Ranking of Washington Cities and Places By Percentage of Population that were Black or African American Alone from Census 2020

Updated on July 6, 2023.

According to the data from the United States 2020 decennial Census for Washington counties, in April 2020, among all of Washington's cities and places (towns and villages) with a population of at least 10K, Bryn Mawr-Skyway CDP had the highest percentage of its population that identified their race as Black or African American Alone (27.53%), followed by SeaTac city (24.12%), and Tukwila city (19.02%).

The chart and table below shows the ranking of all of Washington cities and places with a population of at least 10K, based on the percentage of the population that identified as Black or African American Alone.

You can see similar ranking information for other states. You can also see similar rankings of cities and places for other racial groups, as well as for the different ethnicities in Washington.

Ranking of Washington Cities and Places By Percentage of Pop. that were Black or African American Alone from Census 2020
Bryn Mawr-Skyway
White Center
Federal Way
Fort Lewis
Des Moines
Ranking of Washington Cities and Places By Percentage of Pop. that were Black or African American Alone from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank City or Place Percent of City Population
1 Bryn Mawr-Skyway CDP 27.53
2 SeaTac city 24.12
3 Tukwila city 19.02
4 White Center CDP 14.52
5 Federal Way city 14.42
6 Fort Lewis CDP 13.25
7 Lakewood city 13.10
8 Kent city 12.76
9 Parkland CDP 12.33
10 Des Moines city 12.19
11 Spanaway CDP 10.96
12 Fife city 10.38
13 Tacoma city 10.33
14 Renton city 10.15
15 Frederickson CDP 9.77
16 North Lynnwood CDP 9.44
17 Lake Stickney CDP 9.16
18 University Place city 9.09
19 DuPont city 8.50
20 Fairwood CDP 8.04
21 Alderwood Manor CDP 8.00
22 Auburn city 7.79
23 Lakeland North CDP 7.78
24 Burien city 7.66
25 Lynnwood city 7.38
26 Bremerton city 7.01
27 Seattle city 6.98
28 Shoreline city 6.37
29 Oak Harbor city 6.21
30 Lacey city 5.86
31 South Hill CDP 5.51
32 Lakeland South CDP 5.38
33 Everett city 5.36
34 Covington city 5.34
35 Mountlake Terrace city 5.32
36 Airway Heights city 5.10
37 Graham CDP 4.39
38 Martha Lake CDP 4.32
39 Elk Plain CDP 4.18
40 Cheney city 4.01
41 Puyallup city 3.99
42 Hazel Dell CDP 3.64
43 Minnehaha CDP 3.63
44 Eastmont CDP 3.48
45 Monroe city 3.47
46 Pullman city 3.45
47 Newcastle city 3.41
48 Port Orchard city 3.40
49 Yelm city 3.39
50 Silverdale CDP 3.38
51 Vancouver city 3.26
52 Edmonds city 3.16
52 Olympia city 3.16
53 Bothell West CDP 3.10
54 Mill Creek city 3.03
55 Spokane city 2.71
56 Tumwater city 2.69
57 Maple Valley city 2.68
58 Bellevue city 2.65
59 Bothell East CDP 2.62
60 Orchards CDP 2.58
61 Marysville city 2.55
62 Mukilteo city 2.52
63 Edgewood city 2.48
64 Mill Creek East CDP 2.45
65 Five Corners CDP 2.42
66 Lake Stevens city 2.36
67 Walla Walla city 2.33
68 Redmond city 2.21
69 Silver Firs CDP 2.19
70 Kenmore city 2.15
70 Lake Forest Park city 2.15
71 Bonney Lake city 2.13
72 Salmon Creek CDP 2.09
73 Kirkland city 2.07
74 Lake Morton-Berrydale CDP 2.06
75 Issaquah city 2.00
76 Bothell city 1.93
77 Kennewick city 1.90
78 Mount Vista CDP 1.82
79 Woodinville city 1.77
80 Spokane Valley city 1.76
81 East Renton Highlands CDP 1.72
82 Ellensburg city 1.69
83 Pasco city 1.67
84 Sumner city 1.64
85 Poulsbo city 1.56
86 Richland city 1.54
87 Union Hill-Novelty Hill CDP 1.51
88 Yakima city 1.45
89 Bellingham city 1.44
90 Gig Harbor city 1.42
91 Moses Lake city 1.40
92 Fairwood CDP 1.34
93 Aberdeen city 1.31
94 Sammamish city 1.28
95 Longview city 1.24
95 Prairie Ridge CDP 1.24
96 Snoqualmie city 1.23
97 Arlington city 1.20
98 Washougal city 1.19
99 Mercer Island city 1.12
100 Birch Bay CDP 1.10
100 Centralia city 1.10
101 Ferndale city 1.09
102 Camas city 1.05
102 Ridgefield city 1.05
103 Mount Vernon city 1.01
104 Lake Tapps CDP 0.95
105 Battle Ground city 0.94
106 Kelso city 0.93
107 Lynden city 0.88
108 Enumclaw city 0.87
108 Shelton city 0.87
109 West Richland city 0.85
110 Port Angeles city 0.84
110 Sedro-Woolley city 0.84
111 Cottage Lake CDP 0.82
112 Liberty Lake city 0.73
113 Artondale CDP 0.71
113 Snohomish city 0.71
114 Vashon CDP 0.69
115 Camano CDP 0.61
116 Port Townsend city 0.60
117 Anacortes city 0.57
118 Bainbridge Island city 0.56
119 East Wenatchee city 0.52
120 Wenatchee city 0.51
121 Maltby CDP 0.44
122 Grandview city 0.34
123 Sunnyside city 0.21