Ranking of Pennsylvania Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020

Updated on October 18, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 Census, as at April 2020, among all Pennsylvania cities and places, Millbourne borough had the highest population density per square mile (16.35K people per sqr mile), followed by East Lansdowne borough (13.15K people per sqr mile), and Darby borough (12.72K people per sqr mile).

On the other hand, Fort Indiantown Gap CDP had the lowest population density per square mile (3.54 people per sqr mile), followed by Eagle Lake CDP (5.04 people per sqr mile), and New Morgan borough (9.80 people per sqr mile).

The chart below shows the top 10 Pennsylvania cities and places with high population density, and the table below shows the population density of all Pennsylvania cities and places.

You can also see this information for other states, as well as the ranking of all cities and places in the United States.

Ranking of Pennsylvania Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
East Lansdowne
Clifton Heights
West Chester
Ranking of Pennsylvania Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank Place Population Density
1 Millbourne borough 16351.68
2 East Lansdowne borough 13153.91
3 Darby borough 12722.15
4 Philadelphia city 11936.88
5 Parkside borough 11277.93
6 Clifton Heights borough 10887.93
7 Dormont borough 10841.74
8 Collingdale borough 10245.24
9 Norristown borough 10169.44
10 West Chester borough 10113.09
11 Mount Oliver borough 9997.66
12 West York borough 9699.63
13 Reading city 9662.92
14 Colwyn borough 9572.01
15 Lansdowne borough 9401.55
16 Conshohocken borough 9221.94
17 Drexel Hill CDP 9124.98
18 Cheltenham Village CDP 9010.77
19 Pennsbury Village borough 8978.60
20 Narberth borough 8932.87
21 State College borough 8888.80
22 Messiah College CDP 8861.95
23 Prospect Park borough 8783.15
24 Mount Carmel borough 8653.55
25 University of Pittsburgh Bradford CDP 8506.38
26 York city 8464.92
27 Shamokin city 8413.13
28 Aspinwall borough 8311.81
29 West Lawn CDP 8298.96
30 Bellevue borough 8231.46
31 Jenkintown borough 8157.14
32 Lancaster city 8030.51
33 Ambler borough 7987.24
34 Indiana borough 7982.78
35 Mount Penn borough 7893.97
36 Ingram borough 7822.01
37 Sharon Hill borough 7793.46
38 Morton borough 7754.97
39 Media borough 7736.57
40 Avalon borough 7721.96
41 West Reading borough 7660.44
42 Norwood borough 7640.53
43 Bridgeport borough 7608.54
44 Rockledge borough 7594.69
45 Yeadon borough 7558.07
46 Arcadia University CDP 7436.74
47 Glenolden borough 7410.24
48 Coatesville city 7381.94
49 Penbrook borough 7330.61
50 Roslyn CDP 7231.06
51 North York borough 7215.53
52 Allentown city 7168.96
53 Wilson borough 7148.64
54 Swissvale borough 7148.01
55 McAdoo borough 7122.62
56 Aldan borough 7112.14
57 Applewold borough 7112.13
58 Kutztown University CDP 7023.30
59 Brentwood borough 6959.70
60 Ardmore CDP 6885.57
61 Mahanoy City borough 6864.80
62 Shippensburg University CDP 6770.44
63 Chester city 6745.81
64 Ridley Park borough 6660.81
65 Minersville borough 6653.57
66 Folsom CDP 6631.54
67 West View borough 6618.90
68 Sharpsburg borough 6598.15
69 Easton city 6597.41
70 Fountain Hill borough 6570.78
71 Arnold city 6518.78
72 Frackville borough 6490.65
73 Wilkes-Barre city 6472.57
74 Lebanon city 6434.36
75 Souderton borough 6412.60
76 Wilkinsburg borough 6369.18
77 Warminster Heights CDP 6362.43
78 Brackenridge borough 6313.97
79 Royersford borough 6278.54
80 Lansdale borough 6273.27
81 Kingston borough 6219.32
82 East Greenville borough 6188.42
83 Harrisburg city 6170.70
84 Bryn Mawr CDP 6142.25
85 Pitcairn borough 6133.82
86 Temple CDP 6117.35
87 Penn Wynne CDP 6106.99
88 Lincoln University CDP 6090.65
89 Wesleyville borough 6080.72
90 Linwood CDP 6078.89
91 Glenside CDP 6042.09
92 Penndel borough 6020.48
93 McSherrystown borough 6012.84
94 Mifflintown borough 5995.48
95 Rochester borough 5903.94
96 Hebron CDP 5858.87
97 North Wales borough 5834.73
98 Bristol borough 5807.81
99 Hatboro borough 5794.24
100 Woodlyn CDP 5785.45
101 Freeland borough 5676.70
102 West Pittston borough 5675.99
103 Southwest Greensburg borough 5663.71
104 Dale borough 5627.75
105 Morrisville borough 5615.67
106 McKees Rocks borough 5606.28
107 Kennett Square borough 5572.06
108 Charleroi borough 5555.48
109 New Brighton borough 5552.50
110 Lincoln Park CDP 5522.26
111 Boyertown borough 5513.98
112 Coplay borough 5485.85
113 Shillington borough 5479.24
114 Hyde Park CDP 5471.81
115 Pittsburgh city 5471.22
116 Rutledge borough 5469.04
117 Millvale borough 5456.01
118 Folcroft borough 5454.22
119 Misericordia University CDP 5443.89
120 Trevose CDP 5440.10
121 Hatfield borough 5435.95
122 Willow Grove CDP 5398.96
123 Plymouth borough 5370.36
124 Edgewood borough 5349.60
125 Dallastown borough 5342.17
126 Crafton borough 5339.02
127 Shiremanstown borough 5335.08
128 Lewisburg borough 5300.05
129 Phoenixville borough 5298.95
130 Apollo borough 5290.03
131 Laureldale borough 5283.05
132 Turtle Creek borough 5255.25
133 Richlandtown borough 5197.02
134 Sproul CDP 5180.57
135 Castle Shannon borough 5162.85
136 Oberlin CDP 5161.46
137 Kenhorst borough 5120.12
138 Pennside CDP 5117.52
139 Levittown CDP 5116.21
140 North Charleroi borough 5069.78
141 Ben Avon borough 5060.13
142 Catasauqua borough 5045.57
143 Williamstown borough 5026.85
144 East McKeesport borough 5025.86
145 Carnegie borough 5019.38
146 Hazleton city 5017.50
147 Haverford College CDP 5010.82
148 Homestead borough 5006.13
149 Tharptown (Uniontown) CDP 4989.95
150 Stiles CDP 4975.72
151 Waynesburg borough 4974.60
152 East Pittsburgh borough 4971.68
153 Butler city 4966.22
154 Red Lion borough 4961.23
155 Pittston city 4959.91
156 Erie city 4953.67
157 Newport borough 4931.19
158 Verona borough 4916.76
159 Blawnox borough 4905.01
160 Telford borough 4892.73
161 Leechburg borough 4891.52
162 Uniontown city 4869.76
163 Pennsburg borough 4862.11
164 Brookhaven borough 4858.11
165 Beaver borough 4845.73
166 Sunbury city 4843.45
167 Pottstown borough 4830.03
168 Bressler CDP 4772.98
169 East Vandergrift borough 4771.95
170 Feasterville CDP 4764.76
171 Ford Cliff borough 4750.05
172 Upland borough 4727.20
173 Chalfant borough 4726.44
174 Springmont CDP 4711.65
175 Yoe borough 4700.26
176 Munhall borough 4698.36
177 Middletown borough 4694.93
178 Ambridge borough 4687.91
179 Hellertown borough 4675.10
180 Swarthmore borough 4673.92
181 Homewood at Martinsburg CDP 4670.72
182 Etna borough 4669.90
183 South Temple CDP 4665.81
184 Irwin borough 4663.10
185 Fairless Hills CDP 4651.56
186 Rutherford CDP 4649.04
187 Orbisonia borough 4600.26
188 Quakertown borough 4599.47
189 Fox Chase CDP 4598.70
190 Edgewood CDP 4552.00
191 Spring City borough 4551.63
192 Whitehall borough 4529.87
193 Fullerton CDP 4515.75
194 Washington city 4515.43
195 Tower City borough 4511.45
196 Altoona city 4490.18
197 West Wyomissing CDP 4490.14
