Ranking of North Dakota Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020

Updated on May 5, 2023.

According to the data from the US 2020 decennial Census, the total population of North Dakota was 779.09K. Fargo city was the most populated city or place (town or village) (125.99K people) which was 16.17% of North Dakota's population, followed by Bismarck city (73.62K people) which was 9.45% of North Dakota's population, and then Grand Forks city (59.17K people) which was 7.59% of North Dakota's population. On the other hand, the 3 North Dakota cities or places that were least populated include: Ruso city (1 people), Perth city (6 people), and Bantry city (6 people).

The chart below shows the top 10 most populated cities or places in North Dakota.

You can also see this information for other states and also for the ranking of all cities or places in the United States by total population.

Hover over or click on the bars in the chart below, to see the number of people who live in each city or place. The data can also be found in a table below. You can use the table to sort, filter, and explore the data further.

Ranking of North Dakota Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020
Grand Forks
West Fargo
Ranking of North Dakota Cities and Places By Total Population from Census 2020
Items per page:
0 of 0
Rank Place Population
1 Fargo city 125990
2 Bismarck city 73622
3 Grand Forks city 59166
4 Minot city 48377
5 West Fargo city 38626
6 Williston city 29160
7 Dickinson city 25679
8 Mandan city 24206
9 Jamestown city 15849
10 Wahpeton city 8007
11 Devils Lake city 7192
12 Valley City city 6575
13 Watford City city 6207
14 Minot AFB CDP 5017
15 Lincoln city 4257
16 Grafton city 4170
17 Horace city 3085
18 Beulah city 3058
19 New Town city 2764
20 Rugby city 2509
21 Casselton city 2479
22 Stanley city 2321
23 Hazen city 2281
24 Lisbon city 2204
25 Tioga city 2202
26 Bottineau city 2194
27 Carrington city 2080
28 Grand Forks AFB CDP 2002
29 Langdon city 1909
30 Mayville city 1854
31 Oakes city 1798
32 Harvey city 1650
33 Hillsboro city 1649
34 Belcourt CDP 1510
35 Bowman city 1470
36 Garrison city 1462
37 Park River city 1424
38 New Rockford city 1361
39 Surrey city 1357
40 Mapleton city 1320
41 Washburn city 1300
42 Burlington city 1291
43 Larimore city 1260
44 Cavalier city 1246
45 Rolla city 1223
46 Fort Totten CDP 1160
47 Shell Valley CDP 1146
48 Ellendale city 1125
49 Cando city 1117
50 Thompson city 1101
51 Velva city 1086
52 Hettinger city 1074
53 Linton city 1071
54 Crosby city 1065
55 Belfield city 996
56 Cooperstown city 983
57 Northwood city 982
58 Beach city 981
59 New Salem city 973
60 Kenmare city 961
61 Parshall city 949
62 Killdeer city 939
63 Gwinner city 924
64 Hankinson city 921
65 Walhalla city 893
66 Kindred city 889
67 Enderlin city 881
68 Cannon Ball CDP 864
69 Wishek city 864
70 Harwood city 794
71 Hebron city 794
72 Underwood city 784
73 LaMoure city 764
74 Drayton city 757
75 Napoleon city 749
76 Ray city 740
77 Glen Ullin city 732
78 Wilton city 718
79 Hatton city 712
80 Reile's Acres city 703
81 Mohall city 694
82 Richardton city 692
83 Mandaree CDP 691
84 Lakota city 683
85 New England city 683
86 Steele city 665
87 Mott city 653
88 Dunseith city 632
89 Milnor city 624
