood city 18436
32 Altamont CDP 17129
33 Lebanon city 16984
34 Central Point city 16812
35 Cedar Mill CDP 15976
36 Oak Grove CDP 15590
37 Dallas city 15515
38 Pendleton city 15150
39 Coos Bay city 14554
40 Canby city 14305
41 Troutdale city 13908
42 Oatfield CDP 12905
43 St. Helens city 12786
44 The Dalles city 12449
45 La Grande city 12163
46 Hayesville CDP 11748
47 Sandy city 11386
48 Gladstone city 10817
49 Hermiston city 10799
50 Oak Hills CDP 10697
51 Santa Clara CDP 10367
52 Damascus CDP 10155
53 Woodburn city 9993
54 Four Corners CDP 9957
55 Prineville city 9577
56 Baker City city 9568
56 North Bend city 9568
57 Cottage Grove city 9357
58 Sweet Home city 9254
59 Bull Mountain CDP 9188
60 Astoria city 9105
61 Silverton city 9059
62 Monmouth city 9030
63 Rockcreek CDP 8903
64 Florence city 8831
65 Eagle Point city 8760
66 West Haven-Sylvan CDP 8654
67 Molalla city 8608
68 Lincoln City city 8568
69 Fairview city 8308
70 Newport city 8302
71 Sutherlin city 7843
72 River Road CDP 7832
73 Scappoose city 7405
74 Cedar Hills CDP 7116
75 Green CDP 7094
76 Stayton city 6803
77 Jennings Lodge CDP 6645
78 Ontario city 6596
79 Garden Home-Whitford CDP 6565
80 West Slope CDP 6463
81 Independence city 6440
82 Hood River city 6362
83 Junction City city 6114
84 Brookings city 6089
85 Seaside city 6000
86 White City CDP 5888
87 Raleigh Hills CDP 5716
88 Warrenton city 5706
89 Cornelius city 5701
90 Winston city 5312
91 Talent city 5243
92 Creswell city 5084
93 Deschutes River Woods CDP 5044
94 Philomath city 4863
95 Veneta city 4765
96 Crooked River Ranch CDP 4714
97 Madras city 4661
98 King City city 4569
99 Beavercreek CDP 4523
100 Marlene Village CDP 4468
101 Mount Hood Villages CDP 4266
102 Tillamook city 4190
103 Sheridan city 4140
104 Roseburg North CDP 4099
105 Reedsport city 4011
106 Estacada city 3998
107 Milton-Freewater city 3880
108 Umatilla city 3869
109 Tri-City CDP 3782
110 Three Rivers CDP 3768
111 Phoenix city 3762
112 Coquille city 3752
113 Metzger CDP 3684
114 Aumsville city 3616
115 Lafayette city 3337
116 Toledo city 3308
117 Myrtle Creek city 3297
118 Harrisburg city 3254
119 Bandon city 3121
120 North Plains city 3010
121 Oakridge city 3009
122 Shady Cove city 2908
123 Jacksonville city 2879
124 Sisters city 2870
125 Sublimity city 2818
126 Dundee city 2794
127 Jefferson city 2783
128 Millersburg city 2699
129 Eagle Crest CDP 2664
130 Burns city 2552
131 Redwood CDP 2541
132 Wood Village city 2510
133 Juniper Canyon CDP 2479
134 La Pine city 2386
134 Mount Angel city 2386
135 Harbor CDP 2376
136 Myrtle Point city 2349
137 Turner city 2264
138 Vernonia city 2251
139 Warm Springs CDP 2245
140 Rogue River city 2229
141 Lincoln Beach CDP 2221
142 Gold Beach city 2195
143 Lakeview town 2144
144 Mulino CDP 2140
145 Waldport city 2118
146 Union city 2083
147 Willamina city 2042
148 Carlton city 2014
149 Enterprise city 1961
150 Sunriver CDP 1949
151 Hubbard city 1948
152 Keno CDP 1882
153 Dayton city 1873
