Ranking of South Carolina Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020

Updated on October 18, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 Census, as at April 2020, among all South Carolina cities and places, Sangaree CDP had the highest population density per square mile (3.83K people per sqr mile), followed by Clemson University CDP (3.45K people per sqr mile), and Woodfield CDP (3.35K people per sqr mile).

On the other hand, Boykin CDP had the lowest population density per square mile (12.79 people per sqr mile), followed by Willington CDP (13.60 people per sqr mile), and Mount Carmel CDP (16.98 people per sqr mile).

The chart below shows the top 10 South Carolina cities and places with high population density, and the table below shows the population density of all South Carolina cities and places.

You can also see this information for other states, as well as the ranking of all cities and places in the United States.

Ranking of South Carolina Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Clemson University
St. Andrews
Baxter Village
Tega Cay
City View
Sans Souci
Ranking of South Carolina Cities and Places By Population Density from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank Place Population Density
1 Sangaree CDP 3830.32
2 Clemson University CDP 3453.62
3 Woodfield CDP 3353.60
4 St. Andrews CDP 3345.39
5 Judson CDP 2989.43
6 Baxter Village CDP 2965.80
7 Tega Cay city 2859.33
8 City View CDP 2729.53
9 Sans Souci CDP 2591.92
10 Summerville town 2583.53
11 Simpsonville city 2497.11
12 James Island town 2449.85
13 Capitol View CDP 2446.88
14 Wade Hampton CDP 2418.18
15 Dunean CDP 2382.46
16 Greenville city 2381.98
17 Five Forks CDP 2342.85
18 Clemson city 2342.45
19 Forest Acres city 2308.04
20 Ladson CDP 2212.32
21 Taylors CDP 2198.59
22 Dentsville CDP 2156.70
23 Surfside Beach town 2132.70
24 Mauldin city 2087.80
25 Berea CDP 2023.71
26 Lexington town 1990.88
27 McColl town 1971.40
28 Parker CDP 1954.85
29 Anderson city 1942.10
30 West Columbia city 1937.21
31 Hanahan city 1929.99
32 Spartanburg city 1928.87
33 Garden City CDP 1914.87
34 Seven Oaks CDP 1914.82
35 Rock Hill city 1907.28
36 Central town 1887.08
37 West Pelzer town 1833.70
38 Mount Pleasant town 1833.34
39 Forestbrook CDP 1813.58
40 Easley city 1811.11
41 Hilltop CDP 1793.55
42 Pimlico CDP 1759.91
43 Inman city 1756.24
44 Lake Wylie CDP 1730.99
45 Florence city 1726.19
46 Oak Grove CDP 1690.21
47 Irmo town 1686.33
48 Socastee CDP 1662.03
49 Arcadia CDP 1655.86
50 Saxon CDP 1636.33
51 Oakland CDP 1615.67
52 Chester city 1593.94
53 Welcome CDP 1582.01
54 Belvedere CDP 1558.79
55 Arcadia Lakes town 1552.88
56 Valley Falls CDP 1544.74
57 Greer city 1541.35
58 Gaffney city 1536.62
59 Gantt CDP 1532.97
60 Aiken city 1531.72
61 Boiling Springs CDP 1521.94
62 Myrtle Beach city 1518.12
63 Elgin town 1512.12
64 Olympia CDP 1510.63
65 Newtown CDP 1481.90
66 North Charleston city 1479.71
67 Pelzer town 1470.62
68 Orangeburg city 1469.59
69 Clover town 1467.02
70 Lake Murray of Richland CDP 1458.24
71 Ben Avon CDP 1453.31
72 India Hook CDP 1447.90
73 Whitney CDP 1445.14
74 Red Hill CDP 1440.47
75 Marion city 1440.32
76 Riverview CDP 1401.14
77 Carolina Forest CDP 1388.15
78 Greenwood city 1379.92
79 Homeland Park CDP 1368.71
80 Fountain Inn city 1346.71
81 Mullins city 1332.61
