Ranking of Arizona Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020

Updated on October 18, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 Census, as at April 2020, among all Arizona cities and places, Donovan Estates CDP had the highest population density per square mile (10.29K people per sqr mile), followed by Orange Grove Mobile Manor CDP (7.90K people per sqr mile), and Guadalupe town (6.62K people per sqr mile).

On the other hand, Grand Canyon West CDP had the lowest population density per square mile (0.00 people per sqr mile), followed by Supai CDP (0.00 people per sqr mile), and Alamo Lake CDP (0.09 people per sqr mile).

The chart below shows the top 10 Arizona cities and places with high population density, and the table below shows the population density of all Arizona cities and places.

You can also see this information for other states, as well as the ranking of all cities and places in the United States.

Ranking of Arizona Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Donovan Estates
Orange Grove Mobile Manor
Avenue B and C
Rancho Mesa Verde
South Tucson
Flowing Wells
Ranking of Arizona Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank Place Population Density
1 Donovan Estates CDP 10288.86
2 Orange Grove Mobile Manor CDP 7898.79
3 Guadalupe town 6620.66
4 Avenue B and C CDP 5575.02
5 Rancho Mesa Verde CDP 5084.50
6 Youngtown town 4745.18
7 Tempe city 4521.27
8 South Tucson city 4492.12
9 Chandler city 4226.41
10 Flowing Wells CDP 4110.25
11 Glendale city 4031.52
12 Gilbert town 3907.26
13 Mesa city 3635.49
14 El Mirage city 3617.50
15 Phoenix city 3104.54
16 Anthem CDP 2935.19
17 Sun City CDP 2769.12
18 Sun Lakes CDP 2766.10
19 Casas Adobes CDP 2663.65
20 New Kingman-Butler CDP 2596.72
21 Mesa del Caballo CDP 2479.25
22 Sun City West CDP 2353.49
23 Tucson city 2251.64
24 Morenci CDP 2240.91
25 Litchfield Park city 2087.99
26 Kachina Village CDP 2061.65
27 Somerton city 1951.63
28 Solomon CDP 1915.95
29 Avondale city 1889.57
30 Miami town 1729.40
31 Verde Village CDP 1726.77
32 Circle City CDP 1709.92
33 Douglas city 1656.87
34 Arizona City CDP 1608.97
35 Queen Creek town 1476.29
36 Drexel Heights CDP 1431.33
37 Valencia West CDP 1421.11
38 Corona de Tucson CDP 1379.88
39 Drysdale CDP 1375.31
40 Maricopa city 1369.07
41 Oro Valley town 1349.73
42 San Tan Valley CDP 1317.93
43 Scottsdale city 1311.73
44 Surprise city 1297.79
45 Summit CDP 1291.03
46 Tolleson city 1258.57
47 Catalina Foothills CDP 1252.24
48 Lake Havasu City city 1233.18
49 Superior town 1226.15
50 Central Heights-Midland City CDP 1214.38
51 Kleindale CDP 1186.85
52 Fountain Hills town 1174.38
53 Claypool CDP 1167.20
54 Cottonwood CDP 1166.33
55 Village of Oak Creek (Big Park) CDP 1165.75
56 Rillito CDP 1164.01
57 Flagstaff city 1163.51
58 Prescott Valley town 1156.18
59 Green Valley CDP 1135.70
60 Spring Valley CDP 1121.61
61 Apache Junction city 1097.76
62 Safford city 1093.06
63 Pinal CDP 1091.38
64 Peoria city 1084.64
65 Sahuarita town 1076.98
66 Miracle Valley CDP 1043.58
67 San Luis city 1036.20
68 Prescott city 1019.07
69 Fort Mohave CDP 969.54
70 Bisbee city 951.05
71 Nogales city 949.57
72 Tucson Estates CDP 948.43
73 Lake of the Woods CDP 919.97
74 Tuba City CDP 899.44
75 Sunsites CDP 886.99
76 Citrus Park CDP 873.51
