Ranking of New Hampshire Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020

Updated on May 5, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, the total population of New Hampshire was 1.38M. Manchester city was the most populated city or place (town or village) (115.64K people) which was 8.40% of New Hampshire's population, followed by Nashua city (91.32K people) which was 6.63% of New Hampshire's population, and then Concord city (43.98K people) which was 3.19% of New Hampshire's population. On the other hand, the 3 New Hampshire cities or places that were least populated include: Blodgett Landing CDP (152 people), Center Sandwich CDP (156 people), and Plainfield CDP (178 people).

The chart below shows the top 10 most populated cities or places in New Hampshire.

You can also see this information for other states and also for the ranking of all cities or places in the United States by total population.

Hover over or click on the bars in the chart below, to see the number of people who live in each city or place. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

Ranking of New Hampshire Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020
Ranking of New Hampshire Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020
Items per page:
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Rank Place Population
1 Manchester city 115644
2 Nashua city 91322
3 Concord city 43976
4 Dover city 32741
5 Rochester city 32492
6 Keene city 23047
7 Derry CDP 22879
8 Portsmouth city 21956
9 Laconia city 16871
10 Lebanon city 14282
11 Claremont city 12949
12 Somersworth city 11855
13 Londonderry CDP 11645
14 Durham CDP 11147
15 Exeter CDP 10109
16 Hampton CDP 9597
17 Berlin city 9425
18 Milford CDP 9212
19 Hanover CDP 9078
20 Franklin city 8741
21 Hudson CDP 7534
22 South Hooksett CDP 5888
23 Newmarket CDP 5797
24 Suncook CDP 5501
25 Hooksett CDP 5283
26 East Merrimack CDP 5176
27 Pinardville CDP 5034
28 Newport CDP 4735
29 Plymouth CDP 4730
30 Littleton CDP 4467
31 Farmington CDP 3824
32 Raymond CDP 3738
33 Conway CDP 3576
34 Goffstown CDP 3366
35 Tilton Northfield CDP 3324
36 Wolfeboro CDP 3300
37 Henniker CDP 3166
38 Peterborough CDP 3090
39 Jaffrey CDP 3058
40 Epping CDP 2693
41 Hampton Beach CDP 2598
42 Meredith CDP 2527
43 Hillsborough CDP 2156
44 North Conway CDP 2116
45 Lancaster CDP 1941
46 Bristol CDP 1911
47 Gorham CDP 1851
48 Winchester CDP 1606
49 Enfield CDP 1571
50 Pittsfield CDP 1570
51 Hinsdale CDP 1485
52 Whitefield CDP 1460
53 Woodsville CDP 1431
54 Contoocook CDP 1427
55 Antrim CDP 1395
56 Wilton CDP 1324
57 Belmont CDP 1285
58 West Swanzey CDP 1281
59 New London CDP 1266
60 Colebrook CDP 1201
61 Troy CDP 1108
62 Ashland CDP 1082
63 Charlestown CDP 1078
64 Seabrook Beach CDP 1078
65 Greenville CDP 1074
66 Groveton CDP 1068
67 Marlborough CDP 1066
68 Lincoln CDP 969
69 Lisbon CDP 965
70 Sanbornville CDP 963
71 North Haverhill CDP 843
72 Bethlehem CDP 826
73 North Walpole CDP 785
74 North Woodstock CDP 739
75 Loudon CDP 711
76 Amherst CDP 697
77 Klondike Corner CDP 652
78 Milton CDP 593
79 Walpole CDP 573
80 Center Ossipee CDP 526
81 Mountain Lakes CDP 504
82 Alton CDP 499
83 Warner CDP 453
84 Canaan CDP 442
85 Newfields CDP 378
86 New Hampton CDP 373
87 Bradford CDP 372
88 Bartlett CDP 351
89 Bennington CDP 338
90 Suissevale CDP 328
91 New Boston CDP 326
92 Milton Mills CDP 313
93 Melvin Village CDP 273
94 West Stewartstown CDP 263
95 Hancock CDP 213
96 Francestown CDP 201
97 Union CDP 196
98 Plainfield CDP 178
99 Center Sandwich CDP 156
100 Blodgett Landing CDP 152