198 Heidelberg borough 4485.45
199 New Cumberland borough 4482.72
200 North Belle Vernon borough 4463.08
201 Hanover borough 4444.68
202 Emsworth borough 4440.42
203 Ford City borough 4435.37
204 Enhaut CDP 4431.59
205 Elizabethtown borough 4388.19
206 Bridgeville borough 4386.62
207 Rankin borough 4377.85
208 Whitfield CDP 4376.41
209 Slippery Rock University CDP 4353.94
210 Flying Hills CDP 4349.60
211 Kelayres CDP 4340.12
212 Merion Station CDP 4309.89
213 Gettysburg borough 4281.33
214 Rosemont CDP 4273.83
215 Oakmont borough 4267.66
216 West Grove borough 4255.61
217 Mount Pleasant borough 4240.33
218 Columbia borough 4228.43
219 Lewistown borough 4225.42
220 Spring Drive Mobile Home Park CDP 4223.04
221 Canonsburg borough 4218.13
222 Beaver Falls city 4216.88
223 Northampton borough 4207.59
224 Village Green-Green Ridge CDP 4180.57
225 Coraopolis borough 4179.48
226 Hallam borough 4163.61
227 Edwardsville borough 4160.63
228 Wilmerding borough 4150.00
229 North Catasauqua borough 4139.33
230 East Washington borough 4128.18
231 Freemansburg borough 4122.00
232 Oreland CDP 4116.01
233 Forest Hills borough 4108.95
234 Newtown borough 4097.06
235 Millersville borough 4087.55
236 Elizabeth borough 4077.30
237 Palmyra borough 4072.27
238 North Irwin borough 4069.47
239 Paxtang borough 4060.73
240 Bala Cynwyd CDP 4055.51
241 West Easton borough 4051.54
242 Croydon CDP 4040.71
243 Lititz borough 4039.69
244 Ephrata borough 4035.66
245 Yorklyn CDP 4026.77
246 Emmaus borough 4024.77
247 Pleasant Hill CDP 4017.83
248 Sellersville borough 3992.51
249 Boothwyn CDP 3982.38
250 Ferndale borough 3978.97
251 Whitaker borough 3978.73
252 McDonald borough 3973.33
253 Bethlehem city 3964.41
254 Elkins Park CDP 3958.55
255 Roscoe borough 3957.56
256 Honey Brook borough 3949.99
257 Grapeville CDP 3944.33
258 Kittanning borough 3935.38
259 Villanova CDP 3933.52
260 Belle Vernon borough 3920.73
261 East Conemaugh borough 3920.19
262 Wormleysburg borough 3918.63
263 Sewickley borough 3909.41
264 Fleetwood borough 3878.41
265 Mechanicsburg borough 3862.68
266 Birdsboro borough 3856.19
267 Doylestown borough 3847.59
268 Bellwood borough 3838.84
269 Luzerne borough 3834.80
270 Mohnton borough 3831.87
271 Camp Hill borough 3825.78
272 Nazareth borough 3818.32
273 Highspire borough 3813.17
274 Hudson CDP 3803.53
275 Scottdale borough 3802.09
276 Toftrees CDP 3801.26
277 Enola CDP 3792.30
278 Manorville borough 3791.63
279 East Petersburg borough 3786.01
280 Saltsburg borough 3769.93
281 New Market CDP 3751.41
282 Wyncote CDP 3751.34
283 Valley View CDP 3747.02
284 Schuylkill Haven borough 3745.20
285 Red Hill borough 3739.35
286 Dublin borough 3734.97
287 Coaldale borough 3734.96
288 Vandergrift borough 3730.12
289 Baldwin borough 3728.07
290 Washingtonville borough 3711.43
291 Progress CDP 3704.30
292 Carlisle borough 3703.94
293 Broomall CDP 3698.72
294 Portage borough 3694.01
295 Greensburg city 3692.82
296 Wernersville borough 3692.80
297 Jeannette city 3677.30
298 Alburtis borough 3672.23
299 Marion Heights borough 3667.49
300 Hummelstown borough 3658.27
301 Manheim borough 3650.45
302 Springdale borough 3641.70
303 Alexandria borough 3635.92
304 Duncannon borough 3630.50
305 Seven Fields borough 3627.59
306 Manchester borough 3620.56
307 Cheswick borough 3613.55
308 Myerstown borough 3612.57
309 Eddington CDP 3608.36
310 Downingtown borough 3607.15
311 McVeytown borough 3603.87
312 Chesterbrook CDP 3601.47
313 Dover borough 3600.60
314 Jersey Shore borough 3598.26
315 Perkasie borough 3597.19
316 Royalton borough 3574.20
317 Everson borough 3569.45
318 Harrison City CDP 3558.55
319 Wyndmoor CDP 3557.22
320 Park Forest Village CDP 3552.44
321 McKinley CDP 3551.10
322 Tarentum borough 3538.16
323 West Fairview CDP 3532.52
324 Marietta borough 3512.15
325 McKeesport city 3510.67
326 Mountville borough 3505.05
327 Brittany Farms-The Highlands CDP 3503.37
328 Seltzer CDP 3498.33
329 Sharon city 3485.44
330 Latrobe borough 3480.81
331 Bangor borough 3476.90
332 Beaver Meadows borough 3474.65
333 Sinking Spring borough 3454.54
334 Mount Joy borough 3453.03
335 Wrightsville borough 3449.67
336 East York CDP 3439.48
337 Stroudsburg borough 3436.67
338 Smithton borough 3434.83
339 Shelltown CDP 3433.05
340 York Springs borough 3429.66
341 Derry borough 3418.78
342 Matamoras borough 3409.40
343 Lawnton CDP 3407.54
344 East Stroudsburg borough 3399.57
345 Lower Allen CDP 3397.94
346 Riverview Park CDP 3392.34
347 Flourtown CDP 3391.08
348 Akron borough 3385.20
349 Colony Park CDP 3372.53
350 Wayne CDP 3371.18
351 Orrstown borough 3368.00
352 Plains CDP 3362.37
353 Juniata Terrace borough 3361.18
354 Williamsburg borough 3359.94
355 Berwick borough 3359.65
356 Millersburg borough 3352.41
357 Hughesville borough 3340.09
358 Langhorne borough 3339.59
359 Womelsdorf borough 3337.72
360 McConnellsburg borough 3329.76
361 New Paris borough 3327.65
362 Clearfield borough 3307.10
363 Steelton borough 3304.18
364 Ranshaw CDP 3300.51
365 Bellefonte borough 3300.30
366 South Williamsport borough 3297.06
367 Old Orchard CDP 3294.93
368 Macungie borough 3292.33
369 Ellwood City borough 3288.21
370 Newville borough 3280.65
371 Spring Mount CDP 3271.18
372 West Hazleton borough 3270.01
373 Dillsburg borough 3265.55
374 Strasburg borough 3255.57
375 Lock Haven city 3247.85
376 Forty Fort borough 3247.10
377 Village Shires CDP 3246.19
378 Port Vue borough 3245.52
379 Sadsburyville CDP 3244.22
380 Slatington borough 3242.43
381 Schwenksville borough 3238.07
382 Lehighton borough 3233.36
383 Warren city 3230.64
384 Connellsville city 3222.35
385 Clarks Summit borough 3221.65
386 Colonial Park CDP 3221.53
387 Palmer Heights CDP 3221.17
388 South Bethlehem borough 3215.69
389 Midway CDP 3210.24
390 Waynesboro borough 3209.71
391 Collegeville borough 3208.34
392 Pottsville city 3203.85
393 Philipsburg borough 3197.71
394 Littlestown borough 3181.92
395 Osceola Mills borough 3168.98
396 Cresson borough 3163.83
397 Chambersburg borough 3162.97
398 Williamsport city 3162.09
399 Watsontown borough 3153.71
400 Newtown Grant CDP 3152.68
401 North East borough 3151.42
402 Oakdale borough 3141.94
403 Homer City borough 3132.77
404 Amity Gardens CDP 3128.89
405 Selinsgrove borough 3121.52
406 Lawrence CDP 3121.31
407 Nealmont CDP 3112.76
408 Bath borough 3110.92
409 Johnstown city 3104.50
410 Mars borough 3099.54
411 Montrose Manor CDP 3098.40
412 Landisburg borough 3091.10
413 New Kensington city 3081.68
414 Nanticoke city 3074.05
415 Pleasant Hills borough 3063.43
416 Sharpsville borough 3058.93
417 Weissport borough 3057.01
418 Braddock borough 3055.79
419 Faxon CDP 3053.62
420 Darlington borough 3050.69
421 Versailles borough 3049.24
422 Parkesburg borough 3042.66
423 Mifflin borough 3041.81
424 Hokendauqua CDP 3031.35
425 Spring Grove borough 3029.34
426 Lebanon South CDP 3021.84
427 South Greensburg borough 3020.17
428 New Oxford borough 3017.67
429 Scranton city 3016.01
430 Paoli CDP 3015.44