154 Cave Junction city 1871
155 Grand Ronde CDP 1862
156 Columbia City city 1837
157 Heceta Beach CDP 1827
157 Rainier city 1827
158 Stafford CDP 1823
159 Boring CDP 1816
159 Lakeside city 1816
160 Mill City city 1802
161 Rose Lodge CDP 1791
162 Warren CDP 1784
163 Barview CDP 1738
164 Glide CDP 1707
165 Gearhart city 1682
166 Elgin city 1649
167 Brownsville city 1635
168 Clatskanie city 1632
169 Dunthorpe CDP 1622
170 Banks city 1616
171 John Day city 1610
172 Merlin CDP 1579
173 Hines city 1546
174 Canyonville city 1523
175 Durham city 1515
176 Prineville Lake Acres CDP 1511
177 Vale city 1505
178 Amity city 1475
179 New Hope CDP 1463
180 Chenoweth CDP 1456
181 Depoe Bay city 1438
182 Rockaway Beach city 1392
183 Dunes City city 1382
184 Stanfield city 1353
185 Bunker Hill CDP 1309
186 Cannon Beach city 1304
187 Terrebonne CDP 1291
188 Pilot Rock city 1268
189 Gold Hill city 1266
190 Bay City city 1238
191 Coburg city 1221
192 Cascade Locks city 1212
193 Nyssa city 1174
194 Irrigon city 1172
195 Siletz city 1165
196 South Lebanon CDP 1161
197 Riddle city 1147
198 Lyons city 1145
199 Athena city 1143
200 Lowell city 1135
201 Joseph city 1113
202 Bayside Gardens CDP 1109
203 Culver city 1103
204 Port Orford city 1098
205 Drain city 1097
206 Heppner city 1093
207 Tangent city 1089
208 Island City city 1087
209 Yamhill city 1060
210 Williams CDP 1048
211 Pacific City CDP 1042
212 Saunders Lake CDP 1026
213 Boardman city 1015
214 Falls City city 1004
215 Yoncalla city 971
216 Aurora city 947
217 Yachats city 935
218 Knappa CDP 933
219 Mission CDP 925
220 Scio city 918
221 Bayshore CDP 912
222 Adair Village city 887
223 Lookingglass CDP 881
224 Halsey city 876
225 Oakland city 864
226 Gervais city 860
227 Dexter CDP 856
228 Netarts CDP 847
229 Svensen CDP 825
230 Running Y Ranch CDP 817
231 Prairie City city 803
232 Melrose CDP 795
233 Garibaldi city 788
234 Tetherow CDP 786
235 Glendale city 782
236 Donald city 777
237 Wallowa city 767
238 Jasper CDP 761
239 Ruch CDP 757
240 Maywood Park city 756
241 Glasgow CDP 751
242 Chiloquin city 740
243 Trail CDP 736
244 Foots Creek CDP 702
245 Powers city 682
246 Odell CDP 680
247 Condon city 673
248 Wimer CDP 652
249 Green Meadows CDP 648
250 Weston city 631
251 Canyon City town 630
252 Falcon Heights CDP 615
253 Selma CDP 613
254 Dufur city 612
255 Metolius city 610
256 Cove city 599
257 Gaston city 598
258 Manzanita city 592
259 Kerby CDP 585
260 Pleasant Valley CDP 584
261 Arlington city 580
262 Neotsu CDP 576
263 Lacomb CDP 558
264 Marcola CDP 555
265 Echo city 544
266 Elmira CDP 527
267 Mount Vernon city 525
268 Gates city 524
268 Monroe city 524
269 Tumalo CDP 521
270 Rivergrove city 520
271 Pine Hollow CDP 515
272 Huntington city 489
273 San Marine CDP 479
274 Mapleton CDP 474
275 North Powder city 471
276 Cherry Grove CDP 456
277 Winchester Bay CDP 447
278 Prospect CDP 434
278 Tutuilla CDP 434
279 Johnson City city 433
280 Butte Falls town 432
281 Orient CDP 430
282 Fossil city 426