77 Kingman city 870.61
78 Payson town 845.10
79 Paradise Valley town 823.03
80 Thatcher town 792.17
81 Yuma city 791.81
82 Swift Trail Junction CDP 762.76
83 Pirtleville CDP 757.79
84 Crystal Beach CDP 738.88
85 Wagon Wheel CDP 730.94
86 Gila Crossing CDP 730.80
87 Centennial Park CDP 727.59
88 Cottonwood city 724.77
89 Wittmann CDP 709.03
90 Bullhead City city 696.41
91 Winslow city 693.35
92 Fortuna Foothills CDP 692.98
93 Arizona Village CDP 664.69
94 Kearny town 645.19
95 Kino Springs CDP 642.45
96 Desert Hills CDP 641.89
97 Tonto Village CDP 625.16
98 Patagonia town 623.57
99 Wall Lane CDP 600.05
100 Vail CDP 599.95
101 Jerome town 590.25
102 Huachuca City town 575.29
103 Cornfields CDP 571.41
104 Fort Defiance CDP 551.49
105 Klagetoh CDP 540.59
106 Catalina CDP 533.98
107 Oatman CDP 531.15
108 Tolani Lake CDP 531.07
109 Sedona city 530.29
110 Willcox city 522.55
111 Nelson CDP 522.39
112 Moenkopi CDP 512.93
113 Rio Verde CDP 510.50
114 Tanque Verde CDP 502.87
115 Goodyear city 498.14
116 Greenehaven CDP 497.19
117 So-Hi CDP 488.73
118 Casa Grande city 483.98
119 Cienega Springs CDP 477.09
120 Window Rock CDP 472.82
121 San Carlos CDP 464.86
122 Rainbow City CDP 459.61
123 Turkey Creek CDP 458.81
124 Padre Ranchitos CDP 458.39
125 Central CDP 452.25
126 Komatke CDP 452.16
127 Shongopovi CDP 448.12
128 Clarkdale town 434.67
129 Marana town 428.64
130 Florence town 427.76
131 Lake Montezuma CDP 426.69
132 Bylas CDP 426.18
133 Heber-Overgaard CDP 422.32
134 Carefree town 418.87
135 Tucson Mountains CDP 413.02
136 Hayden town 404.64
137 Oxbow Estates CDP 403.27
138 Sacaton CDP 400.69
139 Gold Canyon CDP 397.77
140 Globe city 397.11
141 Mesquite Creek CDP 394.15
142 Pima town 390.22
143 Winkelman town 384.90
144 Eagar town 379.42
145 Kohatk CDP 377.20
146 Walnut Creek CDP 372.18
147 St. Michaels CDP 362.40
148 Pinetop-Lakeside town 361.40
149 Aguila CDP 359.74
150 Mescal CDP 355.51
151 Kayenta CDP 354.53
152 Arivaca Junction CDP 331.38
153 El Prado Estates CDP 330.33
154 Rio Rico CDP 328.57
155 Bluewater CDP 328.33
156 Seven Mile CDP 327.82
157 Six Shooter Canyon CDP 327.44
158 East Fork CDP 325.99
159 Kaka CDP 324.41
160 Duncan town 322.51
161 York CDP 320.39
162 New River CDP 308.07
163 Mountain View Ranches CDP 306.69
164 Cibecue CDP 304.15
165 St. Johns CDP 302.52
166 Sierra Vista city 297.59
167 Gadsden CDP 292.49
168 Oak Springs CDP 290.50
169 Wickenburg town 289.00
170 Whispering Pines CDP 288.88
171 Whiteriver CDP 288.41
172 Camp Verde town 286.85
173 Chinle CDP 285.32
174 Doney Park CDP 284.25
175 Holbrook city 280.10
176 St. David CDP 271.13
177 Colorado City town 269.41
178 Clifton town 268.97
179 Timberline-Fernwood CDP 263.82
180 Saddlebrooke CDP 263.02
181 Wellton Hills CDP 261.17
182 Del Muerto CDP 260.51
183 Cornville CDP 255.47
184 Naco CDP 254.98
185 Avra Valley CDP 251.01
186 Cordes Lakes CDP 247.99
187 Cactus Flats CDP 245.09
188 Alpine CDP 242.97
189 Bagdad CDP 241.98
190 Sanders CDP 240.07
191 Peridot CDP 239.54
192 Bowie CDP 239.33
193 Golden Shores CDP 236.81
194 Tsaile CDP 236.67
195 Sehili CDP 234.72
196 Canyon Day CDP 233.42
197 Buckeye city 232.84
198 Yuma Proving Ground CDP 232.65
199 Buckshot CDP 231.25
200 Morristown CDP 230.61
201 Dewey-Humboldt town 230.18
202 Sells CDP 223.44
203 Vernon CDP 222.71
204 Cactus Forest CDP 221.81