431 Woodbourne CDP 3009.19
432 Ligonier borough 3001.86
433 Catawissa borough 2992.11
434 Meadville city 2991.45
435 Terre Hill borough 2985.54
436 Cetronia CDP 2982.52
437 Avis borough 2977.01
438 Denver borough 2964.18
439 Roaring Spring borough 2960.96
440 Herminie CDP 2956.29
441 New Holland borough 2955.58
442 Topton borough 2945.98
443 Greenville borough 2935.96
444 Annville CDP 2933.45
445 Brownstown borough 2933.00
446 Bloomsburg town 2923.61
447 East Prospect borough 2922.21
448 Oxford borough 2922.14
449 Grove City borough 2919.48
450 Cambridge Springs borough 2915.73
451 South Uniontown CDP 2913.03
452 King of Prussia CDP 2907.07
453 Martinsburg borough 2905.13
454 North Braddock borough 2894.71
455 Duquesne city 2892.98
456 Browntown CDP 2892.62
457 Muncy borough 2891.42
458 Lemoyne borough 2890.01
459 Ancient Oaks CDP 2885.81
460 Middletown CDP 2879.88
461 Kulpmont borough 2876.12
462 Bethel Park municipality 2869.33
463 Montgomery borough 2868.43
464 Glenshaw CDP 2862.27
465 Clarks Green borough 2856.45
466 Point Marion borough 2854.01
467 Houston borough 2852.39
468 Parkville CDP 2835.22
469 Patterson Heights borough 2833.98
470 Glassport borough 2829.38
471 Hallstead borough 2811.21
472 Shenandoah borough 2808.42
473 Mont Alto borough 2808.17
474 Yardley borough 2789.30
475 Flemington borough 2786.53
476 Carlisle Barracks CDP 2786.42
477 West Kittanning borough 2781.66
478 Ashley borough 2781.29
479 Horsham CDP 2777.51
480 Penn borough 2775.35
481 Monaca borough 2774.98
482 Hulmeville borough 2758.57
483 Lewisberry borough 2750.57
484 Walnutport borough 2749.91
485 Riverside CDP 2745.75
486 Montgomeryville CDP 2733.42
487 Danville borough 2725.21
488 Atlas CDP 2724.89
489 Carbondale city 2722.19
490 Eagleville CDP 2713.49
491 Jermyn borough 2713.37
492 Malvern borough 2712.57
493 Emporium borough 2709.39
494 Shiloh CDP 2701.91
495 Shippensburg borough 2700.91
496 Sayre borough 2700.78
497 Delta borough 2699.38
498 Lansford borough 2695.34
499 Leesport borough 2693.90
500 Ivyland borough 2693.54
501 Tyrone borough 2692.83
502 Greencastle borough 2677.76
503 Muhlenberg Park CDP 2663.51
504 Lionville CDP 2658.59
505 Glen Rock borough 2647.28
506 Bedford borough 2640.36
507 New Castle city 2639.44
508 Avondale borough 2634.85
509 Cornwells Heights CDP 2631.52
510 Chalfont borough 2627.88
511 Coopersburg borough 2622.71
512 Stowe CDP 2622.64
513 Carmichaels borough 2619.69
514 Paint borough 2618.61
515 Pen Argyl borough 2614.79
516 Mount Wolf borough 2609.52
517 Kutztown borough 2600.53
518 Emigsville CDP 2597.28
519 Rimersburg borough 2590.03
520 Jonestown borough 2585.53
521 Devon CDP 2577.74
522 Pleasantville borough 2575.63
523 West Newton borough 2569.35
524 Queens Gate CDP 2565.75
525 Bolivar borough 2551.07
526 Cementon CDP 2546.79
527 Pennville CDP 2544.76
528 Meyersdale borough 2535.95
529 Shoemakersville borough 2528.09
530 Girardville borough 2526.68
531 Strong CDP 2526.00
532 Stewartstown borough 2525.40
533 Ellport borough 2523.38
534 Rockwood borough 2523.36
535 Kapp Heights CDP 2519.82
536 Roseto borough 2514.91
537 St. Clairsville borough 2514.71
538 Sanatoga CDP 2513.85
539 McEwensville borough 2504.77
540 Langhorne Manor borough 2501.08
541 Clarion borough 2496.85
542 Old Forge borough 2479.27
543 Elizabethville borough 2478.72
544 Freedom borough 2477.49
545 Windsor borough 2476.37
546 Lattimer CDP 2473.07
547 Eddystone borough 2472.50
548 Shade Gap borough 2468.25
549 Wyomissing borough 2464.90
550 Delmont borough 2458.40
551 Towanda borough 2458.08
552 Avoca borough 2456.90
553 Milesburg borough 2447.69
554 Continental Courts CDP 2441.97
555 Valley Green CDP 2441.55
556 Greensboro borough 2438.50
557 Weigelstown CDP 2431.88
558 Northumberland borough 2428.82
559 Sand Hill CDP 2421.91
560 Hollidaysburg borough 2420.93
561 Cleona borough 2414.77
562 Lorane CDP 2411.70
563 Mount Gretna Heights CDP 2409.87
564 Donora borough 2405.38
565 Trooper CDP 2401.23
566 Port Carbon borough 2394.71
567 Bally borough 2394.09
568 Harmony borough 2392.83
569 Kulpsville CDP 2389.73
570 Woodside CDP 2387.43
571 Monessen city 2381.69
572 Green Tree borough 2380.74
573 Halifax borough 2372.08
574 Harleysville CDP 2369.69
575 Claysville borough 2369.11
576 Bradford city 2359.67
577 Duncansville borough 2357.30
578 Paxtonia CDP 2355.56
579 Inkerman CDP 2353.68
580 Milford borough 2351.43
581 New Britain borough 2349.39
582 Newry borough 2344.94
583 New Freedom borough 2344.11
584 Pomeroy CDP 2335.57
585 St. Davids CDP 2335.55
586 DuBois city 2333.28
587 Linntown CDP 2327.94
588 Marlin CDP 2326.87
589 Swoyersville borough 2324.49
590 Clymer borough 2320.55
591 Kane borough 2319.09
592 Tremont borough 2309.55
593 North Apollo borough 2304.01
594 Ben Avon Heights borough 2303.96
595 York Haven borough 2301.55
596 Trafford borough 2293.83
597 Burgettstown borough 2292.32
598 Garden View CDP 2290.12
599 Mapleton borough 2285.19
600 Robesonia borough 2284.29
601 Blairsville borough 2272.27
602 Vanderbilt borough 2270.30
603 Youngstown borough 2263.33
604 Fayette City borough 2263.24
605 Hamburg borough 2262.35
606 West Elizabeth borough 2257.01
607 Palmerton borough 2250.57
608 Penn Estates CDP 2248.00
609 Finleyville borough 2247.94
610 East Berwick CDP 2245.30
611 Fort Fetter CDP 2242.84
612 Woodbury borough 2239.24
613 Reiffton CDP 2238.88
614 Dorneyville CDP 2236.35
615 Brownsville borough 2235.42
616 Clairton city 2231.97
617 Yeagertown CDP 2230.30
618 St. Clair borough 2226.07
619 Breinigsville CDP 2222.58
620 Wescosville CDP 2221.64
621 Somerset borough 2216.58
622 Export borough 2216.16
623 Marcus Hook borough 2214.15
624 Geistown borough 2208.94
625 Chestnut Hill CDP 2206.09
626 Quarryville borough 2201.75
627 Aliquippa city 2201.52
628 Carnot-Moon CDP 2198.89
629 Westwood CDP 2195.57
630 East Berlin borough 2194.43
631 Masontown borough 2191.76
632 Berlin borough 2187.59
633 Wyoming borough 2175.59
634 Monongahela city 2174.11
635 Duboistown borough 2172.62
636 Grantley CDP 2170.21
637 Edinboro borough 2170.18
638 Tatamy borough 2168.56
639 Hastings borough 2157.50
640 Crabtree CDP 2155.83
641 Great Bend borough 2144.98
642 Oil City city 2139.77
643 Fairview-Ferndale CDP 2135.96
644 Bernville borough 2131.56
645 Maple Glen CDP 2131.22
646 Shrewsbury borough 2128.71
647 Evans City borough 2122.73
648 Hyde Park borough 2117.10
649 Hawley borough 2116.38
650 Cheyney University CDP 2115.12
651 St. Lawrence borough 2110.34
652 Christiana borough 2109.01
653 Wind Gap borough 2106.59
654 Westmont borough 2106.47
655 Sankertown borough 2100.73
656 Midway borough 2100.10
657 New Bethlehem borough 2097.67
658 Wellsville borough 2095.47
659 New Buffalo borough 2094.75
660 Clarksville borough 2086.28
661 Lawrence Park CDP 2079.84
662 Gallitzin borough 2079.39
663 Hayti CDP 2074.56
664 Kenmar CDP 2070.34
665 Goldsboro borough 2067.38
666 New Berlin borough 2065.30
667 Sutersville borough 2064.64
668 Frisco CDP 2062.71