82 Sumter city 1331.90
83 Murrells Inlet CDP 1331.50
84 Cherryvale CDP 1329.72
85 Darlington city 1325.91
86 Gayle Mill CDP 1321.76
87 Manning city 1321.33
88 Charleston city 1309.08
89 Langley CDP 1307.60
90 Bishopville city 1293.77
91 Lancaster city 1290.87
92 White Knoll CDP 1284.42
93 Lockhart town 1258.43
94 Hartsville city 1257.18
95 Travelers Rest city 1249.71
96 Fort Mill town 1248.49
97 Moncks Corner town 1237.62
98 Arthurtown CDP 1230.67
99 Laurel Bay CDP 1220.38
100 Centerville CDP 1216.84
101 Atlantic Beach town 1206.27
102 Dillon city 1206.16
103 Georgetown city 1201.82
104 Pickens city 1190.66
105 Utica CDP 1190.17
106 Newberry city 1189.12
107 North Augusta city 1187.61
108 Latta town 1182.72
109 Andrews town 1167.85
110 Glendale CDP 1148.34
111 Belton city 1147.40
112 Inman Mills CDP 1140.37
113 Ninety Six town 1139.12
114 Bennettsville city 1138.23
115 Eureka Mill CDP 1128.65
116 Whitmire town 1122.63
117 Little River CDP 1117.56
118 Goose Creek city 1113.45
119 Lake City city 1105.28
120 Iva town 1101.57
121 Williamston town 1096.10
122 Seneca city 1079.92
123 Brookdale CDP 1055.80
124 Conway city 1052.76
125 Honea Path town 1049.08
126 Walhalla city 1048.12
127 Warrenville CDP 1045.68
128 Southern Shops CDP 1027.78
129 Union city 1024.43
130 Kingstree town 1020.06
131 Springdale town 1014.79
132 Blacksburg town 1009.52
133 York city 1002.73
134 Columbia city 998.93
135 Winnsboro town 995.96
136 Cherokee Falls CDP 994.70
137 Holly Hill town 993.12
138 Lyman town 985.05
139 Isle of Palms city 979.95
140 Lincolnville town 979.08
141 Clearwater CDP 972.87
142 Saluda town 961.02
143 St. Matthews town 957.99
144 East Gaffney CDP 953.12
145 Laurens city 950.64
146 Tigerville CDP 936.36
147 Ridgeville town 930.83
148 Landrum city 930.58
149 Reidville town 927.63
150 Northlake CDP 922.10
151 Woodruff city 919.41
152 Chapin town 913.77
153 Hilton Head Island town 910.72
154 East Camden CDP 898.02
155 Arkwright CDP 894.32
156 North Myrtle Beach city 887.90
157 Central Pacolet town 884.02
158 Cowpens town 881.50
159 Red Bank CDP 876.50
160 Bamberg town 860.46
161 Conestee CDP 851.41
162 Cheraw town 846.58
163 Bonneau Beach CDP 844.98
164 Jonesville town 839.70
165 Port Royal town 838.21
166 Murphys Estates CDP 837.81
167 South Sumter CDP 834.46
168 Homewood CDP 833.84
169 Scranton town 817.75
170 Kershaw town 817.74
171 Denmark city 815.70
172 Allendale town 813.86
173 Cayce city 813.69
174 Burton CDP 811.37
175 Walterboro city 810.09
176 North town 805.40
177 Camp Croft CDP 796.48
178 Drayton CDP 795.10
179 Fairforest CDP 786.94
180 Abbeville city 784.18
181 Wellford city 783.75
182 Keowee Key CDP 783.19
183 Duncan town 777.15
184 Chesnee city 774.20
185 Converse CDP 773.71
186 Sullivan's Island town 757.00
187 Liberty city 756.48
188 Timmonsville town 755.89
189 Johnston town 754.22
190 Briarcliffe Acres town 753.48
191 Litchfield Beach CDP 745.76
192 Due West town 745.40
193 Clinton city 740.94
194 Graniteville CDP 737.59
195 Pendleton town 735.60
196 Powdersville CDP 728.67
197 Watts Mills CDP 724.02
198 South Congaree town 722.98
199 Fingerville CDP 711.84
200 Clio town 710.19
201 Lamar town 703.73
202 Camden city 702.84
203 Quinby town 700.16
204 Fort Lawn town 690.82
205 Pinopolis CDP 685.74
206 Westminster city 682.72
207 Newry CDP 674.07
208 Bowman town 669.61