205 Tacna CDP 221.07
206 Rincon Valley CDP 219.89
207 Beyerville CDP 216.17
208 Willow Valley CDP 214.55
209 Chino Valley town 208.58
210 Pinetop Country Club CDP 208.04
211 San Simon CDP 206.87
212 Bryce CDP 205.59
213 Rye CDP 204.36
214 Antares CDP 204.09
215 Vaiva Vo CDP 201.87
216 Parker Strip CDP 199.13
217 Page city 194.86
218 Oracle CDP 193.23
219 Mohave Valley CDP 192.05
220 Gisela CDP 187.30
221 Beaver Dam CDP 182.81
222 Snowflake town 180.92
223 Show Low city 179.12
224 Theba CDP 178.55
225 Joseph City CDP 176.62
226 Coolidge city 173.31
227 Tumacacori-Carmen CDP 167.51
228 Pinon CDP 167.22
229 Pisinemo CDP 158.24
230 Ash Fork CDP 156.47
231 Maricopa Colony CDP 155.70
232 Parker town 155.48
233 Sweet Water Village CDP 153.79
234 Many Farms CDP 152.46
235 Chloride CDP 151.97
236 Valle Vista CDP 150.72
237 Beaver Valley CDP 150.33
238 San Manuel CDP 150.27
239 Springerville town 149.26
240 Fredonia town 149.04
241 Tubac CDP 146.45
242 J-Six Ranchettes CDP 143.04
243 Stanfield CDP 142.12
244 Tombstone city 141.38
245 Peach Springs CDP 138.73
246 Goodyear Village CDP 138.15
247 Eloy city 137.67
248 Bellemont CDP 135.13
249 Picture Rocks CDP 134.90
250 Poston CDP 134.26
251 St. Johns city 131.89
252 Deer Creek CDP 131.88
253 Cowlic CDP 131.28
254 Sierra Vista Southeast CDP 130.11
255 Cave Creek town 129.73
256 Benson city 128.61
257 Nutrioso CDP 126.87
258 Stotonic Village CDP 123.12
259 Taylor town 122.31
260 Concho CDP 121.15
261 Shumway CDP 118.10
262 Icehouse Canyon CDP 117.14
263 Red Rock CDP 116.68
264 Clay Springs CDP 116.30
265 Palominas CDP 114.01
266 Golden Valley CDP 111.77
267 Three Points CDP 111.68
268 San Jose CDP 111.33
269 Black Canyon City CDP 110.35
270 Greer CDP 109.88
271 Casa Blanca CDP 109.34
272 Williamson CDP 108.98
273 Shonto CDP 108.38
274 Pinion Pines CDP 105.16
275 Lower Santan Village CDP 104.88
276 Mountainaire CDP 104.67
277 Wintersburg CDP 102.95
278 Cutter CDP 101.73
279 Queen Valley CDP 99.44
280 Fort Apache CDP 99.35
281 Steamboat CDP 98.12
282 Sawmill CDP 97.80
283 Paulden CDP 97.34
284 White Mountain Lake CDP 97.14
285 Kaibito CDP 96.85
286 Ganado CDP 96.54
287 Round Valley CDP 95.91
288 Ak Chin CDP 95.04
289 Upper Santan Village CDP 94.21
290 Dragoon CDP 94.20
291 Roosevelt Estates CDP 93.41
292 Sacaton Flats Village CDP 92.36
293 Linden CDP 91.38
294 Ajo CDP 91.19
295 Dudleyville CDP 89.00
296 McNary CDP 88.04
297 First Mesa CDP 85.91
298 Hotevilla-Bacavi CDP 85.18
299 Pine Lake CDP 84.12
300 Ak-Chin Village CDP 83.39
301 Strawberry CDP 82.88
302 Ali Chuk CDP 82.55
303 Wellton town 82.25
304 Scenic CDP 80.75
305 Elephant Head CDP 79.15
306 Ali Molina CDP 79.12
307 Mayer CDP 77.60
308 East Globe CDP 77.52
309 Sonoita CDP 76.11
310 Franklin CDP 74.86
311 Sacate Village CDP 74.68
312 LeChee CDP 74.36
313 Williams city 73.06
314 Santa Rosa CDP 72.39
315 Dilkon CDP 71.92
316 Mojave Ranch Estates CDP 70.84
317 Mead Ranch CDP 70.29
318 Greasewood CDP 69.66
319 Seligman CDP 69.52
320 Moccasin CDP 69.20
321 Jakes Corner CDP 69.03
322 Wheatfields CDP 68.95
323 Leupp CDP 68.91
324 Star Valley town 68.72
325 Wet Camp Village CDP 68.16
326 Nazlini CDP 67.77
327 Elfrida CDP 67.69
328 Brenda CDP 67.43
329 Grand Canyon Village CDP 66.96
330 Blackwater CDP 66.63
331 Hondah CDP 66.50
332 Quartzsite town 66.48