90 Minto city 616
91 Ashley city 613
92 Green Acres CDP 605
93 Lidgerwood city 600
94 Center city 588
95 Edgeley city 585
96 Portland city 578
97 Elgin city 543
98 Turtle Lake city 542
99 Pembina city 512
100 Forman city 509
101 East Dunseith CDP 500
102 Four Bears Village CDP 500
103 Berthold city 490
104 Trenton CDP 488
105 Rolette city 484
106 Argusville city 480
107 Towner city 479
108 Fessenden city 462
109 Wyndmere city 454
110 Emerado city 443
111 Leeds city 442
112 Glenburn city 404
113 Maddock city 402
114 Finley city 401
115 South Heart city 394
116 McVille city 392
117 Powers Lake city 385
118 Oxbow city 381
119 Strasburg city 379
120 Manvel city 377
121 Westhope city 374
122 Kulm city 368
123 Stanton city 368
124 White Shield CDP 363
125 Buxton city 348
126 Neche city 344
127 Fairmount city 343
128 Hunter city 332
129 Max city 331
130 Arthur city 328
131 St. Thomas city 323
132 McClusky city 322
133 St. John city 322
134 Alexander city 319
135 Sawyer city 319
136 Bowbells city 301
137 Drake city 292
138 Arnegard city 282
139 Gackle city 281
140 Reynolds city 277
141 Hope city 272
142 Gladstone city 271
143 Tower City city 268
144 Medina city 264
145 Michigan City city 263
146 Walcott city 262
147 Harmon CDP 259
148 Scranton city 258
149 Davenport city 256
150 Carson city 254
151 Leonard city 248
152 Hoople city 247
153 Logan CDP 247
154 Abercrombie city 244
155 Gilby city 243
156 Halliday city 241
157 Granville city 240
158 Lansford city 238
159 Aneta city 234
160 Anamoose city 230
161 Taylor city 230
162 Dunn Center city 227
163 Hazelton city 223
164 Riverdale city 223
165 Grenora city 221
166 Zap city 221
167 New Leipzig city 218
168 Flasher city 217
169 Tappen city 217
170 Plaza city 211
171 Fordville city 207
172 Edinburg city 199
173 Minnewaukan city 199
174 Porcupine CDP 197
175 Buffalo city 195
176 Frontier city 195
177 Apple Valley CDP 194
178 Sherwood city 194
179 Golden Valley city 191
180 Munich city 190
181 Page city 190
182 Grandin city 186
183 Sheyenne city 186
184 Des Lacs city 185
185 Wimbledon city 178
186 Mooreton city 177
187 Fort Yates city 176
188 Colfax city 172
189 Binford city 170
190 Regent city 170
191 Litchville city 169
192 Rutland city 163
193 Petersburg city 162
194 Sanborn city 161
195 Rhame city 158
196 Christine city 151
197 Ruthville CDP 151
198 Streeter city 149
199 Willow City city 149
200 Makoti city 148
201 Kensal city 146
202 Carpio city 144
203 Lignite city 141
204 Columbus city 139
205 Edmore city 139
206 Bowdon city 137
207 Noonan city 137
208 Tolna city 136
209 Upham city 135
210 Wing city 132
211 Gardner city 129
212 Adams city 127
213 Selfridge city 127
214 Hannaford city 126
215 Marion city 125
216 Palermo city 125
217 Portal city 125
218 Reeder city 125
219 Pick City city 123
220 Medora city 121
221 Galesburg city 118
222 Crystal city 116
223 Wildrose city 115
224 Oriska city 114
225 Crary city 113
226 Bisbee city 110
227 Forest River city 109
228 Ypsilanti CDP 109
229 Ryder city 108
230 Goodrich city 106
231 Osnabrock city 105
232 Sykeston city 105
233 Long Creek CDP 104
234 Lankin city 102
235 Marmarth city 101
236 Oberon city 101
237 Almont city 100
238 Starkweather city 100
239 White Earth city 100
240 Spiritwood Lake city 97
