Ranking of Maine Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020

Updated on May 5, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, the total population of Maine was 1.36M. Portland city was the most populated city or place (town or village) (68.41K people) which was 5.02% of Maine's population, followed by Lewiston city (37.12K people) which was 2.73% of Maine's population, and then Bangor city (31.75K people) which was 2.33% of Maine's population. On the other hand, the 3 Maine cities or places that were least populated include: Vanceboro CDP (94 people), Littlejohn Island CDP (116 people), and Grand Isle CDP (184 people).

The chart below shows the top 10 most populated cities or places in Maine.

You can also see this information for other states and also for the ranking of all cities or places in the United States by total population.

Hover over or click on the bars in the chart below, to see the number of people who live in each city or place. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

Ranking of Maine Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020
South Portland
Ranking of Maine Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank Place Population
1 Portland city 68408
2 Lewiston city 37121
3 Bangor city 31753
4 South Portland city 26498
5 Auburn city 24061
6 Biddeford city 22552
7 Sanford city 21982
8 Westbrook city 20400
9 Saco city 20381
10 Augusta city 18899
11 Brunswick CDP 17033
12 Waterville city 15828
13 Orono CDP 10185
14 Brewer city 9672
15 Old Orchard Beach CDP 8960
16 Presque Isle city 8797
17 Bath city 8766
18 Ellsworth city 8399
19 Gorham CDP 7469
20 Old Town city 7431
21 Caribou city 7396
22 Belfast city 6938
23 Rockland city 6936
24 Topsham CDP 6623
25 Skowhegan CDP 6404
26 Yarmouth CDP 6125
27 Gardiner city 5961
28 Oak Hill CDP 5846
29 Kennebunk CDP 5776
30 Winslow CDP 5318
31 North Windham CDP 5274
32 Kittery CDP 4973
33 Houlton CDP 4743
34 Hampden CDP 4516
35 Rumford CDP 4298
36 Lisbon Falls CDP 4182
37 Farmington CDP 4168
38 Millinocket CDP 4104
39 Camden CDP 3850
40 South Berwick CDP 3825
41 South Eliot CDP 3719
42 Lisbon CDP 3217
43 Lake Arrowhead CDP 3192
44 York Harbor CDP 3132
45 Calais city 3079
46 Cape Neddick CDP 3037
47 Bucksport CDP 2832
48 Pittsfield CDP 2822
49 Madawaska CDP 2797
50 Dover-Foxcroft CDP 2776
51 Cumberland Center CDP 2739
52 Norway CDP 2696
53 Lincoln CDP 2667
54 Winthrop CDP 2666
55 Fairfield CDP 2616
56 Hallowell city 2570
57 Oakland CDP 2536
58 Madison CDP 2533
59 Fort Kent CDP 2413
60 Berwick CDP 2277
61 Bar Harbor CDP 2260
62 Mechanic Falls CDP 2257
63 Mexico CDP 2234
64 Milford CDP 2211
65 South Paris CDP 2183
66 Bridgton CDP 2118
67 Dexter CDP 2093
68 Dunstan CDP 2083
69 Wilton CDP 2071
70 Farmingdale CDP 2000
71 Falmouth CDP 1988
72 Thomaston CDP 1836
73 Veazie CDP 1814
74 Richmond CDP 1810
75 Van Buren CDP 1809
76 Milo CDP 1751
77 Randolph CDP 1743
78 North Berwick CDP 1721
79 Freeport CDP 1700
80 Newport CDP 1690
81 Fort Fairfield CDP 1666
82 East Millinocket CDP 1560
83 Falmouth Foreside CDP 1554
84 Livermore Falls CDP 1540
85 Machias CDP 1457
86 Fryeburg CDP 1444
87 Clinton CDP 1386
88 Winterport CDP 1355
89 Norridgewock CDP 1351
90 Chisholm CDP 1343
91 Dixfield CDP 1323
92 Waldoboro CDP 1300
93 Oxford CDP 1294
94 Eastport city 1288
95 Kennebunkport CDP 1264
96 Wiscasset CDP 1232
97 Steep Falls CDP 1223
98 South Windham CDP 1215
99 Damariscotta CDP 1193
100 West Kennebunk CDP 1191
101 Castine CDP 1014
102 Greenville CDP 1010
103 Kittery Point CDP 1009
104 Searsport CDP 999
105 Blue Hill CDP 963
106 Howland CDP 947
107 Washburn CDP 937
108 Gray CDP 887
109 Alfred CDP 874
110 Limestone CDP 874
111 Boothbay Harbor CDP 872
112 Little Falls CDP 863
113 Woodland CDP 853
114 Mars Hill CDP 818
115 Sabattus CDP 787
116 Bradley CDP 765
117 Cornish CDP 764
118 Hartland CDP 756
119 Greene CDP 750
120 Guilford CDP 740
121 Southwest Harbor CDP 740
122 Kezar Falls CDP 736
123 Bowdoinham CDP 734
124 Corinna CDP 729
125 Bingham CDP 716
126 Anson CDP 680
127 Newcastle CDP 660
128 Bethel CDP 658
129 Kingfield CDP 640
130 Ashland CDP 639
131 Mapleton CDP 623
132 Jonesport CDP 608
133 Rangeley CDP 590
134 Casco CDP 582
135 Eagle Lake CDP 553
136 Turner CDP 544
137 Patten CDP 539
138 Cousins Island CDP 528
139 Brownville Junction CDP 506
140 Standish CDP 480
141 North Anson CDP 459
142 Unity CDP 448
143 Milbridge CDP 435
144 Mattawamkeag CDP 422
145 Naples CDP 415
146 Winter Harbor CDP 385
147 Oakfield CDP 378
148 Northeast Harbor CDP 370
149 Lubec CDP 334
150 Danforth CDP 331
151 Island Falls CDP 309
152 Blaine CDP 250
153 Grand Isle CDP 184
154 Littlejohn Island CDP 116
155 Vanceboro CDP 94