209 Gloverville CDP 663.09
210 Pamplico town 655.02
211 Johnsonville city 651.84
212 Wilkinson Heights CDP 650.85
213 St. Stephen town 649.41
214 St. George town 647.62
215 Batesburg-Leesville town 643.04
216 Harleyville town 630.31
217 Piedmont CDP 629.48
218 Cateechee CDP 628.65
219 Winnsboro Mills CDP 619.77
220 Helena CDP 613.35
221 North Hartsville CDP 611.61
222 Dunbar CDP 604.64
223 Summerton town 601.07
224 Prosperity town 597.30
225 Hampton town 596.99
226 Barnwell city 593.19
227 Springdale CDP 589.85
228 Newport CDP 589.36
229 Hemingway town 583.48
230 Arial CDP 583.33
231 McBee town 578.13
232 Shell Point CDP 568.38
233 Pageland town 567.95
234 Turbeville town 567.34
235 Burnettown town 564.36
236 Estill town 563.80
237 Elloree town 561.90
238 Beaufort city 556.98
239 Olanta town 552.90
240 Edgefield town 552.42
241 McCormick town 550.88
242 Roebuck CDP 549.22
243 Ridgeway town 548.84
244 Dalzell CDP 542.97
245 Aynor town 540.60
246 Loris city 537.94
247 Mayesville town 535.25
248 Bluffton town 533.33
249 Golden Grove CDP 519.73
250 Ware Shoals town 519.08
251 Startex CDP 517.01
252 Mayo CDP 515.35
253 Calhoun Falls town 509.85
254 Clifton CDP 507.13
255 Lesslie CDP 505.99
256 Eastover town 505.63
257 New Ellenton town 497.73
258 Elgin CDP 485.16
259 Slater-Marietta CDP 484.40
260 Joanna CDP 483.53
261 Edisto Beach town 483.42
262 West Union town 471.81
263 Wagener town 470.87
264 Pinewood town 469.68
265 Pine Ridge town 461.22
266 Great Falls town 460.25
267 Heath Springs town 456.59
268 Fairfax town 454.40
269 Lake View town 450.99
270 Blythewood town 448.97
271 Jenkinsville town 448.44
272 Enoree CDP 443.52
273 Irwin CDP 442.49
274 Lugoff CDP 438.58
275 Varnville town 435.51
276 Jackson town 432.12
277 Salley town 429.72
278 Jefferson town 428.39
279 Brunson town 423.81
280 Gray Court town 418.36
281 Donalds town 394.38
282 Norris town 393.37
283 Pacolet town 391.89
284 Edisto CDP 390.74
285 Zion CDP 383.41
286 Santee town 379.46
287 Lakewood CDP 373.04
288 Six Mile town 372.46
289 Cane Savannah CDP 367.73
290 La France CDP 367.21
291 Norway town 364.88
292 Cokesbury CDP 357.20
293 Pine Ridge CDP 355.60
294 Sharon town 352.59
295 Sandy Springs CDP 348.86
296 Swansea town 346.03
297 Seabrook Island town 345.23
298 East Sumter CDP 342.26
299 Stateburg CDP 342.10
300 Chesterfield town 334.07
301 Rockville town 332.81
302 Chickasaw Point CDP 328.54
303 Daviston CDP 323.59
304 Williston town 321.36
305 Buffalo CDP 320.27
306 Richburg town 319.53
307 Ridge Spring town 317.85
308 Branchville town 315.10
309 Greeleyville town 313.85
310 Cordova town 311.96
311 Rowesville town 303.33
312 Gaston town 302.57
313 Ware Place CDP 297.60
314 Monetta town 297.18
315 Adams Run CDP 297.04
316 Fripp Island CDP 295.33
317 Cash CDP 292.01
318 Beech Island CDP 288.79
319 Bethune town 285.78
320 Summit town 284.11
321 Monarch Mill CDP 282.25
322 Lynchburg town 281.02
323 Patrick town 277.30
324 Mulberry CDP 274.88
325 Olar town 273.77
326 McClellanville town 271.67
327 Hickory Grove town 268.83
328 Little Rock CDP 267.65
329 Dale CDP 266.88
330 Gifford town 265.75
331 Springfield town 261.61
332 Vance town 252.34
333 Eutawville town 246.82
334 Wyboo CDP 244.64
335 Campobello town 244.14
336 Promised Land CDP 242.40
337 Privateer CDP 242.22
338 Danwood CDP 238.64
339 Seabrook CDP 228.05