669 St. Vincent College CDP 2057.40
670 New Hope borough 2056.67
671 New Florence borough 2047.81
672 University of Pittsburgh Johnstown CDP 2042.20
673 Centre Hall borough 2041.25
674 Georgetown CDP 2041.17
675 Dawson borough 2034.98
676 Eastvale borough 2034.35
677 Seward borough 2034.00
678 Trumbauersville borough 2032.06
679 West Homestead borough 2030.81
680 Berwyn CDP 2028.68
681 Franklintown borough 2027.40
682 Spry CDP 2027.19
683 South Fork borough 2022.32
684 Cassandra borough 2020.32
685 Ebensburg borough 2016.49
685 South Renovo borough 2016.49
686 New Eagle borough 2016.32
687 Locustdale CDP 2009.14
688 Windber borough 2002.71
689 Donaldson CDP 1998.10
690 Bloomfield borough 1996.30
691 South New Castle borough 1995.66
692 Houtzdale borough 1995.45
693 Mount Union borough 1990.72
694 Tunkhannock borough 1988.28
695 New Wilmington borough 1985.70
696 Eastlawn Gardens CDP 1977.48
697 Schlusser CDP 1976.94
698 Tyler Run CDP 1976.24
699 Newburg CDP 1972.27
700 Newburg borough 1971.79
701 Thorndale CDP 1970.01
702 Jacobus borough 1966.29
703 Monument CDP 1964.14
704 Elrama CDP 1947.32
705 Silverdale borough 1947.15
706 Forest City borough 1946.31
707 Knox borough 1944.03
708 Southmont borough 1943.13
709 Pringle borough 1942.10
710 Trappe borough 1941.81
711 Reinholds CDP 1940.05
712 Patton borough 1939.31
713 Thompsontown borough 1936.18
714 Mifflinburg borough 1931.77
715 Pleasureville CDP 1929.04
716 Lake Meade CDP 1924.80
717 Pine Grove borough 1924.61
718 Harwick CDP 1923.39
719 Brockway borough 1921.04
720 Plymouth Meeting CDP 1906.85
721 Zelienople borough 1905.61
722 Milton borough 1905.18
723 Pughtown CDP 1899.16
724 Penn State Erie (Behrend) CDP 1899.11
725 Vicksburg CDP 1897.41
726 Grill CDP 1892.35
727 Audubon CDP 1892.10
728 Burnham borough 1891.81
729 Howard borough 1889.19
730 Huntingdon borough 1887.33
731 Guilford CDP 1886.68
732 Biglerville borough 1881.76
733 Farrell city 1880.64
734 Sylvan Hills CDP 1878.58
735 Manor borough 1874.17
736 Slippery Rock borough 1872.47
737 Abbottstown borough 1871.81
738 Trainer borough 1870.23
739 Lima CDP 1867.88
740 Laceyville borough 1867.63
741 Greenock CDP 1866.44
742 Tuscarora CDP 1861.82
743 West Waynesburg CDP 1857.96
744 Caln CDP 1857.88
745 Dauphin borough 1857.55
746 Susquehanna Depot borough 1852.24
747 Chester Hill borough 1849.29
748 Central City borough 1848.68
749 Greenwood CDP 1844.59
750 Buffington CDP 1844.07
751 Salisbury borough 1841.31
752 Campbelltown CDP 1840.29
753 Jacksonwald CDP 1838.80
754 Reynoldsville borough 1836.94
755 Harleigh CDP 1834.38
756 Braddock Hills borough 1825.60
757 Bonneauville borough 1819.40
758 Athens borough 1818.38
759 Fort Washington CDP 1816.26
760 Ernest borough 1815.53
761 Dilworthtown CDP 1812.17
762 Titusville city 1809.47
763 Lemont CDP 1808.32
764 Houserville CDP 1806.90
765 Centerport borough 1804.73
766 Espy CDP 1801.63
767 Pleasant Gap CDP 1801.45
768 Everett borough 1800.72
769 Exton CDP 1798.00
770 Thompsonville CDP 1790.26
771 Cokeburg borough 1789.12
772 Saxton borough 1786.35
773 Dunnstown CDP 1781.14
774 Conyngham borough 1779.30
775 Highland Park CDP 1777.77
776 Armagh borough 1777.23
777 West Conshohocken borough 1767.98
778 Wilburton Number One CDP 1765.16
779 Egypt CDP 1758.98
780 Northwest Harborcreek CDP 1753.38
781 Dunbar borough 1753.29
782 Lakemont CDP 1749.02
783 Freeburg borough 1746.80
784 Blakely borough 1745.96
785 Meadowood CDP 1742.26
786 New Salem borough 1739.57
787 Graceton CDP 1737.41
788 Baden borough 1726.90
789 Lorain borough 1720.91
790 Landisville CDP 1720.81
791 Stonybrook CDP 1719.01
792 Frazer CDP 1718.90
793 Chicora borough 1717.81
794 Punxsutawney borough 1713.82
795 Mercer borough 1712.94
796 Linglestown CDP 1708.79
797 Conway borough 1698.67
798 Hummels Wharf CDP 1692.56
799 Hyndman borough 1687.13
800 Elim CDP 1687.07
801 Lilly borough 1683.75
802 Lynnwood-Pricedale CDP 1678.23
803 Frankstown CDP 1677.13
804 Bechtelsville borough 1675.79
805 Willow Street CDP 1674.62
806 Greenfields CDP 1672.22
807 Pennwyn CDP 1671.48
808 Mercersburg borough 1670.86
809 Churchville CDP 1669.28
810 Boston CDP 1668.54
811 Dravosburg borough 1668.12
812 Conneaut Lake borough 1664.48
813 Hopewell borough 1662.91
814 New Boston CDP 1660.30
815 Cross Keys CDP 1656.95
816 Boswell borough 1655.70
817 West Sunbury borough 1653.28
818 Skyline View CDP 1650.00
819 Salunga CDP 1647.07
820 Liberty borough 1646.35
821 DeSales University CDP 1646.26
822 Ringtown borough 1644.61
823 Gilbertsville CDP 1644.57
824 Stony Creek Mills CDP 1643.60
825 Shavertown CDP 1642.71
826 Blandon CDP 1642.47
827 Scotland CDP 1641.85
828 Skippack CDP 1636.66
829 Eagleview CDP 1634.89
830 Stockdale borough 1633.86
831 Lake City borough 1633.09
832 Coral CDP 1631.10
833 Troy borough 1629.69
834 Bendersville borough 1629.56
835 Muse CDP 1626.41
836 Dupont borough 1623.09
837 Hamorton CDP 1605.84
838 New Castle Northwest CDP 1605.81
839 Mill Hall borough 1605.41
840 Penn State Berks CDP 1604.83
841 Cressona borough 1604.52
842 Union City borough 1599.39
843 Fairview borough 1596.19
844 Fairchance borough 1592.43
845 Enlow CDP 1583.63
846 Republic CDP 1582.27
847 Valencia borough 1580.89
848 Belmont CDP 1578.70
849 Rheems CDP 1578.45
850 Allison Park CDP 1577.79
851 Stoystown borough 1577.52
852 Dunmore borough 1574.56
853 Saxonburg borough 1573.13
854 McGovern CDP 1572.57
855 Modena borough 1571.01
856 Reightown CDP 1570.43
857 Oakland CDP 1566.06
858 Sheppton CDP 1562.11
859 Halfway House CDP 1559.06
860 Swartzville CDP 1554.55
861 Marshallton CDP 1554.32
862 Penn Farms CDP 1551.32
863 Youngwood borough 1551.13
864 Ridgway borough 1546.17
865 Revloc CDP 1545.05
866 Mont Clare CDP 1544.45
867 East Rochester borough 1544.44
868 McMurray CDP 1543.90
869 Oneida CDP 1542.65
870 Slatedale CDP 1538.24
871 Green Lane borough 1535.98
872 Milroy CDP 1535.94
873 Lykens borough 1535.73
874 Hughestown borough 1527.63
875 Deer Lake borough 1526.97
876 Simpson CDP 1512.90
877 Canton borough 1509.92
878 Mansfield borough 1506.79
879 St. Clair CDP 1504.82
880 West Mayfield borough 1503.16
881 Tullytown borough 1502.98
882 Lenkerville CDP 1502.65
883 Atglen borough 1501.28
884 Factoryville borough 1500.89
885 Middleburg borough 1500.67
886 Turbotville borough 1500.00
887 Lenape Heights CDP 1498.00
888 Nescopeck borough 1497.78
889 Evansburg CDP 1497.25
890 Sheatown CDP 1491.99
891 Spring House CDP 1491.75
892 Reamstown CDP 1491.73
893 Ashland borough 1490.42
894 Almedia CDP 1483.51
895 Carrolltown borough 1479.78
896 South Philipsburg CDP 1479.57
897 Union Deposit CDP 1472.84
898 Richboro CDP 1471.17
899 Mount Holly Springs borough 1467.69
900 Dayton borough 1458.86
901 Smith Corner CDP 1453.07
902 Monroeville municipality 1452.64
903 Shenandoah Heights CDP 1451.27
904 Leith-Hatfield CDP 1449.08
905 Loyalhanna CDP 1447.79
906 Churchill borough 1442.90
907 Sturgeon CDP 1437.84
908 Fairdale CDP 1430.79
909 East Sharpsburg CDP 1429.32
910 Loganville borough 1425.77