283 O'Brien CDP 425
284 Nesika Beach CDP 422
285 Takilma CDP 420
286 Maupin city 415
287 Merrill city 412
288 Wheeler city 409
289 Wedderburn CDP 404
290 Scotts Mills city 399
291 Crabtree CDP 398
291 Crescent CDP 398
291 Fairview CDP 398
291 Ochoco West CDP 398
292 Seventh Mountain CDP 390
293 Wasco city 385
294 River Point CDP 383
295 Adams city 373
296 Jeffers Gardens CDP 371
297 Holley CDP 369
298 Dillard CDP 366
299 Haines city 363
300 Idaville CDP 354
300 Moro city 354
301 Oceanside CDP 352
302 St. Paul city 349
303 Malin city 346
304 Sodaville city 339
305 Halfway city 333
306 Mosier city 325
307 Trent CDP 320
308 Gopher Flats CDP 315
309 Cheshire CDP 311
310 Oregon Shores CDP 308
311 Crawfordsville CDP 307
312 Bonanza town 303
313 Rocky Point CDP 300
314 Mehama CDP 298
315 Deer Island CDP 293
316 Westport CDP 289
317 Marion CDP 280
318 Brooks CDP 273
318 Ione city 273
319 Days Creek CDP 261
319 Dilley CDP 261
320 Nehalem city 260
321 Butteville CDP 258
322 Westfir city 252
323 Rhododendron CDP 251
324 Gardiner CDP 242
325 Black Butte Ranch CDP 241
326 Imbler city 239
327 Camp Sherman CDP 238
327 Lostine city 238
327 Paisley city 238
328 Umapine CDP 235
329 Tygh Valley CDP 233
330 Cloverdale CDP 231
331 Fair Oaks CDP 230
331 Lexington town 230
332 Rufus city 223
333 Mount Hood CDP 214
334 Gilchrist CDP 212
335 Waterloo town 207
336 Bly CDP 199
336 Sumpter city 199
337 Neskowin CDP 197
337 Riverside CDP 197
338 Shedd CDP 196
339 Neahkahnie CDP 192
340 Langlois CDP 190
341 Detroit city 187
342 Parkdale CDP 184
343 Barnesdale CDP 183
344 Annex CDP 182
345 Helix city 181
346 Government Camp CDP 174
347 Elkton city 169
348 Hebo CDP 167
349 Alsea CDP 163
349 Richland city 163
349 Seneca city 163
350 Rowena CDP 162
351 Long Creek city 155
351 Ukiah city 155
352 Kirkpatrick CDP 153
353 Alpine CDP 152
353 Beaver CDP 152
354 Silver Lake CDP 150
355 Grass Valley city 142
356 Pine Grove CDP 141
357 Fort Hill CDP 140
357 Labish Village CDP 140
358 Idanha city 137
359 Adrian city 134
360 Spray town 133
361 Cape Meares CDP 132
362 Cascadia CDP 129
362 Mitchell city 129
363 Dayville town 124
364 West Scio CDP 120
365 Crescent Lake CDP 118
366 Summerville town 116
366 Wamic CDP 116
367 Crane CDP 112
368 Jordan Valley city 111
369 Harper CDP 110
370 Barlow city 104
371 Monument city 103
372 New Pine Creek CDP 100
372 Peoria CDP 100
373 McKay CDP 92
373 Pronghorn CDP 92
374 Brogan CDP 88
375 Pistol River CDP 84
376 Meacham CDP 81
377 Prescott city 80
378 Sprague River CDP 79
379 Sportsmans Park CDP 75
380 Rickreall CDP 74
381 Chemult CDP 73
382 Bellfountain CDP 69
383 Wallowa Lake CDP 67
384 Cayuse CDP 66
384 Summit CDP 66
385 Eola CDP 56
385 Kings Valley CDP 56
386 Beaver Marsh CDP 52
387 Beatty CDP 51
388 Fort Klamath CDP 41
389 Unity city 38
390 Blodgett CDP 36
390 Plush CDP 36
391 Juntura CDP 34
392 Antelope city 32
393 Granite city 30
394 Shaniko city 28
395 Lonerock city 23
396 Biggs Junction CDP 3
397 Greenhorn city 0