333 Arlington CDP 65.45
334 Lukachukai CDP 64.77
335 Yarnell CDP 64.59
336 Mormon Lake CDP 64.56
337 Anegam CDP 64.44
338 Ehrenberg CDP 63.99
339 Jeddito CDP 63.87
340 Martinez Lake CDP 61.64
341 East Verde Estates CDP 60.31
342 Pine CDP 60.25
343 Dennehotso CDP 58.98
344 Wahak Hotrontk CDP 57.11
345 Cane Beds CDP 56.25
346 Red Lake CDP 56.10
347 Red Rock CDP 55.49
348 Wilhoit CDP 55.08
349 Ali Chukson CDP 54.63
350 Lupton CDP 54.58
351 Burnside CDP 53.26
352 Bear Flat CDP 52.16
353 Freedom Acres CDP 51.31
354 Wide Ruins CDP 51.11
355 Clacks Canyon CDP 50.27
356 Ventana CDP 50.16
357 Pinedale CDP 49.80
358 Munds Park CDP 49.27
359 McNeal CDP 48.57
360 Congress CDP 48.09
361 Meadview CDP 45.75
362 Kaibab Estates West CDP 45.74
363 Tonalea CDP 45.42
364 Topawa CDP 45.25
365 South Komelik CDP 45.12
366 Tonto Basin CDP 44.96
367 Round Rock CDP 44.91
368 Bitter Springs CDP 44.24
369 Kykotsmovi Village CDP 43.50
370 Yucca CDP 42.91
371 Picacho CDP 40.98
372 Mammoth town 40.88
373 Christopher Creek CDP 39.89
374 Cameron CDP 39.20
375 Ko Vaya CDP 39.10
376 Rock Point CDP 38.99
377 Haivana Nakya CDP 38.70
378 Comobabi CDP 38.27
379 Amado CDP 37.69
380 Fort Thomas CDP 36.79
381 San Miguel CDP 36.27
382 Tusayan town 35.84
383 Teec Nos Pos CDP 35.48
384 Chuichu CDP 34.93
385 Salome CDP 34.86
386 Whetstone CDP 34.44
387 Rough Rock CDP 33.47
388 Peeples Valley CDP 32.96
389 Washington Park CDP 32.43
390 Chilchinbito CDP 32.36
391 Top-of-the-World CDP 31.18
392 Blue Ridge CDP 31.11
393 Wenden CDP 30.65
394 Maish Vaya CDP 30.46
395 Wikieup CDP 30.42
396 Lazy Y U CDP 30.17
397 Dolan Springs CDP 29.83
398 Gila Bend town 29.40
399 Charco CDP 29.01
400 Red Mesa CDP 27.56
400 Truxton CDP 27.56
401 Elgin CDP 27.24
402 Woodruff CDP 26.70
403 Winslow West CDP 26.57
404 Kohls Ranch CDP 25.61
405 Sunizona CDP 25.43
406 Tees Toh CDP 24.70
407 Valentine CDP 24.46
408 Santa Cruz CDP 23.95
409 North Fork CDP 23.81
410 Fort Valley CDP 23.27
411 Hunter Creek CDP 23.21
412 Nolic CDP 22.97
413 Geronimo Estates CDP 22.68
414 Arivaca CDP 22.43
415 Indian Wells CDP 22.32
416 Cedar Creek CDP 21.84
417 Haigler Creek CDP 21.73
418 Littlefield CDP 21.70
419 Kaibab CDP 21.69
420 Copper Hill CDP 21.49
421 Dripping Springs CDP 21.19
422 Second Mesa CDP 21.01
423 Houck CDP 20.87
424 Campo Bonito CDP 20.67
425 Katherine CDP 20.10
426 Crozier CDP 19.99
427 Flowing Springs CDP 19.92
428 Chiawuli Tak CDP 19.71
429 Tat Momoli CDP 19.38
430 Oak Creek Canyon CDP 19.30
431 Gu Oidak CDP 17.78
432 Low Mountain CDP 17.10
433 Whitecone CDP 17.03
434 Tonopah CDP 16.84
435 Rock House CDP 16.45
436 Keams Canyon CDP 15.94
437 Summerhaven CDP 15.65
438 Forest Lakes CDP 14.71
439 Why CDP 13.62
440 La Paz Valley CDP 12.53
441 Young CDP 12.30
442 Dateland CDP 11.63
443 Carrizo CDP 10.19
444 Cibola CDP 10.14
445 Roosevelt CDP 9.67
446 McConnico CDP 9.57
447 Oljato-Monument Valley CDP 9.33
448 Seba Dalkai CDP 8.33
449 Parks CDP 8.13
450 El Capitan CDP 7.89
451 Topock CDP 7.69
452 White Hills CDP 6.65
453 Hard Rock CDP 6.42
454 Toyei CDP 6.16
455 Willow Canyon CDP 6.00
456 Hackberry CDP 5.86
457 Bouse CDP 5.19
458 Sun Valley CDP 4.85
459 Utting CDP 3.48
460 Vicksburg CDP 2.93
461 Valle CDP 2.04
462 Aztec CDP 0.33
463 Sunwest CDP 0.21
464 Alamo Lake CDP 0.09
465 Grand Canyon West CDP 0.00
465 Supai CDP 0.00