911 Morgantown CDP 1419.30
912 Albion borough 1416.96
913 Birmingham borough 1416.95
914 Mechanicsville borough 1415.11
915 Alsace Manor CDP 1413.09
916 Summerhill borough 1412.27
917 South Pottstown CDP 1411.49
918 Adamstown borough 1404.62
919 Bowmansville CDP 1400.67
920 Boiling Springs CDP 1397.11
921 Yorkana borough 1394.13
922 Rennerdale CDP 1393.84
923 Rose Valley borough 1389.71
924 Beech Mountain Lakes CDP 1388.80
925 Orwigsburg borough 1382.73
926 Benton borough 1378.71
927 Morgan Hill CDP 1378.04
928 West Mifflin borough 1377.73
929 Rouzerville CDP 1372.79
930 Glen Osborne borough 1371.48
931 Hilldale CDP 1367.79
932 Freeport borough 1367.46
933 Lawson Heights CDP 1366.37
934 Beech Creek borough 1358.05
935 Fairhope CDP 1354.63
936 East Altoona CDP 1348.48
937 Jefferson borough 1346.75
938 Midland borough 1344.93
939 Port Royal borough 1340.56
940 Mount Gretna borough 1338.84
941 Meridian CDP 1334.94
942 Elverson borough 1333.41
943 Lumber City CDP 1328.22
944 Bradford Woods borough 1327.19
945 Shickshinny borough 1326.45
946 East Bangor borough 1325.61
947 Koppel borough 1325.04
948 Mount Carbon borough 1318.82
949 Westwood CDP 1313.42
950 Beavertown borough 1309.22
951 Chester Heights borough 1308.69
952 Montoursville borough 1307.48
953 Tioga borough 1305.14
954 Creekside borough 1303.02
955 Rockhill borough 1302.53
956 Schellsburg borough 1300.52
957 Newmanstown CDP 1300.40
958 Nanty-Glo borough 1299.53
959 Franklin city 1299.33
960 Oklahoma borough 1298.59
961 Youngsville borough 1297.33
962 Saw Creek CDP 1292.43
963 Maxatawny CDP 1292.40
964 West Leechburg borough 1287.82
965 Gordon borough 1283.37
966 Pen Mar CDP 1282.14
967 Grampian borough 1281.58
968 Ellsworth borough 1278.54
969 Girard borough 1277.14
970 Friesville CDP 1274.08
971 Carson Valley CDP 1271.15
972 Brookville borough 1270.05
973 Newton Hamilton borough 1265.15
974 Oakland borough 1261.69
975 Strausstown CDP 1261.21
976 Petersburg borough 1259.51
977 Dickson City borough 1259.12
978 Kenilworth CDP 1258.60
979 Pottsgrove CDP 1255.51
980 Trucksville CDP 1254.33
981 Daisytown borough 1252.57
982 Robeson Extension CDP 1247.03
983 Leola CDP 1242.56
984 Linesville borough 1242.47
985 Brownstown CDP 1239.31
986 Hazen CDP 1236.71
987 Yarnell CDP 1235.73
988 Church Hill CDP 1234.94
989 Milford Square CDP 1234.86
990 Lyons borough 1233.40
991 Edenburg CDP 1226.78
992 Saltillo borough 1226.51
993 Hunker borough 1224.86
994 Fredonia borough 1221.27
995 Wayne Heights CDP 1220.05
996 South Waverly borough 1218.47
997 Avon CDP 1217.93
998 Clarendon borough 1217.33
999 Loretto borough 1215.95
1000 Taylor borough 1209.91
1001 Morea CDP 1207.46
1002 Blue Bell CDP 1207.18
1003 Waterford borough 1204.36
1004 Port Allegany borough 1203.92
1005 Rothsville CDP 1201.10
1006 Bridgewater borough 1196.39
1007 Blue Ridge Summit CDP 1195.79
1008 Exeter borough 1194.47
1009 Arlington Heights CDP 1193.13
1010 New Galilee borough 1192.99
1011 Bradenville CDP 1190.26
1012 Kimberton CDP 1189.09
1013 Georgetown borough 1188.95
1014 Wall borough 1186.82
1015 Glasgow borough 1186.34
1016 Wattsburg borough 1185.95
1017 East Earl CDP 1183.62
1018 Englewood CDP 1178.83
1019 Pleasant View CDP 1175.82
1020 South Heights borough 1175.04
1021 Dallas borough 1170.53
1022 Birchwood Lakes CDP 1170.44
1023 Ashville borough 1166.20
1024 Schnecksville CDP 1164.06
1025 Lake Heritage CDP 1163.99
1026 Perryopolis borough 1163.44
1027 Leetsdale borough 1162.62
1028 Spring Ridge CDP 1161.82
1029 Smithfield borough 1160.96
1030 Defiance CDP 1159.74
1031 Pinecroft CDP 1157.10
1032 Bowmanstown borough 1155.62
1033 Wolfdale CDP 1153.29
1034 White Oak borough 1152.72
1035 Northern Cambria borough 1152.25
1036 Curwensville borough 1152.13
1037 Kistler borough 1151.87
1038 Honesdale borough 1148.43
1039 Trexlertown CDP 1148.06
1040 Speers borough 1144.16
1041 Franklin Park borough 1143.18
1042 Oliver CDP 1142.91
1043 South Connellsville borough 1140.25
1044 Shippenville borough 1139.72
1045 Bobtown CDP 1138.33
1046 Snow Shoe borough 1137.58
1047 East Uniontown CDP 1137.48
1048 Coalport borough 1136.15
1049 Marysville borough 1135.78
1050 Laurel Mountain borough 1131.34
1051 Eagle CDP 1131.18
1052 Bakerstown CDP 1130.63
1053 Unionville borough 1127.90
1054 Lightstreet CDP 1125.21
1055 Lawrenceville borough 1124.39
1056 Holters Crossing CDP 1122.98
1057 Volant borough 1121.62
1058 Paradise CDP 1120.89
1059 Edgeworth borough 1115.40
1060 East Freedom CDP 1115.23
1061 Coaldale borough 1115.20
1062 Maytown CDP 1113.65
1063 Falls Creek borough 1111.69
1064 Laflin borough 1106.66
1065 Scalp Level borough 1105.62
1066 Marshallton CDP 1098.53
1067 Knoxville borough 1096.24
1068 Hopwood CDP 1093.45
1069 Liverpool borough 1090.25
1070 Jefferson borough 1085.23
1071 Arendtsville borough 1082.72
1072 Richland borough 1079.14
1073 Orangeville borough 1076.09
1074 Strattanville borough 1073.40
1075 West Pittsburg CDP 1070.00
1076 Plumsteadville CDP 1069.67
1077 Thornburg borough 1064.94
1078 Lucerne Mines CDP 1062.57
1079 Emlenton borough 1055.41
1080 St. Petersburg borough 1053.29
1081 Oakland CDP 1052.47
1082 Pine Glen CDP 1051.50
1083 Lower Burrell city 1043.34
1084 Belfast CDP 1040.33
1085 Mocanaqua CDP 1039.18
1086 Pine Ridge CDP 1038.79
1087 Callensburg borough 1037.68
1088 Stonerstown CDP 1037.11
1089 Corry city 1036.07
1090 Elderton borough 1033.74
1091 Hooversville borough 1028.53
1092 Port Matilda borough 1027.27
1093 Level Green CDP 1025.16
1094 State Line CDP 1024.04
1095 Harrisville borough 1018.88
1096 Yatesville borough 1017.67
1097 Potlicker Flats CDP 1015.54
1098 Oley CDP 1013.51
1099 Lampeter CDP 1012.64
1100 Homeacre-Lyndora CDP 1011.92
1101 East Brady borough 1011.06
1102 Juniata Gap CDP 1009.49
1103 Renovo borough 1009.16
1104 Shanksville borough 1008.89
1105 Portland borough 1006.93
1106 Hostetter CDP 1006.48
1107 Sugar Notch borough 1005.77
1108 Montrose borough 1002.39
1109 Force CDP 1000.98
1110 Westfield borough 997.30
1111 Montandon CDP 996.08
1112 Millville borough 994.57
1113 Oklahoma CDP 991.66
1114 Olyphant borough 990.07
1115 Mount Aetna CDP 988.22
1116 Julian CDP 985.59
1117 Cecil-Bishop CDP 984.82
1118 Eldorado CDP 983.98
1118 Sunbrook CDP 983.98
1119 Fayetteville CDP 982.72
1120 Roots CDP 982.48
1121 Reinerton CDP 981.90
1122 Shelocta borough 980.46
1123 Sandy CDP 980.37
1124 Clinton CDP 979.68
1125 Salix CDP 978.40
1126 Belleville CDP 975.56
1127 Lenhartsville borough 973.28
1128 Emerald Lakes CDP 972.88
1129 Hopeland CDP 971.90
1130 White Haven borough 971.76
1131 Earlston CDP 971.25
1132 Hershey CDP 969.24
1133 Madisonburg CDP 969.23
1134 Chevy Chase Heights CDP 968.77
1135 Foot of Ten CDP 968.40
1136 Monroe borough 968.14
1137 West Middlesex borough 967.63
1138 Coal Center borough 966.01
1139 Claysburg CDP 965.70
1140 West Milton CDP 962.66
1141 Arnold City CDP 961.73
1142 Canan Station CDP 958.60
1143 Elco borough 956.92
1144 Hookstown borough 953.09