241 Newburg city 96
242 Ross city 95
243 Sheldon city 95
244 Deering city 94
245 Glenfield city 94
246 Rocklake city 94
247 Douglas city 93
248 Fingal city 92
249 Wheatland CDP 92
250 Esmond city 91
251 Fort Ransom city 91
252 Dodge city 89
253 Maxbass city 89
254 Pisek city 89
255 Mercer city 88
256 Buchanan city 87
257 Karlsruhe city 87
258 Sharon city 86
259 Amenia city 85
260 Montpelier city 85
261 Epping city 84
262 Golva city 84
263 Zeeland city 82
264 Lehr city 81
265 Dwight city 80
266 Mountain city 80
267 Dazey city 78
268 Menoken CDP 78
269 Brooktree Park CDP 76
270 Donnybrook city 75
271 Pekin city 75
272 Dawson city 74
273 Cogswell city 73
274 East Fairview CDP 73
275 Butte city 70
276 Hague city 70
277 Solen city 70
278 Benedict city 68
279 Driscoll CDP 68
280 Havana city 67
281 Mantador city 67
282 Balta city 66
283 Kathryn city 66
284 Jud city 65
285 Hurdsfield city 64
286 McHenry city 64
287 Martin city 63
288 Fullerton city 62
289 Blacktail CDP 61
290 Sentinel Butte city 61
291 Flaxton city 60
292 Pettibone city 60
293 Tuttle city 60
294 Coleharbor city 59
295 Verona city 59
296 Briarwood city 57
297 Cleveland city 57
298 Foxholm CDP 56
299 Prairie Rose city 56
300 North River city 55
301 Warwick city 55
302 Erie CDP 54
303 Alamo city 53
304 Grace City city 53
305 Nome city 51
306 Great Bend city 49
307 Rogers city 49
308 Bathgate city 47
309 McGregor CDP 47
310 Manning CDP 47
311 Hamilton city 46
312 Niagara city 46
313 Voltaire city 46
314 Woodworth city 44
315 Wolford city 43
316 Dickey city 42
317 Alice city 41
318 Embden CDP 41
319 Landa city 41
320 Pingree city 41
321 Tolley city 41
322 Barney city 40
323 Cayuga city 40
324 Selz CDP 40
325 Milton city 39
326 Fredonia city 38
327 Inkster city 38
328 Caledonia CDP 37
329 Souris city 37
330 Springbrook city 37
331 Courtenay city 36
332 Englevale CDP 36
333 Forbes city 36
334 Robinson city 36
335 Regan city 35
336 Brocket city 34
337 Alsen city 32
338 Egeland city 32
339 Ardoch city 31
340 Auburn CDP 31
341 Berlin city 31
342 Canton City (Hensel) city 31
343 Nekoma city 31
344 Brinsmade city 30
345 Clifford city 30
346 Fairdale city 30
347 Fortuna city 30
348 Monango city 30
349 Hampden city 29
350 Spiritwood CDP 29
351 Leith city 28
352 Luverne city 28
353 Leal city 27
354 De Lamere CDP 25
355 Ambrose city 24
356 Amidon city 24
357 Elliott city 24
358 Gardena city 24
359 Kramer city 24
360 Antler city 22
361 Jessie CDP 22
362 Knox city 22
363 McLeod CDP 22
364 Gascoyne city 21
365 Mylo city 21
366 Venturia city 21
367 Balfour city 20
368 Cathay city 20
369 Sibley city 19
370 Braddock city 18
371 Bucyrus city 18
372 Dahlen CDP 17
373 Sutton CDP 17
374 York city 17
375 Blanchard CDP 16
376 Heimdal CDP 16
377 Sarles city 16
378 Calvin city 15
379 Conway city 15
380 Hansboro city 15
381 Haynes city 15
382 Heil CDP 15
383 Lawton city 15
384 Ludden city 15
385 Raleigh CDP 14
386 Barton CDP 13
387 Denhoff CDP 13
388 Nash CDP 13
389 Pillsbury city 12
390 Ayr city 11
391 Hamberg city 11
392 Bergen city 10
393 Loma city 10
394 Overly city 10
395 Wales city 10
396 Churchs Ferry city 9
397 Grano city 9
398 Larson CDP 9
399 Loraine city 9
400 Calio city 8
401 Hannah city 8
402 Kief city 8
403 Orrin CDP 7
404 Bantry city 6
405 Perth city 6
406 Ruso city 1