340 Hollywood town 228.03
341 Carlisle town 226.71
342 Abney Crossroads CDP 221.94
343 Paxville town 220.85
344 Sellers town 219.58
345 Lydia CDP 216.43
346 Blackville town 215.28
347 Stuckey town 213.95
348 Coward town 211.82
349 Gilbert town 210.71
350 DeBordieu Colony CDP 208.49
351 Floydale CDP 207.62
352 Hodges town 207.55
353 Cottageville town 205.21
354 Woodford town 205.07
355 Harbor Island CDP 203.52
356 Perry town 202.60
357 Centenary CDP 202.18
358 Society Hill town 199.78
359 Elliott CDP 199.56
360 Plum Branch town 198.79
361 Ravenel town 192.93
362 Neeses town 187.45
363 Pawleys Island town 185.36
364 Lake Secession CDP 182.29
365 Dacusville CDP 181.76
366 Rains CDP 181.18
367 Kiawah Island town 180.20
368 Mount Croghan town 177.91
369 Bucksport CDP 177.21
370 Wedgefield CDP 177.20
371 Blenheim town 175.99
372 Nichols town 175.09
373 Buford CDP 174.58
374 Manville CDP 173.23
375 Pelion town 171.39
376 Livingston town 167.75
377 Folly Beach city 166.14
378 Parksville town 164.85
379 Little Mountain town 163.83
380 Hamer CDP 162.66
381 Trenton town 158.61
382 Lowndesville town 154.93
383 Gillisonville CDP 154.78
384 Unity CDP 153.75
385 Ward town 153.42
386 Hopkins CDP 152.29
387 Cross Anchor CDP 149.93
388 Peak town 148.34
389 Cope town 148.20
390 Ehrhardt town 146.87
391 Pauline CDP 146.49
392 Bonneau town 142.54
393 Edmund CDP 141.79
394 Hilda town 136.14
395 Yemassee town 135.90
396 Elko town 133.47
397 Hardeeville city 131.77
398 Windsor town 131.52
399 Salem town 131.09
400 South Union CDP 130.96
401 Catawba CDP 130.48
402 Wallace CDP 128.22
403 Sheldon CDP 127.80
404 Cross Hill town 126.80
405 Tradesville CDP 126.75
406 Reevesville town 124.93
407 Ruby town 124.34
408 Pomaria town 121.37
409 Cameron town 120.34
410 Lane town 119.50
411 Glenn Springs CDP 118.65
412 Dovesville CDP 118.01
413 Williams town 115.68
414 Grover CDP 114.79
415 The Cliffs Valley CDP 113.95
416 Gadsden CDP 113.08
417 Jamestown town 112.27
418 Lobeco CDP 111.22
419 Live Oak CDP 110.29
420 Starr town 110.16
421 Finklea CDP 108.01
422 Fair Play CDP 104.02
423 Troy town 103.89
424 Russellville CDP 101.48
425 Coosawhatchie CDP 97.06
426 Luray town 94.87
427 Fairview Crossroads CDP 94.56
428 Coronaca CDP 92.93
429 Clarks Hill CDP 90.44
430 Alcolu CDP 88.37
431 Van Wyck town 84.51
432 Browntown CDP 83.81
433 Tatum town 83.72
434 Waterloo town 83.57
435 McConnells town 82.58
436 North Santee CDP 82.25
437 Awendaw town 80.88
438 Gramling CDP 80.69
439 Modoc CDP 78.31
440 Smyrna town 77.92
441 Ridgeland town 77.74
442 Meggett town 76.62
443 Govan town 74.48
444 Furman town 71.85
445 Oswego CDP 71.35
446 Foreston CDP 69.87
447 Rembert CDP 64.13
448 Princeton CDP 62.86
449 Snelling town 61.95
450 Smoaks town 60.12
451 Green Sea CDP 59.53
452 Lowrys town 58.21
453 Caesars Head CDP 57.11
454 Daufuskie Island CDP 56.79
455 Tamassee CDP 51.52
456 Longcreek CDP 50.62
457 Scotia town 49.92
458 Silverstreet town 48.99
459 Kline town 47.65
460 Sycamore town 46.36
461 Antreville CDP 37.89
462 Mountville CDP 34.98
463 Wisacky CDP 33.43
464 Ashwood CDP 32.49
465 Ketchuptown CDP 30.99
466 Jacksonboro CDP 28.48
467 St. Charles CDP 26.92
468 Lodge town 26.08
469 Ulmer town 23.73
470 Islandton CDP 20.95
471 Bradley CDP 20.36
472 Shiloh CDP 17.21
473 Mount Carmel CDP 16.98
474 Willington CDP 13.60
475 Boykin CDP 12.79