Ranking of Delaware Cities and Places By Two Or More Races Population from Census 2020

Updated on July 6, 2023.

According to the data from the United States 2020 decennial Census, as at April 2020, among all of Delaware's cities and places (towns and villages), Wilmington city had the highest number of people who identified their race as Two Or More Races (5.08K), followed by Dover city (3.63K), and Newark city (2.04K).

The chart below shows the top 10 cities and places, and the table below shows the ranking of all of Delaware cities and places based on Two Or More Races population.

You can see similar ranking information for other states and for the United States. You can also see similar rankings for other racial groups as well as for the different ethnicities in Delaware.

Ranking of Delaware Cities and Places By Two Or More Races Population from Census 2020
Ranking of Delaware Cities and Places By Two Or More Races Population from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank City or Place Two or More Races Population
1 Wilmington city 5078
2 Dover city 3630
3 Newark city 2035
4 Bear CDP 1977
5 Middletown town 1751
6 Brookside CDP 1687
7 Glasgow CDP 1154
8 Smyrna town 1088
9 Milford city 997
10 Georgetown town 892
11 Pike Creek Valley CDP 856
12 Wilmington Manor CDP 832
13 Hockessin CDP 823
14 Claymont CDP 777
15 Elsmere town 676
16 Seaford city 603
17 Millsboro town 573
18 Edgemoor CDP 478
19 Pike Creek CDP 468
20 Rising Sun-Lebanon CDP 425
21 Laurel town 391
22 Dover Base Housing CDP 380
23 North Star CDP 364
24 Harrington city 355
25 Camden town 348
26 New Castle city 341
27 Highland Acres CDP 333
28 Clayton town 321
29 Woodside East CDP 298
30 Selbyville town 248
31 Townsend town 239
32 Kent Acres CDP 234
33 Riverview CDP 209
34 Milton town 202
35 Wyoming town 191
36 Delaware City city 186
37 Bridgeville town 182
38 Delmar town 168
39 Cheswold town 164
40 Newport town 158
41 Blades town 151
42 Rodney Village CDP 150
43 Frankford town 148
44 Greenville CDP 146
45 Lewes city 139
46 Long Neck CDP 126
47 Frederica town 122
48 St. Georges CDP 113
49 Ocean View town 111
50 Felton town 99
51 Bellefonte town 95
52 Millville town 87
53 Greenwood town 82
54 Lincoln CDP 70
55 Houston town 49
56 Ellendale town 48
57 Dagsboro town 47
58 Rehoboth Beach city 36
59 Bethany Beach town 31
60 Arden village 30
60 Leipsic town 30
61 Little Creek town 28
61 Magnolia town 28
62 Kenton town 24
63 Odessa town 22
64 Dewey Beach town 18
65 Bethel town 17
65 Bowers town 17
66 Woodside town 15
67 Ardencroft village 14
68 Fenwick Island town 13
68 Port Penn CDP 13
69 Hartly town 11
70 Ardentown village 9
70 Farmington town 9
71 South Bethany town 7
72 Henlopen Acres town 6
72 Viola town 6
73 Slaughter Beach town 4