1145 North Vandergrift CDP 952.66
1146 West Nanticoke CDP 950.60
1147 Plum borough 950.08
1148 Meadowlands CDP 949.26
1149 Stockertown borough 947.88
1150 Mill Creek borough 946.05
1151 Penns Creek CDP 945.97
1152 Hereford CDP 942.48
1153 Gastonville CDP 941.95
1154 Big Run borough 935.76
1155 Cumbola CDP 932.53
1156 Fellsburg CDP 931.54
1157 Cochranton borough 931.15
1158 Palo Alto borough 928.84
1159 Sierra View CDP 922.57
1160 Russellton CDP 922.51
1161 South Coatesville borough 921.24
1162 Moosic borough 919.53
1163 New Berlinville CDP 917.17
1164 New Tripoli CDP 916.42
1165 Duryea borough 911.45
1166 Blue Ball CDP 907.85
1167 Pardeesville CDP 905.58
1168 Orrtanna CDP 902.70
1169 Lake Wynonah CDP 901.72
1170 Slovan CDP 900.80
1171 Larksville borough 900.76
1172 New Centerville borough 900.22
1173 Mifflinville CDP 900.03
1174 Spinnerstown CDP 899.54
1175 Shamokin Dam borough 895.54
1176 Mount Pocono borough 894.34
1177 Moores Mill CDP 891.45
1178 Sunrise Lake CDP 891.31
1179 Pleasantville borough 890.31
1180 Fivepointville CDP 883.35
1181 Shirleysburg borough 882.69
1182 Ore Hill CDP 882.63
1183 Palmdale CDP 881.08
1184 Vintondale borough 876.89
1185 Eldred borough 874.00
1186 Reedsville CDP 873.15
1187 Loop CDP 872.78
1188 Newell borough 872.11
1189 Delano CDP 871.59
1190 Gold Key Lake CDP 869.20
1191 Avella CDP 867.69
1192 Rainsburg borough 867.56
1193 Muir CDP 863.90
1194 Worthington borough 863.80
1195 Wickerham Manor-Fisher CDP 861.56
1196 Imperial CDP 857.99
1197 Oakwood CDP 856.43
1198 Smethport borough 854.35
1199 Weatherly borough 852.95
1200 Saylorsburg CDP 850.26
1201 Summerville borough 846.38
1202 Wyalusing borough 844.42
1203 Puzzletown CDP 842.10
1204 Riegelsville borough 841.28
1205 Sun Valley CDP 840.45
1206 Red Hill CDP 837.78
1207 Clay CDP 835.87
1208 North Philipsburg CDP 834.53
1209 Madison borough 834.02
1210 Johnsonburg borough 833.99
1211 McKean borough 832.38
1212 Markleysburg borough 827.95
1213 Guys Mills CDP 827.29
1214 Siglerville CDP 825.71
1215 Middleport borough 824.51
1216 Garrett borough 820.72
1217 Brooks Mill CDP 818.78
1218 Throop borough 818.25
1219 Millerstown borough 817.48
1220 Vail CDP 815.53
1221 Martins Creek CDP 813.75
1222 Hampton CDP 810.18
1223 Tipton CDP 808.90
1224 Hasson Heights CDP 805.37
1225 Fairview CDP 803.88
1226 Douglassville CDP 802.63
1227 New Milford borough 799.35
1228 Warrior Run borough 798.04
1229 Felton borough 795.45
1230 Rosslyn Farms borough 793.91
1231 Boalsburg CDP 790.42
1232 Weissport East CDP 789.72
1233 Woolrich CDP 785.79
1234 Morrisville CDP 784.96
1235 Ganister CDP 784.28
1236 Weston CDP 783.25
1237 Chinchilla CDP 781.91
1238 Fairfield borough 781.82
1239 Olivia CDP 780.41
1240 Sandy Lake borough 779.91
1241 Peru CDP 779.52
1242 Millwood CDP 779.27
1243 Galeton borough 779.01
1244 Hyde CDP 776.24
1245 Venango borough 776.08
1246 Walnuttown CDP 774.12
1247 Wiconsico CDP 774.06
1248 Curtisville CDP 770.59
1249 Sheakleyville borough 769.06
1250 Mahaffey borough 768.51
1251 Castanea CDP 767.58
1252 Mountain Top CDP 764.85
1253 Mill Run CDP 764.83
1254 Zion CDP 762.70
1255 Shanor-Northvue CDP 760.05
1256 Swedeland CDP 758.38
1257 Fredericksburg CDP 754.79
1258 Park Crest CDP 753.84
1259 Robinson CDP 753.62
1260 Gap CDP 753.37
1261 West Brownsville borough 752.19
1262 Coalmont borough 750.31
1263 Mather CDP 749.96
1264 Jefferson Hills borough 749.12
1265 Plymptonville CDP 749.00
1266 Allison CDP 747.25
1267 Sickles Corner CDP 746.15
1268 Lake Arthur Estates CDP 745.08
1269 Indian Mountain Lake CDP 744.57
1270 Cotton Town CDP 744.25
1271 Ironville CDP 742.72
1272 Rome borough 738.13
1273 Elysburg CDP 737.98
1274 Millsboro CDP 735.86
1275 West Wyoming borough 734.14
1276 Marianne CDP 733.39
1277 Carroll Valley borough 732.74
1278 East Butler borough 732.65
1279 Lime Ridge CDP 731.19
1280 Hiller CDP 728.79
1281 Heidlersburg CDP 728.31
1282 Parker city 726.70
1283 Chest Springs borough 726.28
1284 Curryville CDP 725.98
1285 Gibsonia CDP 724.12
1286 Woodland Heights CDP 723.58
1287 Tamaqua borough 723.25
1288 Cedar Crest CDP 722.09
1289 Atlantic CDP 721.58
1290 Blain borough 721.23
1291 Cooperstown borough 720.71
1292 Mayfield borough 720.64
1293 Mohrsville CDP 720.01
1294 Blandburg CDP 718.88
1295 Spring Hill CDP 716.58
1296 Moscow borough 715.77
1297 Colver CDP 715.52
1298 Laurys Station CDP 715.32
1299 Oak Hills CDP 709.76
1300 Wallenpaupack Lake Estates CDP 709.51
1301 Intercourse CDP 708.59
1302 Hometown CDP 707.76
1303 Wellsboro borough 707.60
1304 Baidland CDP 704.28
1305 Sykesville borough 704.23
1306 Corsica borough 703.88
1307 New Philadelphia borough 700.44
1308 Yukon CDP 699.19
1309 Elkland borough 699.02
1310 Jamestown borough 698.53
1311 Dunlevy borough 697.31
1312 Dalmatia CDP 696.99
1313 Susquehanna Trails CDP 696.01
1314 Lemont Furnace CDP 695.21
1315 Nuremberg CDP 693.04
1316 McKee CDP 691.29
1317 Quentin CDP 691.19
1318 Bird-in-Hand CDP 690.99
1319 Wilcox CDP 689.96
1320 Aristes CDP 687.81
1321 Hendersonville CDP 687.66
1322 Plainfield CDP 685.78
1323 Point View CDP 685.44
1324 Smoketown CDP 680.59
1325 Reynolds Heights CDP 679.85
1326 Dewart CDP 679.76
1327 Fox Chapel borough 679.12
1328 Callery borough 678.37
1329 Leamersville CDP 678.22
1330 Raubsville CDP 678.05
1331 Linds Crossing CDP 677.24
1332 Chapman borough 676.66
1333 Altamont CDP 675.69
1334 Unionville CDP 675.02
1335 Courtdale borough 674.01
1336 Bainbridge CDP 673.62
1337 Jessup borough 670.92
1338 Wheatland borough 670.12
1339 Aaronsburg CDP 669.89
1340 Dunlo CDP 667.28
1341 Charlottsville CDP 665.80
1342 Conneautville borough 664.26
1343 Geeseytown CDP 663.54
1344 Picture Rocks borough 659.86
1345 Noblestown CDP 659.83
1346 Bryn Athyn borough 658.69
1347 Farwell CDP 657.98
1348 Chadds Ford CDP 657.27
1349 Glenburn CDP 654.85
1350 Glenmoore CDP 654.77
1351 Slickville CDP 654.63
1352 Bessemer borough 650.55
1353 Aaronsburg CDP 649.43
1354 Townville borough 644.74
1355 Westland CDP 638.68
1356 Beavertown CDP 637.15
1357 Tunnelhill borough 636.58
1358 Bentleyville borough 636.49
1359 Mountainhome CDP 634.32
1360 Langeloth CDP 633.10
1361 East Salem CDP 631.50
1362 Manns Choice borough 631.18
1363 Toughkenamon CDP 628.73
1364 Millheim borough 627.96
1365 Spring Mills CDP 627.17
1366 Beaverdale CDP 625.80
1367 Grazierville CDP 624.51
1368 Lavelle CDP 624.29
1369 Moshannon CDP 621.79
1370 Blue Knob CDP 618.49
1371 Cherryville CDP 617.41
1372 Franklin Forge CDP 617.15
1373 Enon Valley borough 615.59
1374 Grier City CDP 615.56
1375 Homewood borough 613.80
1376 Gibraltar CDP 613.30
1377 Avonmore borough 611.99
1378 Cranesville borough 609.41
1379 Glendon borough 606.29
1380 Coburn CDP 604.96
1381 Saegertown borough 602.76
1382 Rehrersburg CDP 602.32
1383 Aspers CDP 602.28
1384 Friedensburg CDP 600.79
1385 Nicholson borough 599.15
1386 Kreamer CDP 598.41
1387 Cairnbrook CDP 598.17
1388 Orviston CDP 597.46
1389 Fernville CDP 595.65
1390 West Hamburg CDP 592.14
1391 Pillow borough 591.88
1392 Edenborn CDP 591.81
1393 New Alexandria borough 591.46
1393 Pine Grove Mills CDP 591.46
1394 Heckscherville CDP 591.21
1395 Jacksonville CDP 591.10
1396 Wanamie CDP 591.07
1397 Brisbin borough 590.91
1398 Irvona borough 590.74
1399 Collinsburg CDP 589.84
1400 Hawk Run CDP 589.79
1401 Allenport CDP 589.77
1402 Brickerville CDP 588.51
1403 Bowers CDP 584.13
1403 Crucible CDP 584.13
1404 New Stanton borough 583.83
1405 Timber Hills CDP 583.79
1406 Tidioute borough 583.41
1407 Ronks CDP 580.45
1408 Nemacolin CDP 576.92
1409 Dushore borough 572.20
1410 Mertztown CDP 570.42
1411 Murrysville municipality 570.35
1412 Ravine CDP 570.15
1413 Sheffield CDP 569.63
1414 Allenwood CDP 568.43
1415 Wampum borough 567.78
1416 Iola CDP 567.18
1417 Jugtown CDP 566.62
1418 Royer CDP 565.47
1419 Cochranville CDP 564.68
1420 Nuangola borough 562.67
1421 Klahr CDP 562.02
1422 Dudley borough 560.48
1423 Conestoga CDP 560.08
1424 Vandling borough 556.05
1425 Marienville CDP 554.85
1426 Geneva CDP 554.74
1427 Hermitage city 550.92
1428 Gordonville CDP 550.81
1429 Henrietta CDP 550.55
1430 Ski Gap CDP 548.84
1431 Templeton CDP 547.02
1432 Fallston borough 546.37
1433 Wilmore borough 546.10
1434 Marion Center borough 545.01
1435 Bairdford CDP 544.86
1436 North Bend CDP 543.61
1437 Broad Top City borough 542.28
1438 New Albany borough 542.21
1439 Canoe Creek CDP 541.97
1440 Joffre CDP 540.95
1441 Berrysburg borough 537.78
1442 Salona CDP 535.92
1443 Rices Landing borough 535.07
1444 Conashaugh Lakes CDP 532.72
1445 New Columbia CDP 530.80
1446 Shinglehouse borough 530.50
1447 Benson borough 528.77
1448 Vicksburg CDP 528.76
1449 Rogersville CDP 528.65
1450 Calumet CDP 525.02
1451 McAlisterville CDP 524.14
1452 Glen Lyon CDP 522.33
1453 Cherry Tree borough 521.76
1454 Pocono Woodland Lakes CDP 520.88
1455 Atlasburg CDP 520.41
1456 Penryn CDP 519.24
1457 Harveys Lake borough 518.06
1458 Nixon CDP 517.71
1459 Casselman borough 517.28
1460 Runville CDP 516.41
1461 Plumville borough 514.49
1462 Hop Bottom borough 513.59
1463 Hublersburg CDP 512.77
1464 Rouseville borough 511.57
1465 Kersey CDP 511.42
1466 Beaver Springs CDP 510.26
1467 Renningers CDP 509.58
1468 Northwood CDP 509.12
1469 Economy borough 509.08
1470 Black Lick CDP 508.25
1471 Adamsburg borough 506.39
1472 Hemlock Farms CDP 506.21
1473 Lamar CDP 503.29
1474 Sugar Grove borough 503.18
1475 Fredericksburg CDP 502.41
1476 McKeansburg CDP 499.32
1477 Woxall CDP 498.89
1478 Davidsville CDP 496.31
1479 Thompson borough 496.04
1480 Orwin CDP 494.66
1481 Orchard Hills CDP 493.87
1482 Buckhorn CDP 493.69
1483 Connoquenessing borough 492.94
1484 Foxburg borough 492.32
1485 Liberty borough 491.18
1486 Arona borough 488.17
1487 California borough 486.96
1488 Dry Tavern CDP 484.56
1489 Bethany borough 484.31
1490 Sligo borough 484.02
1491 Karns City borough 482.58
1492 Waymart borough 481.97
1493 Foundryville CDP 481.51
1494 Friedens CDP 478.20
1495 Tresckow CDP 476.64
1496 Moose Run CDP 475.12
1497 Cornwall borough 474.49
1498 Norvelt CDP 472.09
1499 Meshoppen borough 471.96
1500 Ehrenfeld borough 471.24
1501 Eyers Grove CDP 470.50
1502 Ramey borough 470.01
1503 Haysville borough 469.06
1504 Hawthorn borough 465.51
1505 Franklin borough 465.43
1506 Sandy Ridge CDP 464.60
1507 Avonia CDP 462.80
1508 West Alexander CDP 462.06
1509 Branchdale CDP 459.07
1510 Soudersburg CDP 458.83
1511 Dixonville CDP 457.78
1512 Bethel CDP 457.61
1513 Richfield CDP 455.88
1514 Fountain Springs CDP 455.77
1515 Shartlesville CDP 453.54
1516 Petrolia borough 453.42
1517 Confluence borough 451.15
1518 Seneca CDP 449.79
1519 Donegal borough 449.03
1520 Rote CDP 448.53
1521 Sidman CDP 447.58
1522 Worthville borough 446.04
1523 Frankfort Springs borough 445.92
1524 Dumb Hundred CDP 445.80
1525 Loganton borough 445.55
1526 New Kingstown CDP 445.10
1527 Springboro borough 444.98
1528 Conneaut Lakeshore CDP 444.87
1529 Hickory Hills CDP 444.66
1530 Fostoria CDP 443.68
1531 Prospect Park CDP 443.43
1532 Witmer CDP 442.48
1533 Star Junction CDP 441.46
1534 Seven Valleys borough 440.66
1535 Forestville CDP 440.62
1536 Nittany CDP 440.60
1537 Kiskimere CDP 440.34
1538 Herndon borough 438.65
1539 Reservoir CDP 432.84
1540 Treasure Lake CDP 432.17
1541 Elberta CDP 431.14
1542 The Hideout CDP 431.13
1543 New Salem CDP 429.85
1544 Marion CDP 427.71
1545 Gouglersville CDP 427.58
1546 Archbald borough 427.02
1547 Jeddo borough 425.98
1548 Valley View CDP 425.87
1549 Farmersville CDP 425.63
1550 Dalton borough 425.26
1551 Schubert CDP 424.21
1552 Spartansburg borough 423.77
1553 Grassflat CDP 423.48
1554 Blanchard CDP 423.05
1555 Coudersport borough 422.65
1556 Mill Village borough 422.39
1557 Canadohta Lake CDP 420.86
1558 Rowes Run CDP 419.12
1559 Ackermanville CDP 417.65
1560 Fredericktown CDP 415.86
1561 East Waterford CDP 415.28
1562 Fredericksburg CDP 415.00
1563 Kratzerville CDP 413.31
1564 Riverside borough 412.96
1565 Trevorton CDP 412.67
1566 Pocono Mountain Lake Estates CDP 411.32
1567 Waverly CDP 410.45
1568 Ronco CDP 409.63
1569 New Baltimore borough 409.62
1570 Gilberton borough 407.91
1571 Auburn borough 406.56
1572 Morrisdale CDP 406.17
1573 Chase CDP 405.29
1574 Rauchtown CDP 405.06
1575 Lake Latonka CDP 403.76
1576 Roulette CDP 403.69
1577 Webster CDP 403.15
1578 Falmouth CDP 402.61
1579 Clintonville borough 402.38
1580 Railroad borough 401.08
1581 Towamensing Trails CDP 400.16
1582 Hegins CDP 399.93
1583 Brodheadsville CDP 397.54
1584 White Mills CDP 394.30
1585 Stevens CDP 392.39
1586 Rural Valley borough 391.23
1587 Stouchsburg CDP 390.32
1588 Starbrick CDP 390.04
1589 Effort CDP 389.30
1590 Nottingham CDP 389.23
1591 Wallaceton borough 388.79
1592 Alleghenyville CDP 388.68
1593 Lake Winola CDP 387.32
1594 Pocono Pines CDP 387.07
1595 Crenshaw CDP 386.19
1596 Allport CDP 385.33
1597 Smicksburg borough 383.60
1598 Newtown CDP 380.51
1599 Laurelton CDP 380.44
1600 West Hills CDP 376.77
1601 Bald Eagle CDP 376.08
1602 Roseville borough 374.40
1603 Washington Boro CDP 374.17
1604 Wakefield CDP 371.99
1605 Grindstone CDP 371.95
1606 Millerton CDP 370.96
1607 McConnellstown CDP 369.47
1608 Strodes Mills CDP 368.24
1609 Wyano CDP 367.52
1610 Mexico CDP 366.85
1611 Russell CDP 366.53
1612 McElhattan CDP 365.82
1613 Port Clinton borough 365.04
1614 Pocono Ranch Lands CDP 363.58
1615 Van Voorhis CDP 363.42
1616 Three Springs borough 363.35
1617 Schaefferstown CDP 363.05
1618 Dauberville CDP 362.63
1619 Jerome CDP 361.92
1620 Briar Creek borough 361.58
1621 Paxtonville CDP 359.86
1622 Buck Run CDP 359.22
1623 Summit Hill borough 358.98
1624 Rebersburg CDP 358.87
1625 Foster Brook CDP 357.57
1626 Mount Jewett borough 356.74
1627 Jennerstown borough 352.63
1628 Smock CDP 351.93
1629 Vinco CDP 351.54
1630 Delaware Water Gap borough 349.69
1631 Wylandville CDP 349.04
1632 Baumstown CDP 345.98
1633 Mount Eagle CDP 344.65
1634 Martinsburg Junction CDP 342.60
1635 Commodore CDP 341.14
1636 Alverda CDP 340.73
1637 Beurys Lake CDP 338.04
1638 Needmore CDP 336.73
1639 New Bedford CDP 335.82
1640 Greens Landing CDP 335.26
1641 Oval CDP 334.07
1642 Stoneboro borough 333.41
1643 Cross Creek CDP 333.24
1644 Unionville CDP 330.55
1645 Blossburg borough 329.93
1646 New Jerusalem CDP 329.17
1647 Schoeneck CDP 326.76
1648 Noxen CDP 324.46
1649 Big Bass Lake CDP 323.53
1649 West Decatur CDP 323.53
1650 Upper Exeter CDP 322.30
1651 Naomi CDP 322.06
1652 Salladasburg borough 321.58
1653 St. Michael CDP 320.36
1654 Lincolnville CDP 320.33
1655 Lewis Run borough 318.77
1656 Deer Lake CDP 318.18
1657 New Ringgold borough 316.69
1658 Paris CDP 315.96
1659 Winfield CDP 315.21
1660 Mapletown CDP 314.16
1661 Jonestown CDP 313.60
1662 West Falls CDP 313.51
1663 Southview CDP 313.07
1664 Polk borough 312.68
1665 Granville CDP 312.03
1666 Tionesta borough 311.35
1667 Stormstown CDP 310.45
1668 Bear Rocks CDP 310.38
1669 Jim Thorpe borough 308.74
1670 Arnot CDP 306.90
1671 Byrnedale CDP 305.51
1672 Addison borough 305.37
1673 Shellytown CDP 304.71
1674 Kerrtown CDP 304.31
1675 Slabtown CDP 304.17
1676 Eagleville CDP 301.54
1677 Cashtown CDP 301.28
1678 Fisherville CDP 299.66
1679 Troutville borough 298.36
1680 Columbus CDP 296.89
1681 Gardners CDP 296.59
1682 James City CDP 295.56
1683 Bigler CDP 294.29
1684 Laporte borough 294.13
1685 Virginville CDP 294.03
1686 Hunterstown CDP 293.46
1687 Frystown CDP 292.77
1688 Portersville borough 290.39
1689 Culp CDP 290.16
1690 Weedville CDP 289.48
1691 Fawn Grove borough 289.28
1692 Farmington CDP 288.81
1693 Gouldsboro CDP 288.30
1694 Cross Roads borough 287.75
1695 Mingoville CDP 287.67
1696 Clappertown CDP 286.63
1697 Clintondale CDP 286.31
1698 Jamison City CDP 285.89
1699 Rossiter CDP 284.79
1700 Fawn Lake Forest CDP 284.08
1700 Longfellow CDP 284.08
1701 Mount Pleasant Mills CDP 283.57
1702 Bell Acres borough 281.23
1703 LeRaysville borough 280.24
1704 Little Britain CDP 280.15
1705 Sewickley Hills borough 279.43
1706 Hartleton borough 276.33
1707 Pocono Springs CDP 276.27
1708 Alfarata CDP 275.49
1709 Prospect borough 275.09
1710 Glen Campbell borough 275.08
1711 Ursina borough 274.57
1712 Gray CDP 271.24
1713 West Middletown borough 268.52
1714 Reese CDP 267.90
1715 McKnightstown CDP 267.66
1716 Tylersburg CDP 265.80
1717 Chewton CDP 264.36
1718 Wellersburg borough 264.13
1719 Bulger CDP 263.60
1720 Dryville CDP 262.17
1721 Mammoth CDP 260.16
1722 Numidia CDP 259.73
1723 Georgetown CDP 259.63
1724 Leeper CDP 259.59
1725 Glenfield borough 258.58
1726 Refton CDP 258.45
1727 Parryville borough 258.23
1728 Larke CDP 257.06
1729 Barrville CDP 254.11
1730 Troxelville CDP 253.49
1731 Heilwood CDP 253.32
1732 Idaville CDP 253.24
1733 Gratz borough 251.93
1734 Winterstown borough 251.85
1735 Goodville CDP 251.71
1736 Holiday Pocono CDP 248.59
1737 Ramblewood CDP 248.13
1738 Mattawana CDP 247.02
1739 Mount Cobb CDP 246.89
1740 Burlington borough 246.22
1741 Centerville borough 246.17
1742 Mundys Corner CDP 245.00
1743 Allensville CDP 243.56
1744 Mount Morris CDP 242.48
1745 Jerseytown CDP 241.66
1746 Eau Claire borough 240.88
1747 Cove Forge CDP 238.28
1748 McClure borough 236.82
1749 Hydetown borough 235.82
1750 Hickory CDP 233.43
1751 Silkworth CDP 233.34
1752 Bruin borough 231.83
1753 Cassville borough 227.69
1754 Penn Lake Park borough 227.47
1755 Allenport borough 227.40
1756 North Warren CDP 226.47
1757 Harmonsburg CDP 224.47
1758 Maitland CDP 224.46
1759 Adamsville CDP 223.56
1760 Table Rock CDP 223.29
1761 Clarence CDP 222.59
1762 Churchtown CDP 221.26
1763 Port Trevorton CDP 217.11
1764 Bear Lake borough 214.40
1765 East Side borough 214.00
1766 Eagle Creek CDP 213.49
1767 Tylersville CDP 212.74
1768 Woodcock borough 212.35
1769 Fort Loudon CDP 210.14
1770 Klingerstown CDP 208.61
1771 Potters Mills CDP 206.53
1772 New Schaefferstown CDP 205.41
1773 Pikes Creek CDP 204.18
1774 Marianna borough 203.95
1775 Rohrsburg CDP 202.97
1776 Taylorstown CDP 201.74
1777 Skelp CDP 200.80
1778 Kempton CDP 200.43
1779 Alba borough 198.07
1780 Kylertown CDP 195.64
1781 Lincoln borough 194.18
1782 Lanesboro borough 194.09
1783 Marklesburg borough 193.06
1784 Tyrone Forge CDP 192.97
1785 Sylvania borough 192.84
1786 Mainville CDP 192.30
1787 Sweden Valley CDP 191.48
1788 Clark borough 191.32
1789 Casanova CDP 187.15
1790 Industry borough 181.35
1791 Woodward CDP 179.52
1792 Hartstown CDP 178.12
1793 Snydertown CDP 176.41
1794 Kirkwood CDP 174.65
1795 Baileyville CDP 174.43
1796 Oreminea CDP 171.86
1797 Blooming Valley borough 170.45
1798 Jackson Center borough 170.44
1799 Rupert CDP 170.14
1800 Timblin borough 162.70
1801 Rew CDP 162.03
1802 Beallsville borough 161.89
1803 Landingville borough 160.82
1804 Brave CDP 159.19
1805 Pymatuning North CDP 158.14
1806 Nesquehoning borough 157.64
1807 Frizzleburg CDP 156.51
1808 Chalkhill CDP 155.10
1809 Prompton borough 154.65
1810 Bear Creek Village borough 153.48
1811 Pymatuning South CDP 151.41
1812 Summit Station CDP 151.13
1813 Atkinson Mills CDP 149.14
1814 Ulysses borough 147.76
1815 Millerstown CDP 147.07
1816 New Lebanon borough 143.76
1817 Ohioville borough 143.51
1818 Wagner CDP 139.20
1819 Elgin borough 138.42
1820 Albrightsville CDP 136.81
1821 Edie CDP 136.28
1822 Riceville CDP 134.66
1823 Twilight borough 134.13
1824 Westover borough 134.05
1825 Platea borough 132.21
1826 Long Branch borough 131.96
1827 Utica borough 131.57
1828 Masthope CDP 130.38
1829 Brandonville CDP 128.41
1830 St. Marys city 128.26
1831 Sugarcreek borough 127.29
1832 Jacksonville CDP 125.87
1833 Pymatuning Central CDP 125.48
1834 Oswayo borough 123.90
1835 Wopsononock CDP 120.61
1836 Austin borough 119.27
1837 Sewickley Heights borough 117.01
1838 Burnside borough 111.88
1839 Indian Lake borough 109.45
1840 Laurel Run borough 109.39
1841 New Freeport CDP 108.17
1842 Hannasville CDP 104.94
1843 Big Beaver borough 104.08
1844 Centerville borough 101.99
1845 Little Meadows borough 101.34
1846 Eighty Four CDP 97.72
1847 New Beaver borough 94.95
1848 Snydertown borough 94.67
1849 Union Dale borough 91.43
1850 Ohiopyle borough 88.52
1851 West Liberty borough 87.22
1852 Crown CDP 79.28
1853 Deemston borough 78.63
1854 Kennerdell CDP 78.26
1855 Eagles Mere borough 71.90
1856 New Columbus borough 71.54
1857 Forksville borough 70.55
1858 Wilburton Number Two CDP 69.63
1859 Friendsville borough 67.57
1860 Wind Ridge CDP 64.00
1861 Stillwater borough 63.91
1862 Glen Hope borough 59.64
1863 Barkeyville borough 56.59
1864 Yellow Springs CDP 56.55
1865 Atwood borough 53.53
1866 Vowinckel CDP 52.73
1867 Shippingport borough 46.46
1868 Newburg borough 44.46
1869 Waller CDP 35.16
1870 Seven Springs borough 24.14
1871 S.N.P.J. borough 24.04
1872 New Washington borough 21.82
1873 Green Hills borough 21.67
1874 Cherry Valley borough 21.28
1875 Centralia borough 20.93
1876 Starrucca borough 18.96
1877 Driftwood borough 15.27
1878 Callimont borough 12.86
1879 Valley-Hi borough 11.90
1880 New Morgan borough 9.80
1881 Eagle Lake CDP 5.04
1882 Fort Indiantown Gap CDP 3.54